The next Taurus will start in 311 days (Sunday, 20 April, 2025, 09:17 UTC)

The Moon moves to Taurus in 18 days (Monday, 01 July, 2024, 09:17 UTC)

Mercury moves to Taurus in 332 days (Sunday, 11 May, 2025, 09:17 UTC)

Venus moves to Taurus in 358 days (Friday, 06 June, 2025, 09:17 UTC)

Mars is currently in Taurus

Uranus is currently in Taurus


Mars In Taurus

Warrior planet Mars is about initiative and jumping into action. Hard-headed Taurus wants to take it easy and do things at his own pace. So, Mars in Taurus could be a time when we find it more difficult to get new projects off the ground. However, if we do manage to get the ball rolling on a plan during this transit, the influence of Taurus’ enduring nature will make sure we see it all the way through.

Mars is the planet of anger, a stark contrast to the calm Bull who doesn’t charge unless provoked. As a result, we may try to avoid confrontation as much as possible when Mars is in Taurus. While it’s easier to hide out than it is to show up for a showdown, resentment doesn’t disappear because we’ve sidestepped it. It will just get pushed down until our tempers flare, making for explosive displays if we’re not careful.

"Where’s the money, honey?" That’s what we’ll be asking ourselves while Mars moves through security-seeking Taurus. Our finances will come into focus, and material comfort becomes more important. Mars in Taurus is an excellent opportunity for us to fight (Mars) for what we value (Taurus), and pursue our financial goals with incredible steadfastness.

But it won’t be all work and no play when Mars is in Taurus! The Bull also encourages us to slow down and enjoy all the earthly pleasures life has to offer. What’s the point of working so hard if we don’t stop to enjoy the fruits of our labor every once in a while? Taurus has perfected the art of indulgence, so when Mars moves through this sign, it’ll be a time for us to kick off our shoes and relax for a bit.


Uranus In Taurus

Taurus is a sign that likes things steady and stable, and isn’t the best at handling big, sudden changes. But big, sudden changes are what Uranus is all about! Taurus would prefer to stick to the status quo and keep doing things the way they’ve always been done. The problem is, the old ways aren’t always the best ways. Even if we are resistant to the changes Uranus in Taurus brings, we have no choice but to go along for the ride, and, chances are, we’ll realize in the end that these changes brought us to a much better place.

Money is Taurus’ main area of expertise, so while Uranus is in Taurus, we can expect some very revolutionary ways of handling and dealing with money, both nationwide and worldwide. During the seven years Uranus will spend in Taurus, brand-new forms of currency may arise, banks and banking could come to a halt or change dramatically, and the housing and stock markets may be in for a major shake-up.

On a more personal level, Uranus in Taurus encourages us to break free from the grips of money: debt, taxes, credit card interest, rent, and mortgages are all things that can prevent us from saving money or using it the way we want to. We may also feel trapped by our material possessions in general. During this transit, we must be ready and willing to change our relationship to money and materialism.We no longer have a choice. Uranus is here to liberate us, and digging in our heels and resisting won’t make things any easier, and won’t stop these changes from happening. The changes we make during this period can actually help bring us to a point of greater stability, and can be very long-lasting.

Taurus Report

"Brace Yourselves, Taurus: You're About to be as Stubborn as a Time-Locked Dalek in a Debate Club!"

The next Taurus will start in 34 days, at Saturday, 20 April, 2024

The Moon moves to Taurus in 24 days, at Wednesday, 10 April, 2024

Mercury moves to Taurus in 60 days, at Thursday, 16 May, 2024

Venus moves to Taurus in 44 days, at Tuesday, 30 April, 2024

Mars moves to Taurus in 84 days, at Sunday, 09 June, 2024

Jupiter is currently in Taurus

Uranus is currently in Taurus

The First Quarter moon is currently 7.5 days old. The next new moon is at 18:23:21, 8 Apr 2024. The next full moon is at 23:51:09, 23 Apr 2024.

Greetings, my celestial Taurus! Let's talk about the galactic party in your house right now. Jupiter, that big gaseous giant, has parked its cosmic caboose in your constellation. This means you're likely feeling as expansive as a supermassive black hole, but in a good way! You're absorbing knowledge faster than a Starfleet Academy nerd on Red Bull. Then we have Uranus, the cosmic rebel. Just like that one Battlestar Galactica character who always seemed to be causing a ruckus (looking at you, Starbuck!). It's in your sign too, making you crave change like a Cylon craves an identity crisis. Don't be surprised if you find yourself wanting to repaint your spaceship or reinvent your life. Go with it! Now, that First Quarter moon, 7.5 days old and still glowing brighter than a supernova... It's a perfect time to take a step forward into the unknown. Launch that new project, embrace that new hairstyle, or boldly go where you've never gone before. Remember, Taurus, in the words of Number Six, "All this has happened before, and all will happen again." So, make the best of it and don't forget to laugh at the irony of the universe. And remember, if anyone asks, you didn't hear it from me. *winks* #TaurusRules #JupiterInTaurus #UranusInTaurus #NumberSixVibes #NerdAstrology #EmbraceTheChaos #BattlestarGalacticaLife


SignToday Is Posting: 17.03.2024 07:12:01 (tau-17-03-2024)

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