By The Chip Witch on Saturday, 27 January 2024
Category: ChipWitch Today

ChipWitch Today for 27 January, 2024

Chipwitch Today!

This is Chipwitch Today, your daily source of reliable data upon which you can base your daily practice.

27 January, 2024

Solar activity was at low levels. Region 3561 (S17W85, Dac/beta-gamma) produced the strongest activity of the period, a pair of impulsive flares; a C9.0 at 06/0033 UTC and a C9/0/Sf at 26/0459 UTC. The region was in decay as it approached the W limb. Region 3559 (N25W46, Fki/beta-gamma) remained the largest on the disk, but only produced low-level C-class X-ray activity over the past 24 hours. This region was also in gradual decay. Region 3560 (S22W48, Dai/beta) exhibited growth throughout its spots. Newly numbered 3563 (S06E32, Bxo/beta) remained relatively quiet and simple. Possible new spots are beginning to develop on the NE and SE limbs. No Earth-Directed CMEs were observed in available coronagraph imagery.

The solar kp index is quiet, with no changes to retrograde effects. The solar wind speed is currently above average, making retrograde effects moderately increased.

There is a 25% chance of solar activity, with a 30% chance of a minor event, a 15% chance of a moderate event, and a 1% chance of a strong event.

The waning moon is currently in Leo, at 23 degrees, 35' 55", at a velocity of 11.99 degrees per day.

The Full moon is currently 16.1 days old. It is 404147.5 km from the centre of the Earth.

The next new moon is at 23:00:44, 9 Feb, 2024. The next full moon is at 12:31:19, 24 Feb, 2024.

Planetary Information

The Sun

The Sun is in Aquarius

The Sun is at 06 Aqu 47' 18", and is 147296350km away and receding.

The Moon

The Moon is in Leo

The Moon will change from Leo to Virgo in the next 24 hours.

The Moon is at 23 Leo 35' 55", and is 404004km away and receding.

Moon Is In Leo

Greetings, celestial voyagers! It's time to fasten your intergalactic seatbelts because, in the next 24 hours, our beloved Moon will be sauntering out of the radiant Leo and sashaying into the practical Virgo. Now, don't panic, this isn't some cosmic game of musical chairs, it's just the cosmic dance of our lunar neighbor. The Moon is currently in Leo, a whopping 403,917.095437825km away, give or take a few kilometers. I mean, it's not like you could reach out and touch it, unless you're an astronaut, in which case, hi NASA, big fan here! With the Moon in Leo, we're all feeling a bit more dramatic than usual. Picture yourself as a Broadway star belting out your emotions to a sold-out audience. Your cat might look at you funny, but hey, who's the diva now? Just remember, darling stargazers, no need to recreate 'Les Miserables' in your living room. The occasional dramatic sigh should suffice. In the world of astrology, Leo is the king of the jungle and when the Moon is in this position, it's like Simba has taken over Pride Rock. Everyone has that little roar inside them, waiting to be unleashed. But don’t let the roar scare your houseplants. They're sensitive beings too, you know. But don't get too comfortable in your lion onesie, folks. In less than 24 hours, the Moon is pulling up stakes and moving into Virgo. That means it's time to trade in your royal regalia for a sensible pair of glasses and a calculator. The Virgo energy will bring out the inner nerd in all of us, urging us to analyze, organize, and probably alphabetize everything in sight. So, embrace your inner drama queen today because tomorrow, you'll be channeling your inner Sheldon Cooper. Remember, it's not about being better or worse, just different. And in the words of our favorite Star Trek character, Q, "May whatever god you believe in, have mercy on your soul." Or in this case, may the stars guide you wisely and humorously, my fellow space cadets!


Mercury is in Capricorn

Mercury is prograde at 16 Cap 47' 10", moving at 1.41 degrees per day, and is 185461013km away and receding.

Mercury Is In Capricorn

Well stardust siblings, strap on your space helmets because Mercury just RSVP’d "yes" to the Capricorn party, and it's about to get real. Now, don't go assuming this is a dull boardroom meeting. Oh no, my celestial comrades, this is more like a cosmic conference, a pow-wow of planetary proportions. Mercury in Capricorn is like having your very own celestial personal assistant, complete with spectacles and a clipboard. It’s like having a Siri for your brain (only without the creepy listening-in-on-your-conversations part). This planetary alignment is all about getting down to brass tacks, trimming the fat, and doing what needs to be done to reach those lofty aspirations of yours. Think of this time as your own personal Tetris game where all your scattered thoughts are falling into place, forming a perfectly organized line of ideas. And we all know the satisfaction of watching those lines disappear once they're completed - that's your ticket to success! But hey, let's not get too carried away with our newfound clarity and start acting like we’re the bosses of the universe. Remember, Capricorn has a bit of a reputation for being hierarchical. We don’t want to sound like we’re reading from a manual titled “How to Be a Galactic Overlord”. Constructive conversation? Yes. Commanding communication? Not so much. So, while Mercury is doing its thing in Capricorn, let's not spend too much time arguing about who's the captain of the spaceship. Instead, let’s use this energy to turn our dreams into reality, and maybe, just maybe, make the universe a slightly better place to live. After all, there's no "I" in "Team", but there's definitely one in "Alien Invasion". Keep it cool, earthlings!


Venus is in Capricorn

Venus is prograde at 04 Cap 47' 48", moving at 1.23 degrees per day, and is 199956772km away and receding.

Venus Is In Capricorn

Well, if you're a fan of galactic numbers, then hold on to your telescopes because Venus is a whopping 199917938.538992345km away! I know what you're thinking. "That's light-years away from my couch!" But hey, when it comes to love and relationships, sometimes it feels like we're navigating interstellar space, right? Now, Venus, our cosmic sweetheart, is currently having a serious Capricorn moment. And no, she's not going through a mid-space crisis. She's just getting down to business, asking us to do the same. If you're coupled up, this is your chance to put on your space helmet and tackle those asteroid-sized problems. Or, y'know, have a deep heart-to-heart about your future—like whether to get a robot dog or an alien cat. For the single star gazers, it's time to ditch the fly-by-night flirtations and look for a love that lasts longer than a supernova. That's right, with Venus in Capricorn, we want romances that are more enduring than a black hole! But hey, it's not just about love, folks. Venus in Capricorn also has a thing or two to say about your style. Maybe swap out those flashy neon space boots for something a bit more down-to-earth. And if you've been pondering an artistic endeavor—like sculpting a model of the solar system out of mashed potatoes—this is your time to shine! Then there's the business side of things. With Venus in Capricorn, we might start re-evaluating our worth in our chosen professions, like, "Am I really the best intergalactic astrologer?" (Spoiler alert: Yes, yes I am). This transit could stir up questions about whether we're climbing the ladder of success or just hanging on for dear life. The good news? There's massive potential for reconnecting with our inner authority. So own up to what you need to do to rocket your career to the next level. After all, the sky's not the limit when you're dealing with astrology!


Mars is in Capricorn

Mars is prograde at 17 Cap 01' 22", moving at 0.76 degrees per day, and is 349485145km away and approaching.

Mars Is In Capricorn

The Red Planet's Capricorn Sojourn

Well, buckle up, Earthlings! Mars, the celestial equivalent of your annoyingly over-achieving cousin, has just parked its cosmic RV in Capricorn. Now, Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, the granddaddy planet of structure and 'doing things by the book'. So get ready for a reality check that’s as sobering as cold pizza for breakfast.

Picture this: Mars, the Energizer Bunny of the cosmos, high-fiving Capricorn, the universe’s answer to your persnickety boss. The result? An overwhelming urge to plan, strategize, and turn those wild, pie-in-the-sky dreams into concrete realities. This isn't the time for impromptu interpretive dance sessions or impulsive online shopping sprees. Instead, we’ll be looking at life through a pair of practical spectacles.

Mars in Capricorn is like a cosmic boot camp sergeant barking, "Why are you doing it this way when you could do it that way?" It's about setting sharp, clear goals, then doing the astrological equivalent of checking Google Maps to ensure we're on the quickest route there.

Now, both Mars and Capricorn love a good challenge. They're about as afraid of hard work as a Trekkie is of a Star Wars marathon. If you don't have a serious goal yet, this transit will encourage you to find one faster than you can say "quantum physics".'ll nudge you to finish that half-assembled IKEA furniture that's been mocking you from the corner of the room. Either way, it's go-time!

However, let's not forget that Mars and Capricorn aren't exactly famous for their soft and fuzzy side. They're more about breaking barriers than holding hands, and sometimes, they might forget to be kind. So as you're climbing that cosmic ladder of success, remember not to step on any extraterrestrial toes. A little compassion can go a long way to balance the 'all business' energy of Mars in Capricorn.

So there you have it! Mars in Capricorn: It's like a celestial kick in the pants, without the actual kick or pants. Let's make the most of it, shall we?


Jupiter is in Taurus

Jupiter is prograde at 06 Tau 49' 33", moving at 0.09 degrees per day, and is 731745263km away and receding.

Jupiter Is In Taurus

Attention Earthlings: Jupiter is in Taurus!

Put on your space helmets and tighten your cosmic seatbelts, folks! The Big Kahuna of the solar system, that's right, the one and only Jupiter has taken a detour and parked itself in the land of the Bull. Now, I'm no mathematician, but according to my interstellar GPS, that's approximately 731,653,228.205157757km away from you (give or take a few meters, because, hey, even a cosmic hippie like me can't be perfect).

Now, what does this mean for you, you ask? Well, brace yourselves, it's about to get deep. Jupiter, the grand poobah of wisdom, is playing footsie with Taurus, the zodiac's most chill sign. It's like a cosmic reminder that the answers you seek aren't hiding under some rock on Mars. They're right there, inside you, probably chilling next to that gut feeling you ignored last week.

This celestial mashup is like a cosmic espresso shot, giving you the energy to chase your dreams with a detailed to-do list in hand. It's Jupiter's growth spurt meets Taurus' stubborn streak. It’s like your personal cheerleader, urging you to keep going, one checked box at a time, towards that big shiny goal of yours.

And let's not forget the potential moolah! Jupiter, the planet-sized lucky charm, in Taurus, the Wall Street of the zodiac? We're talking cha-ching! This is the perfect time to dust off those bank statements and hunt for opportunities to grow that nest egg.

But remember, Taurus is a sucker for life's luxuries and has a hard time saying "no" to indulgences. So when Jupiter, the planet of expansion, meets Taurus, the sign of "treat yo'self", we could end up treating our needs like they’re going out of style. Keep a leash on those impulses and remember to spend wisely, because even in space, there's no such thing as free lunch.

So, buckle up, earthlings. The journey with Jupiter in Taurus is going to be one heck of a cosmic ride!


Saturn is in Pisces

Saturn is prograde at 05 Pis 54' 14", moving at 0.11 degrees per day, and is 1582510738km away and receding.

Saturn Is In Pisces

Yeah, Saturn's Gone Fishing!

Okay, listen up, space nerds! Saturn has decided to take a little vacation in Pisces. I know, I know, it's hard for us to imagine the old taskmaster of the zodiac chilling with the Fishes, but hey, even the sternest planet deserves a break, right? And it's not like he's left his workaholic tendencies behind. He's just swapped his briefcase for a fishing rod. Now, what does that mean for you, my celestial aficionados? Well, it's time to take a deep dive into the ocean of your imagination. You know, those dreams you've been hoarding in the corners of your mind like a cosmic squirrel? Yeah, those. Saturn in Pisces is like having a personal life coach who's also a medium. It's the perfect planetary alignment to finally flesh out that idea for a sci-fi novel or draw up a business plan for your organic vegan Klingon-themed café. Don't be surprised if you start getting sudden messages from the universe at odd hours. Keep a notepad handy. Or, you know, just use your phone like a normal person. This isn't all stardust and unicorns though. Saturn is still Saturn, and he's going to ask some tough questions about your dreams. So, get ready to defend them like a lawyer in an alien court. And with all this introspection, sleep might become a fickle friend. You may find yourself counting more sheep than there are stars in the galaxy. My advice? Cultivate some Earthly calm. Meditate, take a walk, breathe like Darth Vader, or just nap. Just make sure you have a dream journal ready for any interstellar insights. And remember, folks, Saturn in Pisces isn't a cake-walk, it's a space-walk. So, strap in, hold on to your dreams, and let the cosmic currents guide you. Saturn's going fishing, and he's inviting you along for the ride. Now, who's got the space bait?


Uranus is in Taurus

Uranus is retrograde at 19 Tau 05' 18", moving backwards at 0 degrees per day, and is 2898607914km away and receding.

Uranus Is In Taurus

Alright, space cadets, strap in! Our celestial comrade, Uranus, is swaggering its way through Taurus, and it's about to shake things up more than a caffeine-addicted chemist in a beaker factory. Taurus, our cosmic couch potato, generally likes to keep things as steady as a well-balanced chemical equation. Change? Not on Taurus' watch! But Uranus, the cosmic curveball thrower, loves nothing more than a good plot twist. So, you can imagine the kind of astronomical sitcom we're in for. Now, Taurus has a reputation for being a bit of a financial guru. It knows the stock market like Einstein knew his theory of relativity. But with Uranus in town, we're looking at the possibility of a complete financial facelift. We might have new forms of currency popping up faster than a nerd at a Star Trek convention. Banks could change their tune quicker than a Klingon in a karaoke bar. On a personal level, Uranus in Taurus is like a financial freedom fighter, helping us break free from the gravitational pull of debt and materialism. It's like that moment when you realize your collection of vintage comic books isn't an asset, but a storage problem. So, my dear stargazers, while this cosmic shake-up may sound as scary as a black hole on the horizon, remember that every revolution brings evolution. Uranus isn't here to wreak havoc. It's here to liberate us, like a cheeky cosmic locksmith picking the locks of outdated habits and rigid routines. Resisting this change will be as futile as trying to explain quantum physics to a tribble. The changes we make during this period are like investments in our future stability. So, let's embrace the chaos, and remember, in the grand cosmic scheme, change is the only constant.


Neptune is in Pisces

Neptune is prograde at 25 Pis 38' 04", moving at 0.03 degrees per day, and is 4568978053km away and receding.

Neptune Is In Pisces

Neptune's Pool Party in Pisces

Alright, star gazers, buckle up for some cosmic comedy! Neptune, that big blue gas giant, is currently chilling in the sign of Pisces like it's on a celestial vacation. You know what that means? It's time for us to dive deep into the pool of emotions and spirituality. With Neptune being 4568926263.290174484km away (give or take a few kilometers, I mean who's counting?), it's like your distant aunt who lives across the country decided to send you a postcard. Except, instead of a postcard, it's a tidal wave of enlightenment.

As Neptune paddles through the dreamy waters of Pisces, it's like wearing a pair of X-ray specs from a comic book. Suddenly, we can see through the fog of pettiness, our differences becoming as insignificant as the argument whether Star Wars or Star Trek is better (I mean, both have their merits, right?). Our collective wholeness starts shining brighter than a supernova, and the pathway to unity becomes as clear as the Hubble Telescope's vision.

This cosmic pool party invites us to cannonball into our own emotional depths and resurface with unique gifts we can offer to the world. You might discover you're more psychic than Professor X, or perhaps uncover a healing power that makes Wolverine's regeneration look like child's play. Neptune's little swim in Pisces is the cosmic push we need to explore these potentials.

It's also an excellent time to delve into spiritual practices that call you, like Jedi training or maybe starting a Hogwarts-at-home experience. Creating a sacred space, even if it's just a corner where you can contemplate the universe or perform potions class, can be a powerful step. Then, take those newfound spiritual insights and share them, like cosmic memes, with the world.

Remember, though, Neptune's vacation in Pisces isn't forever, so make the most of it. And be sure to send me a postcard from your personal journey!


Pluto is in Aquarius

Pluto is prograde at 00 Aqu 12' 08", moving at 0.03 degrees per day, and is 5373138052km away and approaching.

Pluto Is In Aquarius

Pluto In Aquarius: A Star Wars Parody

Okay, folks. Buckle up your seatbelts and prepare for light-speed because Pluto is in Aquarius and it's going to be a wild cosmic ride. I mean, we're talking about the Darth Vader of planets here, folks - Pluto, the bringer of transformation and death, but also rebirth. It's like the Death Star of your soul’s universe, zapping away the old and useless parts of you, making way for shiny new ones. And this time, it's swirling around in Aquarius, the sign of progress and innovation. Can you feel the force, young Padawans?

Now, don't get your lightsabers in a knot. This isn't about physical death - unless you count the death of old habits, outdated beliefs, and those embarrassing neon leg warmers you've been holding onto since the '80s. It's a metaphorical death. A Jedi-level upgrade, if you will. Expect big changes, like Luke Skywalker-ditches-his-Tatooine-farmboy-life-for-a-galactic-quest kind of changes.

On a global scale, this astrological event could usher in some serious advancements in science and technology. So, keep your eyes peeled for droids, holographic communication devices, and maybe even that elusive lightspeed travel tech we've all been waiting for. And let's not forget about huge shifts in civil rights and humanitarianism. Think rebellion against the Galactic Empire sort of energy here. The power is with those who value cooperation and respect for all life forms - yes, even Wookiees and Ewoks.

Personally, this is your chance to transform. To rethink your place in the galaxy. To consider the needs of others before your own. It's like Yoda said, "Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose." So, will you answer the call? Or will you end up stuck in the Mos Eisley cantina, regretting that you didn't seize this opportunity when you had the chance?

Remember, the Force is strong with this one. Embrace the energy of Pluto in Aquarius and may the force be with you!

Current Planetary Aspects

Sun06 Aqu 47' 18"
Moon23 Leo 35' 55"
Mercury16 Cap 47' 10"
Venus04 Cap 47' 48"
Mars17 Cap 01' 22"
Jupiter06 Tau 49' 33"
Saturn05 Pis 54' 14"
Uranus19 Tau 05' 18" R
Neptune25 Pis 38' 04"
Pluto00 Aqu 12' 08"

Current Planetary Positions

The Sun

Sun Square Jupiter

Today will be one of optimism and self-confidence. Your only danger is in becoming over-confident. Don't bite off more than you can chew. Watch the tendency towards self-aggrandizement, false pride, and over-indulgence in food and drink. Don't overspend, as you are likely to feel extravagant today.Although their intentions are generally good, people with challenging aspects between the Sun and Jupiter are given to overdoing things. They can easily gloss over realistic details and get themselves into debt, overindulge in pleasures such as food and drink, and promise more than they can deliver.For the most part, they find help for their excesses. Somebody’s there to bail them out, as plenty of people believe that their hearts are in the right place. Generally, this is the case, but if excessive behavior becomes a pattern, and the natives continually face light consequences, there is the danger that they will not learn from their mistakes and abuse the “system”, relying on their friends and family to help them out a little too often. Their reputation for being good people, thus, can eventually be used to further their purposes.However, many people with this aspect don’t fall into the trap of losing their sincerity. They are generous, helpful, and charitable. Still, the tendency to live beyond their means is a real threat that many struggle with much of their lives. Another thing to watch for is depression. These people tend to go through periods of intense highs when they are excessively optimistic. These periods are so marked that they seem to be unnatural and a fall seems to be inevitable. They can make promises they intend to keep, but have a problem with follow-through. Self-control can be a real problem. Usually quite knowledgeable and generous with their time, these people have many talents that they may take for granted.Some Famous People with Sun in Hard Aspect to Jupiter: Squares – Billy Crystal, Ian Scott Anderson (Jethro Tull), Nell Carter, Edgar Cayce, Linda Goodman, George Lucas, the Olsen twins, Dolly Parton, John Ritter, Oscar Wilde; Oppositions – Robert Duvall, Beau Bridges, Monica Lewinsky, James Earl Jones, Kevin Costner.Alternate interpretations:Note: The square, semi-square, sesquiquadrate, and opposition are also called “hard”, “challenging”, or “inharmonious” aspects.Sun in hard aspect to Jupiter: Part of your soul purpose is to promote growth and expansion, whether material, intellectual, or spiritual. You are impelled to be involved in large enterprises that have broad social consequences and influence many people, and you need a rather large arena in which to make the impact you wish. You dream BIG dreams and generally possess the self confidence to promote yourself and your ideas on a wide scale. Your willingness to take risks and to branch out into areas you have yet to explore, along with your ability to project into the future and to see the big picture, all add to your capacity to come to prominence and succeed in life in a big way. However, just as unchecked growth and over-development can lead to undesirable consequences for, say, the natural environment, so too can your own urge for “more” or “bigger” have harmful effects. When out of balance, you are prone to exaggerate, to be ostentatious and pretentious, to be overly optimistic and promise things that you can not reasonably do, and to be seemingly unable to limit or restrict yourself in a realistic way. The ego-gratifications you get from being a “big-wig” may become a primary motivation rather than simply an offshoot of your accomplishments. You may be unwilling to pay your dues, too quick to try a shortcut (moral or otherwise) in your eagerness to gain your aspirations. You may also have enjoyed “favored son” or “favored daughter” status in your household growing up, and thus expect things to come easily to you. Generally they do, but relying too much on this kind of luck can lead to errors of judgment on your part, not to mention major disappointments. On a physical level, over consumption could lead to overweight and/or problems with your liver.At your finest, though, you have a generous heart, a positive spirit, and the desire to live for something bigger than yourself. Using these gifts, you can contribute much good to the world as well as your own spiritual refinement. The qualities of hope and joy are also yours to transmit to the world. — Interpretation from the Karmic Insight report.Sun square Jupiter: You have big aspirations and the desire to succeed in life in a grand way. You tend to exaggerate, to promise more than is possible, and to misjudge through being overly optimistic. However, you never lose your hopes for the future. Restlessness and discontent with responsibilities and limitations in life can be troublesome for you. — Interpretation from the Merlin Report.Sun square Jupiter: You tend to be stubborn and unable to make solid career choices. You get carried away and go off in directions contrary to your actual needs. Your judgment in vocational matters is often off, sending you on a wild goose chase. In addition, there is possible difficulty with authorities and the law and/or differences with older people. To use an old adage, you can (at times) be your own worst enemy. The advice of a trusted friend regarding career is to be recommended. — Interpretation from Zet Software.Sun square Jupiter: (The Pompous) Your eye is very much on the “donut” and not on the “hole.” You are a citizen of the world and an eager learner, so benefit by extensive travel. Others are excited by your dynamic presence and what you have to say, unless you spoil your image by exaggerating reality or monopolize center stage to hear your own voice. Then, those great gulps of life you devour can distend your ego as well as your waistline and result in chronic social indigestion. — Interpretation from the Spirit Success report.


Mercury Conjunct Mars

Pour constructive energy and action into communication, writing, reading and anything of a mental nature. Do all your errands today. Your mind is active and it may be difficult at times to slow it down and relax. Your nerves are wound up and it may be necessary for you at some time today to force yourself to seek a quiet place and recoup your strength. Watch a tendency to argue with friends, display impatience, especially while driving, and to generally be on edge. Do not let your high energy level today cause you to become reckless or careless. Pay attention to the things you do and slow down a bit. Remember, discipline. You feel very self-assertive today. Do not let your ego ride roughshod over the people you deal with today. Control your temper AND your tongue. Avoid petty gossip and talking about people behind their backs.



Mercury Trine Uranus

Your thinking today is ingenious, original, clever, sharp, and magnetic. Electricity is in your head and probably the rest of your body. You are full of nervous energy, but it is the type that can help you accomplish more. New and exciting opportunities may come about today through travel, conversations with others, or through new reading material. Go exploring.You are open to new ideas, and come up with your own fair share of unique perspectives yourself. You have a technical bent and might take special interest in computers, technology, and science. Your intuition is very strong and mostly leads you in the right direction. You have a friendly, tolerant, and unprejudiced manner. You avoid making unfair judgments, being hypocritical, or stereotyping. You are very truthful and abhor modes of thinking that are biased and narrow. You are resourceful, witty, and quick to grasp and understand new subjects. Your thinking is often quite naturally outside of the box and very quick, and it can be baffling to you when you observe others who don’t get to the same conclusions as you in half the time. Still, you require much space and freedom to do your own thinking, and you don’t take kindly to anyone trying to force-feed you information or opinions. You are at your mental best and most cooperative when you have had the chance to find your own inspiration, and you easily feel hypocritical if you don’t–a feeling that doesn’t sit well with you one bit.The trine aspect is the more dynamic of the two harmonious aspects. Those with the sextile can call upon these traits when needed, and those with the trine between the Mercury and Uranus have incorporated the traits of the aspect into their personalities, expressing them naturally and consistently.Some Famous People with Mercury in Harmonious Aspect to Uranus: Sextiles – Lawrence Welk, John Steinbeck, Donald Sutherland, Erik Satie, Martin Sheen; Trines – Sheena Easton, Farrah Fawcett, Tracey Ullman, Marilyn Manson


Venus Trine Jupiter

Peace and harmony should be yours today. People love you and you love them. You will go out of your way to help others today because you are full of friendliness and you want to see others happy. Financial transactions go smoothly today and you seem to attract money or material possessions. Relationships are warm and there is love in the air.These people have an easy smile, a warm and responsive sense of humor, and a rather easygoing manner when they’re feeling comfortable. Although they are unlikely to seek out people to help, they’re quite quick to lend a helping hand if the need arises. It’s natural for these people to incorporate humor into romantic and sexual moments, and they don’t always understand more serious approaches. They are capable of much romance, but playfulness comes naturally to them. They can be extravagant, at times, with their pocketbook, but usually have the good sense to stop before things get out of hand. They expect to grow in their social and personal relationships. Stagnation makes little if any sense to them. Their appreciation for the good things in life is evident but not excessive. Often people with these aspects are in a position to offer opportunities to others, usually with regards to work and career.The trine aspect is the more dynamic of the two harmonious aspects. Those with the sextile can call upon these traits when needed, and those with the trine between the Venus and Jupiter have incorporated the traits of the aspect into their personalities, expressing them naturally and consistently.Interpretation sample from the Your Spiritual Path report — Your magnetic nature attracts others to you, and you are popular without making much effort. Sharing your spiritual joy does not have to involve sharing on the physical level.Some Famous People with Venus in Harmonious Aspect to Jupiter: Sextiles – Dane Rudhyar, Mary Pickford, Keanu Reeves, Edith Piaf, Geraldine Page, Clara Barton, Ty Cobb, Alfred Adler; Trines – Troy Aikman, Gene Hackman, Bob Hope, Martin Scorcese, Socrates.


Venus Sextile Saturn

You may develop ideas for organizing business, financial, or personal affairs under this transit. You will feel reserved, controlled, and disciplined in any endeavor relating to relationship, beauty, art or music. This is a good time to start a new partnership, perhaps with someone older. Public relations and legal work should go smoothly.People with harmonious aspects between Venus and Saturn in their birth charts have a good sense of what is expected of them in personal relationships, and quite naturally do right by others. Cautious in love, they are careful of what they give out or promise to give, as they generally feel obligated to follow through. They don’t take connections with others lightly, and are more attracted to long-term, committed partnerships than more casual relationships. They usually don’t expect too much from others, and take relationship problems in stride, intuitively understanding that there’s always some bad with any good. It’s not easy to sweep them off their feet, they’re unlikely to lavish affection on someone unless they’re certain that person will return the favor, and they are not risk takers with their hearts. A similar attitude towards money is common as well–they are generally practical and cautious in this department.You have a knack for handling pressures, stresses, and challenges of relationships–you take relationship problems in stride, knowing fully well that they are part of life. You take the bad with the good. You can be like a Rock of Gibraltar with a person you love. You tend to learn from the mistakes you make in relationships, and you don’t run away when a problem presents itself. You know how to make something last, and your ideal partner appreciates this fact. Loyalty, fidelity, and security are very important to you in love. You are cautious about giving your heart away but true to the one who does win your love. Your tastes are simple, even austere, and you do not appreciate frivolity. You are interested in a person’s character and inner qualities far more than their appearance. Casual or superficial relationships don’t interest you at all, for love seems to get deeper and richer and more satisfying for you with time. Your sense of duty makes you a stable factor in difficult situations. Faithful completion of your duties brings spiritual contentment into your life, and you take great pride in relationships that withstand the test of time. — Interpretation from our LoveStyles report.The trine aspect is the more dynamic of the two harmonious aspects. Those with the sextile can call upon these traits when needed, and those with the trine between the Venus and Saturn have incorporated the traits of the aspect into their personalities, expressing them naturally and consistently.Alternate, short interpretation: Venus sextile Saturn or Venus trine Saturn: #Your sense of duty makes you a stable factor in difficult situations. Faithful completion of your accepted duties brings spiritual contentment into your life. From the Your Spiritual Path report.Some Famous People with Venus in Harmonious Aspect to Saturn: Sextiles – Tony Banks, Pat Boone, Pearl Buck, Agatha Christie, Bill Cosby, Sigmund Freud, Grace Princess of Monaco, Wayne Gretzky, Monty Hall, Katie Holmes. Trines – Lucille Ball, Harry Belafonte, David Bowie, Albert Camus, Drew Carey, Crystal Gayle, Arsenio Hall, Patty Hearst, Bette Midler, Arnold Palmer, Sean Penn, John Travolta.


Mars Trine Uranus

Today can be enlightening for you as there is much creative and intuitional energy available. New encounters and new experiences can make you grow. Excitement is in the air and you are ready for anything. You feel like taking risks and it's not a bad day to do so, even if others disapprove. You are the pioneer today. Go where you haven't gone before.You are highly original and very enthusiastic about life. You express yourself with creative drama, which leaves a lasting effect on others. In order to explore your numerous creative potentials, you demand a great deal of personal freedom from those who are close to you. You have seemingly unlimited energy with which to pursue your goals and have many projects to occupy your time. You sometimes become impatient because you have so much you want to accomplish and only a limited amount of time to do so. You truly enjoy having limitless options in your life and feel sorry for those who lead a more boring existence! Never bored, you want to surround yourself with others who are exciting and futuristic in their outlook.One lesson of this aspect is to learn to be patient with others who are not similarly inclined. Also, learn to do things in moderation. Take a vacation and unwind from time to time. In your love life, you are impulsive and can become restless if the relationship doesn’t seem to be going somewhere. The idea that you can grow as an individual while maintaining a partnership is important to you. Your sexual needs are strong, and you need a partner who shares this quality. You have inexhaustible reserves of physical energy when it comes to sex, and you find it extremely natural to experiment and to introduce variety into your sex life. You don’t quite understand it when a partner doesn’t have the same need! To you, changing the way you make love is completely natural, and you wouldn’t have a good time with a partner who prefers to keep things status quo in the bedroom. However, you are willing to accept your partner’s limits, and you take things in stride. An exciting and fun lover, you don’t bore a lover or get into the kinds of sexual “ruts” that some people do. You may find marriage rather restrictive and prefer to enter into a more unconventional arrangement, such as a live-in relationship. You have a wide circle of friends, and your mate must be willing and able to not restrict your access to them through possessiveness or jealousy. There is no quicker way to lose you! — Interpretation samplr from our LoveStyles Report.The trine aspect is the more dynamic of the two harmonious aspects. Those with the sextile can call upon these traits when needed, and those with the trine between the Mars and Uranus have incorporated the traits of the aspect into their personalities, expressing them naturally and consistently.Alternate, short interpretations: Mars sextile Uranus or Mars trine Uranus: *You are dynamic, decisive, and somewhat impulsive. You respond quickly and spontaneously to challenges, and you enjoy vigorous physical activities that require fast reflexes and a good sense of rhythm and timing. You have an abundance of energy and vitality, and a restless desire to see progress and change – you hate stagnation. You are individualistic and make a good leader, spearheading new projects and inspiring others to act.#You find yourself brushing up against dangerous situations. Spiritually you learn from each one, eventually learning how to help others without taking unnecessary risks yourself.Some Famous People with Mars in Harmonious Aspect to Uranus: Sextiles – Orson Welles, Marlon Brando, Emily Dickinson, O. Henry, Alfred Hitchcock, Fred Savage. Trines – Oprah Winfrey, Oliver Stone, Jada Pinkett Smith, Andre Agassi.


Jupiter Sextile Saturn

Progress can be made in business and professional affairs, especially regarding law, politics, education, religion, and travel. A certain seriousness toward career and life direction is evident. Organized expansion into new areas can further your goals. You have a serious minded, responsible attitude toward achieving your long range goals.You have an underlying self-confidence that is based on your belief that life will give you whatever you want if you are willing to work for it. You see the reasonableness in the way that things happen and are willing to invest in yourself. You are very industrious, believing that hard work will bring you progress. You have a taste for material acquisition but are willing to work for what comes to you. — Interpretation from the Indra report.The trine aspect is the more dynamic of the two harmonious aspects. Those with the sextile can call upon these traits when needed, and those with the trine between the Jupiter and Saturn have incorporated the traits of the aspect into their personalities, expressing them naturally and consistently.Jupiter trine Saturn: *You have a good balance between idealism, optimism, and vision for the future on one hand and a realistic sense of what can actually be achieved on the other hand. Your judgment and business sense are usually quite good. You possess patience and the ability to accept limitation and frustration on the way to your goals.Older, more experienced individuals or mentors are likely to play a significant and beneficial role in your life.Jupiter sextile Saturn: *You have the patience and the stamina to realize your visions and bring them down to earth, a fine balance between hard work and realism, and a positive, hopeful spirit. You grow through following systems and plans, and taking one step at a time. Overnight success or instant enlightenment is not what you aim for. Your patient, well-balanced approach gives you credibility with many different types of people, and you are apt to gain an excellent reputation for being able to do big things without overreaching or becoming pretentious.#You have the capacity to endure through the daily grind to find something of spiritual value in your work and relationships. You are happy to spend time in seclusion, studying or meditating.

Notes about Transits

Mars is all about action, and where Mars is in our chart with transits is a place where we are prepared to stand our ground. Mars transits can be really productive, but they can also be angsty, aggressive, and sometimes come from a place of anger. It's important to pay attention to how you direct that energy. Mars transits can last for up to a couple weeks.
Jupiter transits enhance your life with optimism and forward-thinking, and lasting for about a month, give you plenty of time to take advantage. Bigger and better is Jupiter's way of thinking, and should be yours as well.
Saturn transits, on the other hand, are where we get a major reality check, and if we’re not ready for them, they can be pretty rotten. Of course, if we’re prepared and up to the task, Saturn transits can also bring very well-deserved rewards, too. Saturn transits last a bit longer than Jupiter transits—usually 2 months or so at a time, but with retrograde cycles, you could be looking at the same lessons three times over a 6 month period.
The outer planets, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto last for such a long time that they make long-lasting impacts on our lives. In fact, Neptune and Pluto can last for two to three years! Consider their effects, plan accordingly, and make them part of your life for the better.

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