The next Virgo will start in 165 days (Saturday, 23 August, 2025, 12:23 UTC)

The Moon is currently in Virgo

Mercury moves to Virgo in 176 days (Wednesday, 03 September, 2025, 12:23 UTC)

Venus moves to Virgo in 193 days (Saturday, 20 September, 2025, 12:23 UTC)

Mars moves to Virgo in 98 days (Tuesday, 17 June, 2025, 12:23 UTC)

The Moon

Moon In Virgo

Details! It's all about details when the moon is in Virgo. Focus and get it done, especially in your professional life. Pay attention to the everyday things. Organize, plan and execute. Because Virgo loves order and tidy spaces, you’ll feel compelled to organize your living spaces during this Virgo Moon transit. Do it! Then work on your projects, as the Moon's Virgo transit is going to give you the clarity of thought you're after.

When the Moon is in Virgo, you may feel more motivated to take your health more seriously. You might find yourself re-evaluating your diet and nutrition, or possibly taking up a new fitness program. Get out there and make it so!

Virgo Report

"Virgo, Buckle Up! Mercury Retrogrades and Your Excel Spreadsheets Might Just Start Dating Each Other!"

The next Virgo will start in 198 days, at Friday, 23 August, 2024

The Moon moves to Virgo in 17 days, at Saturday, 24 February, 2024

Mercury moves to Virgo in 170 days, at Friday, 26 July, 2024

Venus moves to Virgo in 180 days, at Monday, 05 August, 2024

The Waning Crescent moon is currently 26.5 days old. The next new moon is at 23:00:44, 9 Feb 2024. The next full moon is at 12:31:19, 24 Feb 2024.

Good day, earthlings, especially the lovely Virgos out there! It seems the universe has some intergalactic intel to share with you. Our Waning Crescent moon, at the ripe age of 26.5 days, has a message more potent than a morning cup of cosmic coffee. Let's dive into the celestial soup and see what we've got. Your ruling planet Mercury is currently playing hide and seek with the sun, which is as exciting as finding your lost sock behind the washing machine. In other words, Virgo, you might have to dig deep, maybe even reach behind a metaphorical laundry unit, to find what you're looking for. The Full Moon is gearing up its lunar engines for 12:31:19, 24 Feb 2024. Mark that date, dear Virgos, because it's like the universe's version of a blockbuster movie release. Expect big feelings, popcorn-worthy life events, and maybe even a plot twist or two! This period calls for a blend of your inner Spock and Woodstock. Logic and love, science and spirituality, nerdiness and flower power - balance these and you'll navigate this cosmic rollercoaster like a pro. Remember, it's not about the destination, it's about the journey... and how many alien languages you can learn on the way. Here's a hashtag forecast for you: #VirgoVoyage #CosmicCoffee #SpaceSockSearch #MoonMovieNight #SpockStockBalance Stay stellar, Virgos. And remember, every day is a good day when you're not being chased by a black hole!


SignToday Is Posting: 07.02.2024 07:52:01 (vir-07-02-2024)

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