The next Virgo will start in 165 days (Saturday, 23 August, 2025, 12:23 UTC)

The Moon is currently in Virgo

Mercury moves to Virgo in 176 days (Wednesday, 03 September, 2025, 12:23 UTC)

Venus moves to Virgo in 193 days (Saturday, 20 September, 2025, 12:23 UTC)

Mars moves to Virgo in 98 days (Tuesday, 17 June, 2025, 12:23 UTC)

The Moon

Moon In Virgo

Details! It's all about details when the moon is in Virgo. Focus and get it done, especially in your professional life. Pay attention to the everyday things. Organize, plan and execute. Because Virgo loves order and tidy spaces, you’ll feel compelled to organize your living spaces during this Virgo Moon transit. Do it! Then work on your projects, as the Moon's Virgo transit is going to give you the clarity of thought you're after.

When the Moon is in Virgo, you may feel more motivated to take your health more seriously. You might find yourself re-evaluating your diet and nutrition, or possibly taking up a new fitness program. Get out there and make it so!

Virgo Report

"VIRGO: Prepare for the Universe to Tidy up Your Mess! (No, Really, Your Room is a Disaster, Clean it Up)"

The next Virgo will start in 262 days, at Friday, 23 August, 2024

The moon is currently in Virgo

Mercury moves to Virgo in 234 days, at Friday, 26 July, 2024

Venus moves to Virgo in 244 days, at Monday, 05 August, 2024

The Third Quarter moon is currently 22.2 days old. The next new moon is at 23:32:07, 12 Dec 2023. The next full moon is at 0:33:43, 27 Dec 2023.

Hello there, all you lovely Virgos! It's your favorite star-gazing, time-traveling astrologer here, dialing in straight from the TARDIS. Now, don't go getting your sonic screwdrivers in a twist, but your sign is all lit up like a Dalek on the warpath! With the moon lounging about in Virgo and its Third Quarter phase hanging about at 22.2 days old - yes, I did the math, because science - things are looking rather interesting for you. You see, when the moon decides to take a cosmic vacation in your sign, it's sort of like having the Doctor pop by for tea. Unexpected, a bit chaotic, but ultimately, quite enlightening. Expect to feel an enhanced sense of logic and practicality, all wrapped up in a bow tie (because bow ties are cool). Your attention to detail will be sharper than a Cyberman's edges, and your need for precision might feel as relentless as a Weeping Angel in a dark room. (Don't blink!) But remember, dear Virgos, just because you prefer facts to fiction, doesn't mean you can't indulge in a little whimsy. Take some time to enjoy the beauty around you - marvel at the stars, appreciate the complexity of a flower, or simply savor a good cup of tea. Don't let your analytical mind zap the joy out of life. After all, even Time Lords know when to set aside their sonic screwdrivers and have a good laugh. So, remember to loosen up, bristle a little less, and dance like no one's watching - or like you've just defeated another planet-threatening alien race! Until next time, stay cosmic, my friends. And remember: in this vast and mysterious universe, everyone's a little bit weird, so embrace your inner oddball and let your Virgo flag fly! #VirgoVibes #MoonInVirgo #BowTiesAreCool #DoctorWhoAstrology #EmbraceYourOddball


SignToday Is Posting: 05.12.2023 07:52:01 (vir-05-12-2023)

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