The next Virgo will start in 165 days (Saturday, 23 August, 2025, 12:23 UTC)

The Moon is currently in Virgo

Mercury moves to Virgo in 176 days (Wednesday, 03 September, 2025, 12:23 UTC)

Venus moves to Virgo in 193 days (Saturday, 20 September, 2025, 12:23 UTC)

Mars moves to Virgo in 98 days (Tuesday, 17 June, 2025, 12:23 UTC)

The Moon

Moon In Virgo

Details! It's all about details when the moon is in Virgo. Focus and get it done, especially in your professional life. Pay attention to the everyday things. Organize, plan and execute. Because Virgo loves order and tidy spaces, you’ll feel compelled to organize your living spaces during this Virgo Moon transit. Do it! Then work on your projects, as the Moon's Virgo transit is going to give you the clarity of thought you're after.

When the Moon is in Virgo, you may feel more motivated to take your health more seriously. You might find yourself re-evaluating your diet and nutrition, or possibly taking up a new fitness program. Get out there and make it so!

Virgo Report

"Virgo Under the Microscope: A Week of Cosmic Comedy, Quantum Quandaries, and Star-Studded Serendipity!"

The next Virgo will start in 302 days, at Friday, 23 August, 2024

The Moon moves to Virgo in 12 days, at Tuesday, 07 November, 2023

Mercury moves to Virgo in 274 days, at Friday, 26 July, 2024

Venus is currently in Virgo

The Waxing Gibbous moon is currently 12 days old. The next new moon is at 9:27:15, 13 Nov 2023. The next full moon is at 9:16:41, 27 Nov 2023.

Hello, Virgo! Buckle up because your ruling planet Mercury just got its socks knocked off with Venus sliding into your sign like a DM on Instagram. You might feel a bit like the awkward nerd at a party, trying to explain how time is a flat circle while everyone else is dancing to the latest TikTok hit. But embrace it! This is your moment to shine brighter than Sirius in the night sky. Your love life? Well, let's just say, with Venus in Virgo, you're about to experience more action than a Star Trek marathon. Get ready for some serious cosmic flirtation that could lead to a big bang. Just remember, no one likes a know-it-all, even if you can explain the intricacies of quantum physics. In terms of work, your attention to detail is going to make you stand out like a supernova in a sea of ordinary stars. Just be careful not to overanalyze things. Remember, not every asteroid needs a detailed mineral composition report. Sometimes, it's okay to say, "Yep, that's a rock." Healthwise, you might be feeling as energized as a freshly charged Tesla coil. But don't forget to chill out and recharge your batteries. Your body isn't a perpetual motion machine, despite what your late-night research may have led you to believe. So, Virgo, get ready for a week that's as unpredictable as Schrödinger's cat. Remember, life's a journey, not a destination. So, enjoy the ride, even if it's a little bumpy! #VirgoVibes #NerdAlert #AstrologyHumor #CosmicFlirtation #WaxingGibbousGiggles #VenusInVirgo #SchrodingersCatGotYourTongue


SignToday Is Posting: 26.10.2023 07:52:02 (vir-26-10-2023)

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