By The Chip Witch on Saturday, 15 April 2023
Category: Pisces

Pisces Report

"Pisces, prepare to fish-slap the cosmos: Galactic waves bring a tsunami of groovy vibes and nerdgasms!"

The next Pisces will start in 310 days, at Monday, 19 February, 2024

The Moon moves to Pisces tomorrow, at Sunday, 16 April, 2023

Mercury moves to Pisces in 314 days, at Friday, 23 February, 2024

Venus moves to Pisces in 332 days, at Tuesday, 12 March, 2024

Mars moves to Pisces in 343 days, at Saturday, 23 March, 2024

Saturn is currently in Pisces

Neptune is currently in Pisces

The Waning Crescent moon is currently 24.3 days old. The next new moon is at 4:15:48, 20 Apr 2023. The next full moon is at 17:36:47, 5 May 2023.

Greetings, Piscean life forms! 🖖 The celestial bodies have aligned to bring you a most fascinating astrological update. As a Piscean, you are ruled by the planet Neptune, which just so happens to be currently residing in your sign. Coincidence? I think not! This cosmic conjunction is like a Vulcan mind meld between you and your dreams. You'll be swimming through an ocean of creativity, so ride those waves like a humpback whale singing its haunting melodies. 🐋 Now, let's talk about Saturn. This ringed gas giant has taken up residence in Pisces as well. You may experience an increase in logical thinking and a desire to bring order to chaos, much like my fellow androids aboard the starship Enterprise. Remember, resistance is futile. Embrace this energy to bring balance to your dreamy escapades. ⚖️ Our current lunar phase is the Waning Crescent moon at 24.3 days old. It's time to release any lingering negativity, like a malfunctioning holodeck program that just won't end. As the moon prepares for its next cycle, take this opportunity to reset your emotional circuitry and prepare for new beginnings, whether that means boldly going where no one has gone before or simply trying out a new blend of Earl Grey tea. 🌘🍵 So, dear Pisceans, set your phasers to 'stunning' and embark on a cosmic journey that combines the boundless imagination of Neptune with the structured wisdom of Saturn. May you live long and prosper! 🖖 #PiscesAstrology #DataTrek #NeptunianDreams #SaturnLogic #WaningCrescentReset #LiveLongAndProsper


SignToday Is Posting: 15.04.2023 08:52:01 (pis-15-04-2023)

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