The Sky This Week, 2022 March 29 - April 4

The Leo Triplet of galaxies, imaged 2022 March 27 from Mollusk, Virginia
The "Leo Triplet" of galaxies, NGC3628 (left), Messier 65 & 66 (right, top & bottom), imaged 2022 March 27 from Mollusk, Virginia
with an Explore Scientific AR102 10.2-cm (4-inch) f/6,5 refractor, Celestron AVX equatorial mount,
and a ZWO Optical ASI183MC CMOS imager. These galaxies are about 35 million light-years away.

The Moon returns to the evening sky by the end of the week.  The first of April’s two New Moons occurs on the 1st at 2:24 am Eastern Daylight Time.  You should be able to see the slender crescent Moon in the western sky in the deepening twilight on the evening of the 2nd.  If you want a true observing challenge, try to spot the hairline lunar crescent just above the western horizon on the 1st.  Luna will only be 18 hours past New for observers on the east coast of the U.S., and you might need binoculars to spot her.  You will need to have a clear evening and a flat western horizon as the crescent will only be two degrees above the horizon some 20 minutes after sunset.  Observers on the west coast will have a somewhat better chance to see this very young crescent since they will have an ocean horizon and the Moon will be slightly higher in the fading twilight.  Luna quickly climbs into the evening sky, and you will find her cozying up to the Pleiades star cluster on the evening of the 4th.

You still have a few nights to contribute observations to the Globe at Night citizen-science program.  As we mentioned last week, the target constellation is Leo, the Lion, which is high in the eastern sky by 10:00 pm local time.  Leo’s outline should be easy to find from semi-rural skies, and his brightest stars should be visible from the suburbs in the absence of direct night lighting.  I had a chance to see him in all of his regal feline glory this past weekend from Virginia’s Northern Neck, and I submitted an observing report to the Globe at Night web app using my smart phone while out with my telescope.  The current campaign runs through the 2nd, so you still have a few chances to make your own contribution to science in the crisp of a spring night.

Winter’s bright constellations are still prominent in the western sky as evening twilight fades to night.  The distinctive pattern of Orion is well-placed in the southwestern sky at 9:00 pm, and his bright companion stars are still easy to spot.  If you have binoculars or a small low-power telescope, sweep the area between Orion and the bright yellow star Capella in Auriga where you will find a number of bright star clusters.  Another good hunting ground for these is the area bounded by the stars Betelgeuse in Orion, Sirius in Canis Major, and Procyon in Canis Minor.  Here you will find a faint region of the Milky Way and the obscure constellation of Monoceros, the Unicorn.

As Leo moves to the meridian by midnight, the star clusters and nebulae of the winter sky are replaced by fuzzy objects of an entirely different nature.  The area bounded by Denebola, the “tail” of Leo, the bright rose-tinted star Arcturus, and the bright blue star Spica is speckled with hundreds of external galaxies that belong to the Virgo Galaxy Cluster.  Several dozen of the brighter ones can be seen inn small telescopes, and larger apertures reveal several hundred more.  The heart of the cluster is located about 50 million light years away from us, but we still “feel” its influence.  Our Milky Way galaxy is a far-flung member of cluster.

Between us and the Virgo cluster is a scattered group of faint stars that can only be easily seen under dark skies.  Its brightest stars are only of fourth magnitude in brightness, but up to 60 stars may be glimpsed far from urban areas.  The group has been recognized since the time of Ptolemy as the constellation Coma Berenices, the Hair of Queen Berenice, which she offered as a sacrifice for the safe return of her husband from battle in 245 BCE.  About 50 of the visible stars are part of a star cluster located 290 light-years away.

The bright planets are still clustered in the pre-dawn sky, visible in the southeast as morning twilight begins to brighten the sky.  Venus leads the parade, beaming brightly through the gradual increase in sky brightness.  Trailing a few degrees to the right of Venus is ruddy Mars, and in between the two is the yellow glow of Saturn.  Watch mars close in on Saturn by the end of the week.  On the morning of the 5th they will be less than half a degree apart.

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The Sky This Week, 2022 March 22 - 29

NGC 2903, a barred spiral galaxy in Leo, imaged 2022 March 22 from Alexandria, Virginia
NGC 2903, a barred spiral galaxy in Leo, imaged 2022 March 22 from Shoestring Observatory, Alexandria, Virginia
with an Explore Scientific AR102 10.2-cm (4-inch) f/6,5 refractor, iOptron AZMP alt-azimuth mount,
and a ZWO Optical ASI183MC CMOS imager. This galaxy is an outlier of the Virgo Galaxy Cluster.
It is about 30 million light-years away.

The Moon spends the week drifting along the southern reaches of the ecliptic, keeping company with the rising stars of summer in the early morning skies.  Last Quarter occurs on the 25th at 1:37 am Eastern Daylight Time.  Luna may be found just north of the bright star Antares in Scorpius on the morning of the 23rd.  On the 25th she sits in the middle of the “Teapot” asterism in Sagittarius.  If you have to choose one morning to rise well before the Sun this week it should be the morning of the 28th.  At that time the Moon’s waning crescent will be grouped with the planets Venus, Mars, and Saturn in the southeastern part of the sky.  This will be one of the best such groupings to occur in 2022.

The absence of the Moon from the evening sky signifies that it’s time for the March campaign for the citizen-science program, Globe at Night.  This program aims to engage people to be more aware of the state of the night and the growing threat of light pollution.  Now entering its 13th year, the program solicits simple naked-eye observations of the sky from the public.  So far this year over 3500 observations have been logged on the Globe at Night website, and it is hoped that by the end of the year the number of reports will surpass the 25,000+ recorded in 2021.  This month’s featured constellation is Leo, the Lion, which may be found high in the eastern sky at the end of evening twilight.  Leo consists of two distinct asterisms, the first of which is anchored by the bright star Regulus.  To the north of this star you will see a semi-circle of second- and third-magnitude stars that make up a figure commonly called “The Sickle”.  Some 15 degrees to the east of the Sickle is a right triangle whose acute angle is marked by the second-magnitude star Denebola.  Once you have found Leo, compare your view to the charts on the Globe at Night web app to record your observation.

Leo leads a group of stars that mark the transition from winter’s bright constellations to those of summer.  This part of the sky has relatively few bright stars because we are looking away from the plane of the Milky Way, our home galaxy.  Instead of seeing the layered star clouds of the Milky Way, when we look in the direction of these springtime constellations our gaze takes us into deep intergalactic space.  The spring sky has relatively few star clusters and glowing nebulae, but it abounds in external galaxies, of which several hundred are visible with modest telescopes under dark skies.  The vast majority of these galaxies are part of a group known as the Virgo Galaxy Cluster, with our own Milky Way a far-flung outlying member.  The core of this supercluster is dominated by three enormous elliptical galaxies that harbor the equivalent mass of over one trillion (yes, with a “t”) Suns.  These systems are so massive that they have distorted many of their nearby companions through tidal forces.  Fortunately for us, they are about 55 million light-years away.  While the Milky Way does feel some of their gravitational muscle, we’re far enough away from them to not feel their more catastrophic effects.  

The Virgo Galaxy Cluster covers a large area of the sky, loosely bounded by Denebola in Leo, the bright stars Arcturus and Spica, and the stars that form the “handle” of the Big Dipper asterism.  If you point a six-inch or larger telescope anywhere within this area from a dark-sky site the odds are that you will notice several fuzzy swatches of light in the eyepiece.  In and of themselves they are not very spectacular, but when you realize that you are looking at the combined light of a few hundred billion stars shining across a gulf of space and time you may begin to realize just how vast the universe is.

As we mentioned earlier, the early morning sky is where you will find all of the brighter planets this week.  Dazzling Venus and nearby ruddy Mars will continue to march eastward against the stars, and by the end of the week Venus will approach the golden glow of Saturn.  Capping off the week is the arrival of the slender waning crescent Moon.  Weather permitting, I’ll be outside watching the show.

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The Sky This Week, 2022 March 15 - 22

Orion and contrails, imaged 2021 March 14 from Alexandria, Virginia
Orion and contrails, imaged 2021 March 14 from Alexandria, Virginia
with a Canon EOS Rebel SL2 DSLR.

The Moon wends her way into the rising stars of spring, starting the week in the constellation of Leo, the Lion, then passing through the sprawling constellation of Virgo before ending the week in the obscure stars of Libra.  Full Moon occurs on the 18th at 3:18 am Eastern Daylight Time.  The Full Moon of March goes by many names, each of which pays homage to the arrival of boreal spring.  The most common name is the Worm Moon, as earthworms are stirring in the thawing soil as the Sun warms the ground.  It is also known as the Crow Moon, Plough Moon, and Sap Moon.  Look for the second-magnitude star Porrima near the rising Moon on the evening of the 18th.  Luna will inch closer to the star as the evening turns into the morning of the 19th, hiding the star for observers in Virginia and points north.  On the following night the Moon rises with the bright star Spica.

The vernal equinox occurs on the 20th at 11:33 am EDT.  At that moment the Sun reaches an ecliptic longitude of zero degrees.  It is also the time when the center of the Sun’s disc crosses the celestial equator into the northern half of the sky.  Residents of the Amazon River delta will see the Sun directly overhead at this time.                                                      

While the equinoxes mark the beginning of a season, they are also the times when we see the most rapid change in the length of daylight in both spring and autumn.  For those of us coming out of the long nights of winter, the Sun’s northerly excursion adds just over 2.5 minutes of light to the length of each successive day.  The flip side of this is that the nights are becoming successively shorter, hastening the departure of winter’s constellations.  Daylight Time has given the stars of winter a brief reprieve, but if you want to enjoy the bright stars off Orion you only have a few more weeks before he leaves the dark night sky.  This week he sets at midnight local time. 

As Orion and his bright winter cohorts exit the sky, they are replaced by somewhat dimmer stars that form some familiar patterns.  High in the northeast is where you will find the seven stars that make up the asterism known as the Big Dipper.  After Orion, this is probably the most recognized star pattern in the northern hemisphere sky.  While its stars are generally of second magnitude, they are visible from near-urban locales.  Under dark-sky conditions, the Big Dipper appears in the context of its full constellation of Ursa Major, the Great Bear.  The two stars that form the end of the Dipper’s “bowl” provide a convenient signpost to locate other springtime stars.  If you draw an imaginary line from these stars toward the north, you will run into Polaris, the North Star.  Extending the same line to the south will guide you to Regulus, the brightest star in Leo, the Lion.  I always look forward to seeing these two constellations since they offer a variety of targets for small telescopes.  

Late in the evening another springtime feature rises in the northeast.  If you follow the “arc” of the “handle” of the Big Dipper you will find the solitary bright star Arcturus, whose rosy tint has always been a sure sign of warmer evenings for me.  Arcturus is the brightest star in the northern hemisphere sky and fourth-brightest in the entire heavens.  It is the brightest luminary in the constellation of Boötes, the Herdsman.  Most of the constellation is made up of fainter stars, but from a dark site it reminds me of an ice cream cone, a sure harbinger of warmer weather to come.

Early risers have a good reason to get up before the Sun as the bright planets are gathering in the southeast as morning twilight begins to brighten the horizon.  You should have no trouble spotting Venus, which blazes away in the star-poor regions of Capricornus.  Just southwest of Venus is ruddy Mars, which should be an easy target for binoculars in the brightening sky.  Both Venus and Mars are drawing a bead on Saturn, whose yellow hue should be brighter than Mars.  The trio will continue to converge over the next couple of weeks and will be joined by the waning crescent Moon before dawn on the 28th.

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The Sky This Week, 2022 March 8 - 15

Orion Through The Trees, imaged 2019 February 16 from Mollusk, Virginia
Orion Through The Trees, imaged 2019 February 16 from Mollusk, Virginia
with a Canon EOS Rebel SL2 DSLR.

The Moon brightens the evening hours this week, waxing from her First Quarter phase to a fat gibbous by the week's end.  Luna begins the week situated between the bright star Aldebaran and the Pleiades star cluster in the constellation of Taurus, the Bull.  She then wends her way into the northern reaches of the Great Winter Circle, passing near the Twin Stars of Gemini, Castor and Pollux.  By the end of the week she enters the realm of the springtime constellations.  On the 15th the Moon will be a few degrees north of the bright star Regulus in Leo.  If you have binoculars or a small telescope you can watch Luna occult the third-magnitude star Eta Leonis I the early evening of the 15th.  The star will disappear behind the Moon's dark limb at 7:46 pm Eastern Daylight Time, then re-appear on the bright limb at 10:32 pm EDT.

Yes, you read that correctly.  This is the week when most of us in the U.S. set our clocks ahead by one hour and begin to observe Daylight Time.  Residents of Arizona and Hawai'i are the only folks who don't participate in this annual ritual.  Technically the change occurs at 2:00 am local time on the 13th.     

Like it or not, the observance of Daylight Time is specified in the laws of the land.  U.S. Code Title 15, Chapter 6, Subchapter IX spells it out in detail.  The history of Daylight Time in the U.S. goes back to 1918, when it was first enacted by Congress as an energy-saving strategy in World War I.  It was so unpopular that the law was repealed in 1919, when the decision to implement it was left up to state and local jurisdiction.  It was next implemented nationwide by an executive order from President Franklin Roosevelt on February 9, 1942, and remained in effect through the course of World War II, ending on September 30, 1945.  Once again, Daylight Time became a local matter until 1966, when Congress passed the Uniform Time Act, specifying the use of Daylight Time for the nation.  At this juncture states were given the option to remain on Standard Time year-round.  Arizona voted to do so, while in Hawai'i there was no need to do so due to its tropical latitude.  Recently many states have passed legislation to observe either Daylight Time or Standard Time year-round, but Congress will need to approve these measures before they become law.

The waxing Moon gradually brightens the sky as the week passes.  Fortunately, the early evening sky is still dominated by the bright stars of winter, which gives us something else to enjoy once we've perused Luna's battered face.  A small telescope is well-suited for lunar exploration, and it's also a great way to look at the brighter stars.  The stars Betelgeuse in Orion and Aldebaran in Taurus glow with a ruddy amber tint, while Capella, northernmost star in the Great Winter Circle, shows a pleasing yellow hue.  Rigel and Orion's three "Belt Stars" have icy blue colors.  Sirius, the brightest star in the night sky, offers a particularly interesting view.  Its dazzle, concentrated in a pinpoint, seems to flicker through all the colors of the rainbow as atmospheric turbulence bends its incoming light.

The one advantage that I find in the switch to Daylight Time is that I don't have to get up early in the morning to catch the antics of the rising morning planets.  Bright Venus should be an easy target in the southwestern sky an hour before sunrise.  Look just a few degrees below the dazzling planet to spot the dimmer ruddy glow of Mars.  These two planets will gradually draw closer together as they glide in tandem eastward through the stars of Capricornus.  As twilight begins to brighten the sky the yellow glow of Saturn should become apparent.  All three planets will converge during the last week of March.


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The Sky This Week, 2022 March 1 - 8

The Moon and earthshine, imaged 2018 January 20 from Alexandria, Virginia
The Moon and Earthshine, imaged 2018 January 20 from Alexandria, Virginia
with an Explore Scientific AR102 10.2-cm (4-inch) f/6.5 refractor and a Canon EOS Rebel SL2 DSLR.

The Moon returns to the evening sky this week, waxing through her crescent phases as she wends her way toward the bright constellations of winter.  First Quarter occurs on the 10th at 5:45 am Eastern Standard Time.  As Luna passes through her crescent phases look for the phenomenon known as “earthshine”, where the part of the Moon’s disc that’s not in direct sunlight glimmers with a pale bluish tint.  This glow is actually a reflection of ourselves, caused by sunlight reflecting off our blue home planet and faintly illuminating the Moon’s “night” side.  On the evening of the 8th look for the Pleiades star cluster a few degrees northwest of the Moon.  Can you still discern the earthshine that night?

Most of us are familiar with the expression “March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb”.  This expression aptly describes the fluctuation of weather conditions in the northeastern U.S., where it can be cold and blustery one day and balmy the next.  However, as with many such sayings, there is an astronomical connection as well.  As evening twilight fades, the bright stars of winter still dominate the sky as the meridian splits the Great Winter Circle.  However, quietly entering the sky in the east is the leader of the springtime constellations, the bright star Regulus.  Unlike its winter companions, Regulus stands alone as the brighter stars initially command your attention, but as the night passes Regulus steadfastly climbs toward a place of prominence.  Regulus, which translates from Latin origins as “Little King” is the brightest star in the constellation of Leo, the Lion, and for me is one of the sure signs of the coming spring.  From suburban skies you may notice an arc of stars above Regulus that form a semicircle that outlines the regal head of the Lion.  These stars form an asterism with Regulus known as the “The Sickle”, and, together with a right triangle of fainter stars to the east, outline a reasonable facsimile of a crouching beast.  Leo is another ancient constellation, venerated by the ancient Egyptians as yet another embodiment of the Sun god and depicted as a lion on the famous astrological ceiling in the Temple of Denderah.  Babylonian astronomers recorded the position of Regulus in 2100 BCE, and two millennia later the Greek astronomer Hipparchus used these observations to discover the 26,000-year cycle of precession of the equinoxes.  In Greek mythology, Leo represented the Memaean Lion, slain by Hercules as one of his twelve labors.

Leo has a number of interesting sights for the owners of modest telescopes.  While the bright winter constellations are rife with colorful stars, star clusters, and gaseous “nebulae”, the spring skies, led by Leo, offer views of distant external galaxies and colorful double stars.  One of my favorite double stars lies about 8 degrees north of Regulus.  Here you will find Leo’s second-brightest star Algieba, which shines with a slight yellow hue.  Through a small telescope it resolves into a close pair of gold-tinted stars whose colors have a striking saturation.  Under dark skies an 8-inch aperture telescope will reveal a small cluster of galaxies just two degrees north of Algieba.  With a simple nudge of the telescope your view will expand from about 130 light-years for the star to 80 million light-years for the galaxies.

The bright planets are all gathering in the pre-dawn sky this week.  Dazzling Venus and dimmer ruddy Mars continue to move in concert, both rising at around 4:30 am local time.  They should be easy to spot by 6:00 am in the southeast.  

Closer to the southeast horizon try to catch a glimpse of fleet Mercury and distant Saturn.  You will ideally need an ocean horizon to get a good view, but a low, flat view to the southeast half an hour before sunrise should reveal the pair.  Mercury will be just over half a degree south of Saturn and a bit brighter on the morning of the 2nd; use binoculars to try to spot the pair.

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The Sky This Week, 2022 February 22 - March 1

Messier 42, the Great Nebula in Orion, imaged from Alexandria, Virginia, 2022 February 21
Messier 42, the Great Nebula in Orion, imaged from Alexandria, Virginia, 2022 February 21
with an Explore Scientific AR102 10.2-cm (4-inch) f/6.5 refractor and a ZWO ASI183MC CMOS imager.

The Moon retreats to the morning sky this week, waning from Last Quarter as she dives to the southernmost reaches of the ecliptic.  New Moon occurs on March 2nd at 12:35 pm Eastern Standard Time.  If you are up before the Sun you will have some interesting sight to see as morning twilight begins to brighten the sky.  On the morning of the 24th you’ll find the Moon just three degrees northeast of the bright star Antares in Scorpius.  On the 27th Luna, Venus, and ruddy Mars greet early risers with an attractive grouping in the southeastern sky.

The Moon’s absence from the evening sky means that it’s time for the February observing campaign for the Globe at Night citizen science program.  The target constellation for February is Orion, which is high in the southern sky, crossing the meridian at 7:30 pm local time.  Orion is the easiest constellation to view in the program, with his distinctive outline visible from just about anywhere, including the centers of light polluted cities.  The basic idea of Globe at Night is to have people look at a patch of the night sky centered on a familiar constellation, then use the online star charts to determine the faintest stars that you can see from your location.  Choose a clear night and try to view the sky from a location away from the direct glare of artificial light sources.  Let your eyes adapt to the darkness for at least 10 minutes before you look at the sky.  Report your observations on the Globe at Night web app.  In 2021 over 25,000 observations were recorded from all 50 states and 90 countries around the world.  

We have reached a time of year when we can observe two constellations on opposite sides of the sky that share both physical and mythological characteristics.  We have already mentioned Orion in past editions of “The Sky This Week”.  This constellation is known for its red supergiant star Betelgeuse and it bright, blue-tinted companion stars.  These blue stars are part of what is known as an “O-B Association”, a physically bound group of very young, energetic stars of spectral types O and B that have a common origin.  The site of their birth is the Great Nebula, which can be easily seen in binoculars as a small fuzzy patch in the asterism known as The Sword.  Halfway around the sky, and now rising in the southeast before the beginning of morning twilight, is the red-tinted star Antares, the brightest star in the constellation of Scorpius, the Scorpion.  It, too, is a red supergiant star, and it is surrounded by bright blue stars that form another O-B association.  These physical similarities are remarkable in their own right, but the two constellations are also linked in the Greco-Roman mythology that defines our sky lore.  According to these traditions, Orion was a half-mortal demi-god gifted with extraordinary hunting prowess.  At one time he boasted that he could kill any animal on Earth.  This claim angered Gaia, the Earth Goddess, who decided to teach the brash Orion a lesson.  She sent a lowly scorpion to kill him, and almost succeeded.  The scorpion stung Orion on his foot, and he came perilously close to death before being saved by Ophiuchus, the Serpent Bearer, identified by the Romans as the healer Asclepius.  When Zeus placed the participants in the sky, he put them on opposite sides of the sky so they would never encounter each other again.

All of the bright planetary action now takes place in the pre-dawn sky.   Venus is the most prominent object in the early morning hours, blazing away over the southeastern horizon.  She rises at around 4:15 am local time and is easily seen as morning twilight gathers.

Just to the south of Venus is ruddy Mars.  While Venus dazzles, Mars is much more subdued.  He is best identified by his pale reddish hue.  He seems to track Venus as both planets move eastward against the stars, and over the course of the week they inch closer together.  Get up early on the morning of the 27th to see a beautiful grouping of Venus, Mars, and the waning crescent Moon.

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The Sky This Week, 2022 February 15 - 22

The Big Dipper, imaged 2019 February 16 from Mollusk, Virginia
The Big Dipper standing on its "handle", imaged 2019 February 16 from Mollusk, Virginia
with a Canon EOS Rebel SL2 DSLR.

The Moon begins the week beaming down from her perch among the stars of Leo, the Lion.  She wanes from her full phase to Last Quarter, which occurs on the 23rd at 5:32 pm Eastern Standard Time.  As Luna’s phase wanes she dives southward along the ecliptic, passing through the rising constellations of spring. 

The Full Moon washes out all but the brightest stars as the week begins.  Fortunately, the early evening hours are dominated by the bright stars and constellations of the Great Winter Circle.  Orion and his bright, colorful cohorts cross the meridian at 8:00pm.  No matter how bright the sky appears, the stars of this region provide a splendid start to an evening’s stargazing.  Orion’s distinctive shape and his placement straddling the celestial equator have made him the most recognized constellation we see in the sky.  He is visible from every inhabited part of the Earth, and his outline figures prominently in the sky lore of virtually every culture that has turned its collective gaze skyward.  To the ancient Egyptians he represented Sahu, the immortal soul of Osiris, god of the Underworld.  A wonderful depiction of Sahu, followed by the star Sothis (which we now call Sirius) may be found in the famous “Zodiac of Denderah” that once graced the walls of the temple of the goddess Hathor at that site.  The temple is some 2500 years old, but it is based on sky lore that pre-dates the temple by 2000 years, where we find descriptions of Sahu linked with the souls of deceased pharaohs from Egypt’s earliest dynasties.

Orion’s stars shine with an icy blue tint with the exception of Betelgeuse, which marks Orion’s shoulder.  A casual glance will show a distinctive reddish tint to Betelgeuse, which we now know indicates a relatively cool surface temperature compared to its cohorts.  Betelgeuse is the brightest of a class of stars known as red supergiant stars, which are highly evolved and nearing the end of their lifetimes.  Most of the other stars in Orion are blue supergiants, which are comparatively young in their evolution.  These stars are highly luminous, shining with the equivalent energy of many thousands of Suns, and for the most part they are thousands of light-years away.  Orion’s stars seem to have originated in the Great Orion Nebula, which is one of the largest star-forming regions in our galaxy.

While Orion dominates the early evening hours, another familiar star pattern begins to become prominent in the northeastern part of the sky.  The asterism that we call the “Big Dipper” seems to stand on its “handle” as the night progresses, and when I see it I’m assured that spring is not too far in the future.  Although it doesn’t sport the blazing stars of Orion, the seven stars that make up the Dipper asterism still form a shape that is instantly recognized by residents of the Northern Hemisphere.  Like Orion, the Dipper is associated with the sky lore of many ancient peoples.  It was a central focus of many Native American cultures which used its annual excursions around the north celestial pole as a calendar to time their agricultural activities.  In the Greco-Roman skylore that forms the basis of our constellations the Dipper formed part of the larger constellation Ursa Major, the Great Bear.  Interestingly, it also represented a bear to some indigenous North American cultures.

This will most likely be the last week that we will see Jupiter in the evening sky until late June.  The giant planet now wallows in twilight and sets within an hour of sunset as the week begins.  By next week Old Jove sets  a bit more than half an hour after the Sun.

Venus is now very prominent in the pre-dawn sky, rising in the southeast at around 4:30 am.  By 6:00 she is well above the tree line and can be easily picked out in the gathering twilight.

Mars accompanies Venus in the morning twilight, but he is pale by comparison to his dazzling neighbor.  You will probably need binoculars if you try to find him in the brightening twilight, but he shouldn’t be too hard to see just south of his blazing companion.

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The Sky This Week, 2022 February 8 - 15

The Moon, imaged 2021 April 20, 01:31 UT from Alexandria, Virginia
The Moon, imaged 2021 April 20, 01:31 UT from Alexandria, Virginia
with an Explore Scientific AR102 10.2-cm (4-inch) f/6.5 refractor, Antares 1.6X Barlow lens, and a ZWO ASI224MC CCD imager.

The Moon waxes as she arcs through the stars of the Great Winter Circle this week.  Full Moon occurs on the 16th at 11:56 am Eastern Standard Time.  February’s Full Moon is popularly known as the Snow Moon, since February is typically the snowiest month of boreal winters.  Abundant snow and cold temperatures also impact provisions stored for the season, so another name is the Hunger Moon.  On the evening of the 9th you will find the Moon between the ruddy star Aldebaran and the Pleiades star cluster; on the 13th she passes close to Pollux, the brighter star of the Gemini twins.

Although February is the year’s shortest month, it is the one when most of us really begin to notice the increasing length of daylight.  This week the length of day is one hour longer than it was back on the winter solstice, and we tack on nearly another hour by the month’s end.  On average each day is about two and a half minutes longer than its predecessor, and this rate will be maintained through the upcoming equinox in March.  If you enjoy early evening stargazing, take advantage of the next few weeks.  The switch to Daylight Time will happen on March 13.

This is a great week to take long, leisurely looks at our only natural satellite, the Moon.  I often say the Luna is “looked over, then overlooked” by neophyte astronomers.  It is often the first target that new telescope owners look at, but often that first look is rarely followed up.  The Moon’s surface is frozen in geological time; it has hardly changed over the course of the last billion years.  However, these features offer a testament to the violent beginnings of the solar system itself.  The large, seemingly flat features dubbed “seas” by early telescopic observers are the remnants of colossal collisions with planet-sized objects that abounded in the formative days of our planetary system.  These collisions allowed molten rock from the proto-Moon’s interior to flood large areas of its surface.  The brighter “highland” terrain provides a record of the ferocity of this early bombardment as countless smaller “planetessimals” pockmarked the surface shoulder-to-shoulder.  As the terminator line slowly moves across the Moon’s face these features are gradually revealed, and it is always interesting to examine them as the lighting conditions change.  What I enjoy in my evenings with the Moon is the sheer number of these ancient scars of violent formation, and the uniqueness of each one.

As the Moon brightens, though, she washes out the fainter stars of the night sky.  Fortunately, about one third of the brightest stars in the night occupy this part of the sky, so the Moon won’t be the only thing to attract your attention.  As much as I enjoy looking at the Moon through my smaller telescope, sweeping past all of the bright stars of the Great Winter Circle is also a rewarding experience.  Starting with the bright stars of Orion, then moving around the circle counter-clockwise, each star shines like a brilliant gemstone.  Betelgeuse and Aldebaran remind me of garnets, Capella is a blazing point of amber, while Rigel and Sirius are dazzling sapphires.

Jupiter can still be seen shortly after sunset in the southwest, but he beats a hasty retreat before the end of evening twilight, setting at around 7:00 pm.  He will disappear by the end of the month, passing behind the Sun in early March.

Venus has seemingly vaulted into the morning sky.  After the recent string of cloudy days I was surprised by her glowing presence in the southeast when I arose at 6:00 am.  She will linger in this area of the sky for the next few weeks, drifting eastward against the dim autumnal constellations.

You will find ruddy Mars several degrees below Venus’ bright glow.  The two planets will move in tandem for the rest of the week, gradually edging closer together.  They will remain a “duo” through most of March.

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The Sky This Week, 2022 February 1 - 8

The Moon, imaged 2016 December 30 from Mollusk, Virginia.
Crescent Moon, imaged 2016 December 30 from Mollusk, Virginia
with a Canon EOS Rebel T2i DSLR.

The Moon waxes in the evening sky this week, coursing her way northward along the ecliptic toward the bright stars of the Great Winter Circle.  First Quarter occurs on the 8th at 8:50 am Eastern Standard Time.  Look for the slender lunar crescent a few degrees south of Jupiter in the evening twilight glow on the evening of the 2nd.  Luna ends the week approaching the Pleiades star cluster and the bright star Aldebaran in the constellation of Taurus, the Bull.

February 2nd is one of those odd “non-holidays” that is widely observed throughout the U.S.  Popularly known as Groundhog Day, its origins lie in ancient astronomical folklore that was prevalent throughout many European cultures in medieval times.  We all know that there are four astronomical seasons that anchor the calendar.  However, each season also had a mid-point known as a “cross quarter” day.  These dates became the traditional dates for serfs to pay rent on their land to their feudal masters.  They were also important feast days observed by pagan religions and were especially important to Celtic and Germanic cultures.  As Christianity swept the old religions aside, the cross-quarter days were tied to Christian feasts and festivals that have endured to the present day.  Our Groundhog Day was known as Imbolc to the Celts, who celebrated a feast to the pagan goddess Brigid on February 1st.  The Christian tradition celebrated “Candlemas” on February 2nd, commemorating the presentation of the infant Jesus at the Temple for his purification ritual.  So how did a religious feast day become defined by the prognostication prowess of a hibernating rodent?  That tradition comes from Germanic observances in which weather lore met religious celebration.  In these traditions the emergence of hibernating animals under clear or cloudy skies served as a predictor for the arrival of spring-like weather.  Originally bears were the animal of choice, but as their numbers dwindled in northern Europe the badger became the chosen messenger.  When German-speaking people emigrated to America in the 18th and 19th Centuries they brought their tradition with them and settled in southeastern Pennsylvania, where badgers were scarce but groundhogs were plentiful.  The town of Punxsutawney began the annual observance of Groundhog Day in 1886, and they’ve been doing it ever since.

How “precise” is the large rodent’s annual prognostications?  The legend says that if he sees his shadow, we’ll have six more weeks of winter.  46 days will elapse between Groundhog Day and the vernal equinox on March 20th.  Simple math tells us that a tad more than six weeks fill that span, so he’s not too far off base.  However, the lengths of the seasons slowly change with time due to precession of the Earth’s poles, so the actual cross-quarter day actually occurs on February 4th.  Using this starting point the equinox occurs in six weeks and two days.  Six weeks seems reasonable to me.  Unless it’s cloudy on Groundhog Day!

As we’ve already mentioned, cross-quarter days mark the mid-points of the seasons, and we still observe most of them.  Groundhog Day and Halloween are the most widely observed here in the U.S., and May Day is still widely observed in Europe.  Lammas, the August Cross-quarter day, is no longer widely celebrated, but for many of us August 1st is the traditional stars of our summer vacations.  Perhaps Lammas still lingers?

Jupiter still lingers in the evening twilight, but his days are numbered.  By the end of the week he sets at the end of evening astronomical twilight, and by this time next month he will be hidden behind the Sun.  He gets one last fling with the slender crescent Moon on the evening of the 2nd.  He will next grace our evening skies in the middle of the upcoming summer.

You will find ruddy Mars below the bright dazzle of Venus during morning twilight.  The two objects appear low in the southeastern sky with Mars some 10 degrees southwest of Venus as the week begins.  By the week’s end Mars will be about 7 degrees south of his much more brilliant companion.

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The Sky This Week, 2022 January 25 - February 1

Messier 35 and NGC 2158, imaged 2022 February 22 from Alexandria, Virginia
Messier 35 and NGC 2158, imaged 2022 February 22 from Alexandria, Virginia
with an Explore Scientific AR102 10.2-cm (4-inch) f/6.5 refractor and a Canon EOS Rebel SL2 DSLR camera.

The Moon spends the week waning in the morning sky, passing through the stars of late spring and early summer as she dwindles through her crescent phases.  New Moon occurs on February 1st at 12:46 am Eastern Standard Time.  Look for the Moon just north of the star Dschubba in the “head” of Scorpius before dawn on the 27th.  Luna’s slender crescent will be just three degrees southwest of ruddy Mars in the brightening twilight of the morning of the 29th.

The January campaign for the Globe at Night citizen-science program runs for the duration of the week, and hardy stargazers can test their winter endurance by looking at the stars of Orion.  This is probably the easiest of the campaign’s constellations to look at, since the Hunter’s distinctive shape is visible from every inhabited part of the globe and can be seen even from the heart of major metropolitan areas.  The idea behind the program is quite simple; find Orion in the sky, then compare the number of stars that you can see with charts on the project’s web page.  The Globe at Night project is an internationally recognized program that grew out of the 2009 observance of the International Year of Astronomy.  From these humble beginnings it has grown a world-wide audience of observers, collecting over 25,000 observations during 2021.  The data collected from these monthly campaigns helps astronomers and climate scientists assess the amount of artificial light that’s being directed up into the night sky and helps promote awareness of light pollution and its implications for the environment.   The more people we can sensitize to the issue, the more likely we are to find a solution.

We often talk about the brilliance of the summertime Milky Way, but the faint band of the Galaxy’s glow is also a fixture of the winter sky.  In the summer months we are looking across vast star clouds toward the Galaxy’s center, but during winter we are looking through less dense star clouds toward the Galaxy’s edge.  Our solar system is located much closer to the edge than the center, so the Milky Way’s density is much less in the winter sky.  Nonetheless, under crisp winter skies at dark locations the winter Milky Ways is still impressive.  This is one of my favorite parts of the sky to explore with binoculars or small telescopes.  Scan the sky between Cassiopeia in the northwest to the bright star Sirius in the southeast and you will notice dozens of knots of light, most of which are star clusters.  The Pleiades in Taurus is one of the closest of these clusters, providing pleasing views for the unaided eye and a treat for binocular observers.  High overhead in the constellation of Auriga, the Charioteer, binoculars will reveal several star clusters between the bright stars Capella and El Nath, the latter “shared” with Taurus.  These clusters are best viewed in relatively small, low-magnification telescopes that allow you to “sweep” through the Milky Way’s stars.  One of my favorite clusters is located among the stars that mark the “foot” of Castor, one of the Gemini twins.  Messier 35 is easily seen in binoculars as a misty patch of light that resolves into hundreds of stars in a small telescope.  That telescope will also reveal a faint smudge of light just west of the cluster.  A larger telescope will resolve this glow into another, more remote cluster, NGC 2158.  Dozens of these cosmic “jewel boxes” may be found as you sweep the sky just east of Orion through the faint stars of the constellation of Monoceros, the Unicorn down to the sky’s brightest star, Sirius. 

You can still catch Jupiter in the evening twilight sky, but each passing night brings him inexorably closer to the Sun.  By the end of evening twilight he hangs low in the southwestern sky, and by 7:30 pm he’s setting.  Once he’s gone there are no bright planets to be seen until just before sunrise.  

Mars rises at around 5:00 am local time, and he should be visible low in the southeast an hour later.  He receives a visit from the waning crescent Moon on the morning of the 29th.  

Bright Venus should also be visible in the brightening glow of morning twilight.  You will find her to the east of Mars and the crescent Moon on the 29th.  

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The Sky This Week, 2022 January 18 - 25

Orion and Sirius, imaged 2014 March 27 from Paris, Virginia
Orion and Sirius, imaged 2014 March 27 from Paris, Virginia
with a Canon EOS Rebel T2i DSLR camera.

The Moon wanes as she moves into the morning sky and the rising springtime constellations.  Last Quarter occurs on the 25th at 9:41 am Eastern Standard Time.  Late-night skywatchers can see Luna approach the bright star Regulus, the heart of Leo, the Lion, after she rises on the evening of the 19th.  Early risers on the morning of the 24th can spot the Moon just north of the bright star Spica in the constellation of Virgo.  

Stargazing at this time of year takes a certain amount of fortitude.  The blasts of arctic air that pour down from the north can make an evening under the stars a test any person’s mettle.  However, the cold air usually means low humidity and no haze, so we often experience nights with the highest sky transparency.  I have found that crisp cold winter nights allow me to see stars that are about a magnitude fainter than those I can see in summer nights.  The trade-off is that I have to bundle up from head to toe to enjoy a modicum of comfort.  Fortunately we have modern materials to insulate us, unlike astronomers from the “classical” era of visual observing.  One of America’s leading astronomers of the day, Edward Emerson Barnard, worked at the Yerkes Observatory in Williams Bay, Wisconsin, spending countless winter nights observing with the great 40-inch refractor located there.  He habitually observed in sub-zero conditions, much to the dismay and discomfort of his night assistants.  A reporter once asked him how astronomers kept warm on long January observing sessions; his answer was “We don’t.”

The bright stars of the boreal winter sky offer little respite from the cold, but their cheerful glow and varied colors make cold weather observing a bit more tolerable.  Foremost among these bright luminaries is Sirius, which trails the distinctive constellation Orion across the sky.  Sirius is the brightest star in the sky, and, as such, has been deeply embedded in human culture since ancient times.  The ancient Egyptians identified the star as Sepet, the soul of the goddess Isis, one of the oldest deities in their pantheon.  The annual rising of Sirius just before the Sun preceded the annual flooding of the Nile, which sustained their civilization for 3000 years.  Although it is often referred to as the “Dog Star” from its association with the constellation Canis Major, the star’s name derives from the ancient Greek word that means “the scorcher”.  Indeed, when the star is near the horizon, atmospheric refraction causes the star to flicker through the colors of the rainbow, giving the impression of a dancing flame.  Sirius owes its brightness to its proximity to the solar system at a distance of just 8.7 light-years.  The star is about 23 times as luminous as the Sun and glows with a distinctive blue tint.  Sirius was one of the first stars to have its motion across the sky measured.  Edmond Halley (of comet fame) discovered its changing position in 1718 by comparing his measurements of the star’s position with those of Ptolemy and Hipparchus.  In the decade between 1834 to 1844 the German astronomer Friederich Bessel noticed irregularities in the star’s proper motion and attributed them to an unseen companion circling the bright star.  The companion, now known as Sirius B or “The Pup”, was discovered on January 31, 1862 by the American telescope maker Alvan Graham Clark while testing an 18.5-inch lens ground and polished by his father.  It was the first white dwarf star to be discovered.

The only bright planet now easily visible in the evening sky is Jupiter, which pops out of the twilight glow in the southwestern sky about 15 to 20 minutes after sunset.  Old Jove only spends an hour in the sky after evening twilight ends, and his proximity to the horizon makes it difficult to see fine details in his turbulent clouds.  

You might be able to glimpse Saturn as twilight deepens, but the ringed planet now sets before the end of twilight.  He is now far too low to observe with a telescope, but you should be able to spot him in binoculars.

Ruddy Mars may be glimpsed in the pre-dawn sky, low in the southeast, but you will likely need binoculars to see him.  Half an hour before sunrise, look to the southeast for the bright glow of Venus if you have a low horizon.  The dazzling planet will become much more prominent as the month ends.

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The Sky This Week, 2022 January 11 - 18

Messier 42, the Great Nebula in Orion, imaged 2021 December 27 from Ocean City, Maryland
Messier 42, the Great Nebula in Orion, imaged 2021 December 27 from Ocean City, Maryland
with an Antares Sentinel 80mm (3-inch) f/6 refractor, iOptron Cube Pro alt-az mount, and a Canon EOS Rebel SL2 DSLR.

The Moon waxes as she arcs through the stars of the Great Winter Circle this week, brightening the long chilly winter nights.  Full Moon occurs on the 17th at 6:48 pm Eastern Standard Time.  January’s Full Moon is popularly known as the Wolf Moon, a name that derives from old European accounts of wolves howling through the long nights.  Other names include the Ice Moon and Moon after Yule.  Look for the Moon to the south of the Pleiades star cluster on the evening of the 12th.  She passes between the “horns” of Taurus, the Bull, on the evening of the 14th before moving through the stars of Gemini to close out the week.

January is the month that features the stars of the Winter Circle as the showcase for nighttime viewing.  Somehow the colder air seems to accentuate the stars’ varied colors.  Despite the strengthening light of the waxing Moon, the collection of bright stars in this part of the sky seems to stand out more clearly than at other times of the year.  I have often marveled at how the stars of winter seem to add a sense of warmth on nights with frigid temperatures while brightening the darkness of the lengthy nights.  Ten of the thirty brightest stars in the entire sky lie within the confines of the Winter Circle asterism.  

I still remember the cold January night when, as a child, I first “discovered” the three “Belt Stars” of Orion.  Although they were not the constellation’s brightest members, their near-perfect spacing and striking blue colors made them easy to spot night after night.  I soon learned to recognize the other constellations in the vicinity, but Orion always stood out.  After my first telescope arrived under the Christmas tree, I spent many cold January nights looking at each of the Hunter’s stars before stumbling on the group known as “The Sword”.  Amid the field of blue stellar beacons was a small knot of stars surrounded by a soft, fuzzy glow.  I had “discovered” the Great Orion Nebula.  Over the years I learned more about Orion’s stars as well as his wonderful non-stellar objects like the Great Nebula.  Even today I spend more time observing Orion than just about any other constellation.

Orion offers observers of any skill level a host of objects to delight the eye.  Even without a telescope, the contrast between the ruddy hue of the star Betelgeuse with the ice-blue tint of Rigel is striking.  Binoculars enhance this contrast and bring out the deeper blue tints of the Belt Stars.  Looking under the belt stars will reveal the gaggle of stars of the Sword, and in the middle you will see the brighter parts of the Great Nebula.  The small fuzzy patch that you see in binoculars becomes exquisitely detailed as you employ telescopes of larger apertures.  Even under bright suburban or moonlit skies the nebula becomes almost three dimensional, its brightly glowing core surrounded by dark whorls of opaque dust and gas.  In its center you will find a tight knot of four stars known as the Trapezium, and these stars are some of the youngest known in the galaxy.  The Great Nebula is a true stellar nursery, and almost all of Orion’s blue stars originated there.  It remains my favorite “deep sky” object in the sky.

The bright planets have now retreated to the early evening and pre-dawn sky.  As evening twilight falls, look to the southwest for bright Jupiter, which should be easy to spot about 20 minutes after sunset.  By 6:00 pm, if you trace a line from Jupiter to the sunset point on the horizon, you should be able to see the paler glow of Saturn about ten degrees above the horizon.  If you scan between Saturn and the horizon, you should be able to spot the somewhat brighter glow of the elusive planet Mercury, which will seem to hang in this part of the sky before beginning a precipitous drop toward the Sun by the end of the week.

If you’re up before dawn look to the southeastern sky as morning twilight begins to brighten the horizon.  You will find the stars of Scorpius becoming prominent, led by the bright red-hued Antares.  Thirteen degrees to the east of the star is another ruddy object, the planet Mars.  Over the course of the week the red planet will about five degrees further eastward from the star.  As twilight becomes brighter, keep an eye on the southeast horizon for the bright glow of Venus.  By 7:00 am she crests the horizon, and by the end of the week you should be able to see her more easily as she climbs away from the Sun’s glare.

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