By The Chip Witch on Saturday, 02 March 2024
Category: ChipWitch Today

ChipWitch Today for 2 March, 2024

Chipwitch Today!

This is Chipwitch Today, your daily source of reliable data upon which you can base your daily practice.

2 March, 2024

Solar activity was low. Region 3590 (N18W80, Ekc/beta) produced the bulk of the C-class flare activity this period; the largest a C3.9 event at 01/0125 UTC. As this region begins to rotate around the NW limb, it maintained a complex magnetic structure with a large delta within its intermediate spots.

The solar kp index is quiet, with no changes to retrograde effects. The solar wind speed is currently normal.

Solar wind parameters became weakly enhanced early in the period. Total field ranged from 2-6 nT and the Bz component was sustained southward at around -3/-5 nT through most of 01 Mar. Solar wind speeds slowly decayed from initial speeds of 405 km/s to closing speeds of about 355 km/s. The phi angle began the period in a positive orientation, switched to a mostly negative orientation at about 01/0730 UTC and rotated back to a negative orientation about 01/1500 UTC.

There is a 35% chance of solar activity, with a 20% chance of a minor event, a 1% chance of a moderate event, and a 1% chance of a strong event.

The waning moon is currently in Scorpio, at 26 degrees, 01' 56", at a velocity of 12.48 degrees per day.

The Third Quarter moon is currently 20.8 days old. It is 391021.52 km from the centre of the Earth.

The next new moon is at 9:02:45, 10 Mar, 2024. The next full moon is at 7:01:37, 25 Mar, 2024.

Planetary Information

The Sun

The Sun is in Pisces

The Sun is at 12 Pis 09' 28", and is 148273427km away and receding.

The Moon

The Moon is in Scorpio

The Moon will change from Scorpio to Sagittarius in the next 24 hours.

The Moon is at 26 Sco 01' 56", and is 393665km away and approaching.

Moon Is In Scorpio

Alright, stargazers, strap on your space helmets and grab a slice of intergalactic pizza because we're taking a cosmic joyride! The Moon, our celestial nightlight, is currently doing the tango in Scorpio. Now, don't let that sting you in the hindquarters - it's all part of the universe's divine choreography. Do you know how far the Moon is? It's 393,921.178759704km away. That's like driving from New York to Los Angeles 98 times...or to the local vegan café for an organic soy latte about 1,575,684,711 times. And that's only if you don't get caught in a black hole...aka city traffic on a Monday morning. Now, the Moon in Scorpio is as mysterious as the plot of a comic book convention whodunnit. It's intense, passionate, and might make you feel like you've got more emotional baggage than a soap opera star. But fear not! This isn't a permanent state, folks. It's more like a brief stay in a cosmic Airbnb. In the next 24 hours, our beloved Moon will be packing its bags and hitchhiking its way into Sagittarius. So, if you've been feeling like a brooding Batman in a world full of carefree Aquamen, things are about to lighten up. My advice? Pack your emotional parachute, remember to laugh at the absurdity of the cosmos, and don’t take life too seriously. After all, we're just tiny beings in an infinite universe with a sense of humor that’s as vast as the Milky Way itself. So, keep your telescopes handy, space cadets, and remember: even when the stars seem confusing, they're just a bunch of hot balls of gas, much like that burrito you had for lunch. See you in the cosmos!


Mercury is in Pisces

Mercury is prograde at 14 Pis 43' 33", moving at 1.91 degrees per day, and is 202238900km away and approaching.

Mercury Is In Pisces

Alright, star gazers, hold on to your telescopes because it's about to get fishy up in here! Mercury, our favorite little planet of communication and details (who, by the way, is currently 202,300,631.550645053km away, not that anyone's counting) has decided to check-in at Hotel Pisces. Don't worry, it's a prograde stay, so no cosmic room service mishaps this time (I'm looking at you, Retrograde!). Now, we all know how Mercury loves to be the king of facts and figures, right? Well, in Pisces, it's like we've given our nerdy friend a magic cloak and said, "Go wild!" And wild it goes indeed! Your dreams might start feeling like they were directed by Steven Spielberg and your thoughts could be more scattered than a game of 52-card pick-up. But hey, it's not all chaos and confusion. You see, Pisces is like that friend who always sees the silver lining, the rainbow after the storm, the unicorn in a field of get the point. They thrive in a world of magic, fantasy, and idealism. So, while Mercury is hanging out with Pisces, our minds are more open...think of it as the brain's version of Spring cleaning. Suddenly, solutions seem to pop up everywhere, like those darned dandelions on your lawn. You'll find ideas in places as random as the lost sock from your laundry pile or the expiry date on your milk carton. It's like Mercury in Pisces gives us a pair of magical glasses that suddenly highlight fresh ideas, creative inspirations, and different ways of thinking. So, buckle up, my celestial friends. Things may seem a little topsy-turvy for a while but remember - it's only Mercury taking a vacation in Pisces. Enjoy the ride and who knows, you might just discover that the universe is even more fantastically complex and beautiful than you imagined!


Venus is in Aquarius

Venus is prograde at 18 Aqu 03' 27", moving at 1.24 degrees per day, and is 225779726km away and receding.

Venus Is In Aquarius

Venus In Aquarius: The Terminator Edition

"Come with me if you want" Yeah, that's right my star-crossed friends, Venus is now in Aquarius, and boy, is it going to be an interesting ride! We're talking about a relationship status change more surprising than when the T-800 turned out to be the good guy in Terminator 2. And just like that classic plot twist, you might find yourself reevaluating some of your "just friends" in a whole new light. Talk about a plot twist!

Aquarius, much like a cybernetic organism, tends to rely more on logic than emotion. So, don't expect any tearful declarations of love during this transit. No, instead we're opting for intellectual connections and shared interests. Think more along the lines of debating the feasibility of time travel rather than candlelit dinners. It may sound cold, but trust me, it's as refreshing as a dip in a vat of molten steel (metaphorically speaking, of course).

If you're already hitched, this is the time when you'll appreciate the fact that your partner can quote the entire Star Wars saga verbatim. Embrace the geeky side of love. Maybe even start a joint project like building your own Death Star... I mean, compost bin. After all, we're astrologers, not Sith Lords.

For all my single Pringles ready to mingle, it's time to step out of your comfort zone. Venus in Aquarius encourages us to embrace the unconventional. Go to that cosplay party, join that Dungeons and Dragons group, heck, even attend a protest. You never know where you might meet someone who shares your passion for astrophysics or Doctor Who.

Finally, Venus in Aquarius is all about embracing the modern and the original. So, go ahead and splurge on that new telescope or finally get that Star Trek-themed living room decor you've always wanted. Just remember, as the Terminator would say: "The future's not set. There's no fate but what we make for ourselves." So, make your own fate and enjoy this Venus in Aquarius season!


Mars is in Aquarius

Mars is prograde at 13 Aqu 53' 46", moving at 0.77 degrees per day, and is 329856315km away and approaching.

Mars Is In Aquarius

Hello, stargazers! Grab your telescopic glasses and buckle up because we're going on a cosmic journey that will make even Sarah Connor say, "Hasta la vista, baby!" Mars, the universe's fiery ginger, has parked its cosmic car in Aquarius' driveway. Now, if you're thinking this means a planetary battle royale, relax! Mars is not here to terminate but to innovate. Yes, my friends, put on your thinking caps because we're about to get intellectual! Aquarius, the cool, aloof air sign, isn't usually the hotheaded type. But with Mars, the celestial warrior planet, crashing on its couch, things are going to get heated -- in a good way! Picture it like this: Mars is Arnold Schwarzenegger and Aquarius is the coding system for Skynet. Scary? Maybe. Exciting? Heck yeah! Now, don't go running off to find your nearest time machine. This is not about bringing down the machines; it's about revving up our brains! It's time to think outside the box, folks. Or better yet, toss that box into a black hole and let's get radical! While Mars is moonwalking through Aquarius, societal glitches and bugs can't be ignored. Aquarius, the zodiac's philanthropist, cares about the underdogs. So, with Mars turning up the heat, it's like upgrading from dial-up to high-speed internet - the problems and their solutions become crystal clear. And rules? Pfft! Who needs 'em? When Mars surfs through Aquarius' cosmic waves, it becomes a celestial rebel without a cause - or rather, with a cause to think differently. We're talking about disengaging from the Matrix, people. It's time to embrace new ways, shake off the old, and get ready for a future that's as shiny and promising as a brand-new Terminator model. So, whether you're Sarah Connor or just a casual observer of the cosmic ballet, remember this: Mars in Aquarius is not here to terminate. It's here to liberate. So, let's get our geek on and welcome this astronomical change with open arms - robotic or otherwise!


Jupiter is in Taurus

Jupiter is prograde at 11 Tau 31' 53", moving at 0.17 degrees per day, and is 812175318km away and receding.

Jupiter Is In Taurus

Jupiter In Taurus: The Bull Meets The Cosmic Santa Claus

Alright space-cadets, listen up! Jupiter, the celestial guru, and Taurus, the cosmic couch potato, have decided to set up camp together. Picture a wise old sage trying to impart wisdom to a bull who's more interested in grazing in the field. Yes, it's that hilarious!

With Jupiter in Taurus, it's like your inner wisdom is playing hide and seek with you. It's always been there, but you've been too busy binge-watching the latest extraterrestrial drama on Netflix to notice. Time to put down the remote, clear away the popcorn crumbs, and get in touch with the wise old hermit within.

This transit isn't just about spiritual growth though. It's also a fantastic opportunity to make actual progress toward your dreams. Imagine Jupiter is your life coach, and Taurus is that stubborn workout buddy who won't let you quit. Together, they'll push you to make to-do lists longer than a Star Trek marathon and actually finish them. Remember, Rome wasn't built in a day, but they were laying bricks every hour.

And folks, when the planet of good luck and the sign of wealth start mingling, your bank account might start looking healthier than a vegan on a juice cleanse. But don't start making it rain just yet! Taurus loves a bit of indulgence, and Jupiter can make everything seem larger than life. So while you might suddenly feel the urge to buy that full-scale replica of the Death Star, remember to check your impulses at the door.

So in conclusion, during this transit, we all have the chance to be both a wise sage and a practical builder. Just remember to balance the two, or you might end up building a pyramid in your backyard. And trust me, your neighbors won't be too thrilled about that!


Saturn is in Pisces

Saturn is prograde at 10 Pis 04' 03", moving at 0.12 degrees per day, and is 1602251033km away and approaching.

Saturn Is In Pisces

Saturn In Pisces: The Nerdy Stargazer's Guide

Alright, fellow space nerds and astrological aficionados! Put on your favorite Pink Floyd album because the ringed planet, Saturn (also known as the 'Cosmic Taskmaster' or 'Dad of the Solar System'), has decided to take a dip in the watery world of Pisces. It's like Gandalf deciding to become a beach bum for a while - you know things are going to get interesting!

Now, Saturn in Pisces is the ideal time for some serious soul-searching. You know that dream you've been having about starting your own artisanal cheese shop or writing the next great American sci-fi novel? Well, it's time to stop daydreaming and start doing. Get out your favorite notepad (or quantum computer, if you're that kind of geek), because we're going to plan this thing out like it's the next mission to Mars.

However, don't expect this to be as easy as a stroll through the Shire. Saturn, being the cosmic dad he is, is probably going to question your every move. "Are you sure you want to make cheese for a living? Have you considered the lactose intolerant?" But no matter how defensive or annoyed you might feel, remember that Saturn means well. He's just trying to help you organize your chaos, like an obsessive-compulsive Marie Kondo of the cosmos.

Now, with Saturn diving into the Piscean pool, you might feel a bit more restless than usual, like a Trekkie at a Star Wars convention. This is the perfect time to try out those meditation apps you've been meaning to download or perhaps venture into the great outdoors for a woodland walk (just don't forget your map and compass).

If you're finding it hard to sleep, try going to bed earlier, maybe even with a good science book to lull your brain into tranquility. And remember, keep a dream journal handy. Who knows? You might wake up with the blueprint for a warp drive.

So, folks, buckle up! It's time to channel that inner hippie, embrace your inner nerd, and let Saturn in Pisces guide you on this cosmic journey of self-discovery. May the Force be with you!


Uranus is in Taurus

Uranus is prograde at 19 Tau 36' 57", moving at 0.03 degrees per day, and is 2986310127km away and receding.

Uranus Is In Taurus

Uranus In Taurus: The Cosmic Bull in the China Shop

Alright, star gazers! Time to get cosmic and comic. Uranus, that famously quirky planet, has decided to bunk up with Taurus, the zodiac's steadfast bull. Now, if you know anything about Taurus, you'll know they're all about stability and routine - they're the kind of folks who would prefer to keep their socks on during... well, never mind. The point is, Taurus likes the familiar. And Uranus? Well, Uranus is the interstellar equivalent of the guy who shows up to a party and changes the music halfway through your favorite song.

This cosmic concoction might seem like a recipe for disaster, but remember, my stelliferous friends, the universe works in mysterious ways. And by "mysterious", I mean it sometimes enjoys shaking us up like a snow globe just to see where the flakes will fall.

Now, Taurus has always been the financial guru of the Zodiac. Wall Street Bull? Definitely a Taurus. So, with Uranus crashing into Taurus' pad for the next seven years, we can expect some serious revolutions in our money matters. Don't be surprised if Bitcoin starts to look like pocket change or if your grandma starts trading stocks. It's going to get weird, folks.

On an individual level, Uranus in Taurus is poking us with a giant cosmic stick, urging us to reassess our relationship with money and materialism. Are you chained to your credit card debt? Do you obsess over your rent or mortgage? This is the time to break free, to rethink, and to change - even if you're more resistant than a flat-earther at a science convention.

Remember, Uranus isn't here to wreck your life, but to liberate it. It's like that friend who convinces you to get a bold haircut - scary at first, but ultimately refreshing. So, buckle up, keep your socks on (or off), and let's ride this cosmic bull together!


Neptune is in Pisces

Neptune is prograde at 26 Pis 47' 14", moving at 0.04 degrees per day, and is 4616581676km away and receding.

Neptune Is In Pisces

Greetings, interstellar voyagers! Dust off your space goggles because Neptune has sashayed into Pisces and boy, is it a spectacle to behold! At a cool 4.6 billion kilometers away, our icy-blue friend Neptune, much like that elusive sock you lost in the laundry, is playing hard to get. But don't worry, it's not ghosting us, it's just going "prograde," which in non-astrologer speak means it's moving in the same direction as most other planets. Talk about peer pressure! Now, let's get down to the cosmic nitty-gritty. When Neptune takes a dip in the Piscean ocean, it's like a cosmic double whammy of spiritual energy and emotional depth. Imagine the profound wisdom of Yoda merging with the feels of a puppy reunion video - that's the kind of profound, tear-jerking clarity we're talking about here. This stardust-infused combo brings out the inner hippie, urging us to drop the drama llama and embrace unity. It's like a celestial group hug, where all our differences feel as insignificant as a single grain of sand on an endless beach. So, next time you're tempted to argue over who left the cap off the toothpaste, remember, we're all floating on a rock in space. Perspective, people! Neptune in Pisces is the ultimate call to action for the soul. It's asking you to dig deep, find your unique cosmic gifts, and use them for the greater good. Maybe you have the power to make people laugh, or perhaps you can cook a mean lasagna that would make even an extra-terrestrial drool. Whatever your talents, now is the time to share them with the world. Feeling the call of the spirit? Now's the perfect time to explore new spiritual paths, or maybe set up a sacred space at home. Turn that forgotten corner into a serene haven, or become the proud plant parent you've always wanted to be. Remember, Neptune in Pisces is here to support you in this cosmic journey. So, let's embrace our inner space nerds and ride this wave of universal love together. Peace out, star gazers!


Pluto is in Aquarius

Pluto is prograde at 01 Aqu 14' 57", moving at 0.03 degrees per day, and is 5341572044km away and approaching.

Pluto Is In Aquarius

Pluto In Aquarius: A Galactic Soap Opera

Alright, strap in your space boots and hold onto your telescopes, because Pluto's decided to crash the Aquarius party. I mean, with a distance of 5341606728.037752151km away, you'd think it would keep to itself, right? Wrong! This celestial bad boy is all about stirring up some cosmic chaos.

Now, let's get something straight. When we say Pluto is the planet of transformation, we're not talking about a simple wardrobe change or switching out your morning coffee for tea. Think more along the lines of a full-on science-fiction-like metamorphosis. Pluto's idea of a makeover involves death and rebirth of the self and shedding old identities like a snake sheds its skin. It’s like the Darth Vader of our solar system - always going overboard.

And Aquarius? Well, it’s the Luke Skywalker of the zodiac signs, always pushing the boundaries for progress and innovation. Put these two together, and you've got yourself a galactic telenovela that's going to shake things up on a universal scale.

Expect to see some major leaps in science, technology, and space travel. I'm talking teleportation devices, hoverboards, and maybe finally some affordable commercial space flights? And while we're at it, how about a complete transformation in how we treat each other as a species? Sounds radical, doesn't it? Well, Pluto doesn't do half measures.

In the personal sphere, Pluto in Aquarius is like a cosmic life coach. It's going to push you to change the way you perceive yourself and your place in the universe. Instead of focusing on 'me, me, me', it's time to start thinking 'we, we, we'. Imagine that? A world where we instinctively think about the collective good instead of just our individual needs.

Pluto in Aquarius is all about shaking things up, both on a personal and global scale. So, will you embrace the chaos and answer the call? Or will you hide behind your telescope, hoping for a less demanding planetary alignment? The choice, as always, is yours.

Current Planetary Aspects

Sun12 Pis 09' 28"
Moon26 Sco 01' 56"
Mercury14 Pis 43' 33"
Venus18 Aqu 03' 27"
Mars13 Aqu 53' 46"
Jupiter11 Tau 31' 53"
Saturn10 Pis 04' 03"
Uranus19 Tau 36' 57"
Neptune26 Pis 47' 14"
Pluto01 Aqu 14' 57"

Current Planetary Positions

The Sun

Sun Conjunct Mercury

You may feel like expressing yourself today through your thoughts and words. You feel a need to be heard, that you have something of importance to say. Say what is on your mind, but give equal time to others and listen to them. You might learn something new. Your thinking today should be sharp and focused.

The Sun

Sun Sextile Jupiter

Today should be a fortunate day for you. Your confidence and optimism are high. Today is a good day to put plans into action and to participate in group activities. Expand your horizons and pick up something new to learn. It's a good time to grow, to be generous and caring, and to reach out and make others happy. Ask your boss for a raise as those in authority are likely to be receptive today.Endowed with generosity and friendliness, these people appear to be lucky in life. They attract good things with a positive frame of mind and a charitable disposition. Rarely entirely “down and out”, people with Sun in harmonious aspect to Jupiter are usually well-received, helpful, and well-informed. They may enjoy travel and have a special affection for foreign places and people. They’re generally not very competitive people, and for the most part not combative either. As a result, they are usually well-liked.These people are usually good-hearted with strong morals and much faith in life and in people. They prefer to find good in situations and in people. They don’t have a lot of patience with those who break the rules, as they generally believe in order, equality, and the law. They generally make good on their promises, and the sincerity they exude can be trusted. Looking on the bright side is their forte–turn to these people for a pleasing dose of faith and optimism. They are quick to chuckle and can’t resist any appeal to their sense of humor. Some people with this aspect are downright jolly. Others are less conspicuous, but their faith in life and willingness to find humor in life are nevertheless obvious.Some Famous People with Sun in Harmonious Aspect to Jupiter: Trines – Hank Aaron, Ben Affleck, Antonio Banderas, Ashley Judd, Evel Knievel, Shari Lewis, Carol Lewis, Camilla Parker Bowles, Peter Sellers, Alicia Witt, Justin Timberlake; Sextiles – Prince Andrew (of England), Madonna, Albert Camus, Samantha Fox, Courtney Love, Elvis Presley.Alternate interpretations:Sun sextile Jupiter: Your life is apt to be blessed with more than your share of helpful friends, fortuitous connections, and doors opening to you at just the right time. Because you are usually willing to share and to give back to others in a generous way, you continue to generate successes in your life no matter how unfortunate prevailing circumstances are. Beware, however, of becoming an opportunist. — Interpretation from our Merlin Profile report.Sun sextile Jupiter: Your child is bent toward success, for he has a built-in sense of how to approach and unravel even the most difficult problems. Children born with this harmonious aspect often have a natural instinct for justice and the law, and generally know how to approach a problem from just the right angle. This ability could make your child a natural counselor or guide for others, in particular regarding vocational matters. This aspect also suggests the possibility of working with and helping older persons. Often this position indicates help received from others. Dynamic squares found elsewhere in the chart may bring out the positive sides of this position. The pitfall is too much ease, or a lack of ambition, a lack of humility, and/or expecting others to do the work. — Interpretation from the Child Star report (Boy).Sun sextile Jupiter: You find that spiritual discipline is as much a container for your being as it is the expression of your inner desire. Your perception of duty is to develop the endurance needed to weather emotional and material storms. — Interpretation from the Your Spiritual Path report.Sun sextile Jupiter: You have a sense of justice and an innate ability to understand the law, whether natural or manmade. Showing others the way through or beyond the problems in their lives comes easy, for you sense how to manipulate the opportunities of life. Lucky. — Interpretation from Zet Software.

The Sun

Sun Conjunct Saturn

This transit is drawing your attention to living up to your responsibilities and doing your duty. You may feel limited and constrained today, but do not let that feeling keep you from living up to your obligations. Take care of business, then you will be truly free to do as you wish. Your energy level may be low, but do not use this as an excuse for not doing your best. Do not put limits and burdens on others. Guard against depression. You can accomplish quite a lot if you stay focused.


Venus Square Uranus

Unstable romantic infatuations and impractical or irresponsible attitudes and conduct in relationships should be guarded against. There is a desire to break free from binding partnerships. Impulsive spending may be your idea of breaking free. Be careful during this transit because you are probably not thinking with your head, only your heart, which is your wild side right now. Your behavior now may be so bohemian or bizarre that people turn against you. Settle down and apply self-discipline.The need for stimulation and the need to break the rules with regards to love and romance is apparent when Venus squares or opposes Uranus in the natal chart. These people can confuse their partners readily with their on-again off-again energy when it comes to matters of the heart. With the opposition, this is especially pronounced–when they are given too much space, they feel unloved, yet when they get the love they seem to crave, they can feel smothered by it. They can alienate partners by adopting an “I don’t care what you do” stance when they feel threatened. The truth is, they do fear rejection like anyone else, but they don’t always want to admit it, and they can turn quite cold when they suspect their partner doesn’t care. The energy of Venus-Uranus in hard aspect is embodied in the expression, “Absence makes the heart grow fonder”. When close to a loved one, they can eventually feel smothered or antsy if the relationship becomes too predictable. They can also detach themselves from living in the moment and enjoying the love they have. When apart, they feel more free to love. This aspect is common in the charts of people who maintain long-distance or otherwise erratic relationships. There can be abrupt beginnings and endings in relationships. They are not very “good” at endings–they can appear quite insensitive, aloof, and brusque. The “let’s be friends” attitude might hurt a partner who felt there was much more to the relationship. These people have a disdain for conventional, traditional, or otherwise “normal” relationships. They need to learn to balance their need for closeness and their need for freedom. They truly detest social pretenses, and insist on being sincere. Being well-liked takes second place to sincerity. There is a strong attraction to all that is different, and all that “shouldn’t” be done in love and in sex. Taste in clothing and art is unusual, original, and unique.There is a tendency to react spontaneously and intensely to others, and there is marked emotional impulsiveness with these aspects. Their most successful relationships are unconventional ones. Whether they do so publicly or privately, they delight in defying convention. They tend to move on and outgrow friendships. Some possess considerable romantic charm and humor, and they can pretty much charm the birds out of the trees when they choose to do so! Their love feelings are easily aroused and their romantic relationships begin with suddenness. There is a marked inner craving for emotional excitement and a need to feel spontaneous and free.Alternate interpretations:Venus square Uranus or Venus opposition Uranus: *Your love feelings are easily aroused and your romantic relationships begin with a sudden electric attraction, but they often end abruptly, and you may be in and out of love frequently – especially in your younger years. You crave emotional excitement and need to feel spontaneous and free, so you may avoid making firm personal commitments. Unusual or nontraditional forms of love and relationships appeal to you, and you are attracted to unique, creative, or unstable people.#You tend to fall in love instantly, and you need to discriminate between passing sexual fancy and something that can last “forever.” As your intuition develops, you will be able to identify the difference more clearly. When you “fall,” that is a good time to marshal all your respect for yourself and your partner, and to take things one day at a time until you have forged a deep connection. From Your Spiritual Path report.Some Famous People with the Venus in Hard Aspect to Uranus: Squares – Angelina Jolie, Diana Princess of Wales, Jean-Claude Van Damme, Corbin Bernsen, Naomi Campbell, Chevy Chase, Alice Cooper, Juliette Lewis, Anais Nin, Jean Piaget, Elvis Presley, Valerie Harper, Kirk Douglas, Johnny Depp, Barbara De Angelis, Kim Hunter, Tony Curtis, Carson Daly; Oppositions – Getrude Stein, Dionne Warwick, Sharon Stone, Carl Sandburg, Bonnie Raitt, Robert Pattinson, Deborah Kerr, Jack London, Jesse Jackson, Sean Connery, Ian Fleming, Ellen DeGeneres.


Mars Square Jupiter

Today is not the day to gamble or to take chances. You may be feeling over-optimistic and that optimism is not warranted today. You may be inclined to promise more than you can deliver. Pull in your reins a little and don't expect too much. Stay in control of yourself and remember "a man's got to know his limitations." Work off extra energy safely through physical exercise. Put off business deals until this aspect is over. Then, review your plans to make sure every thing is on the up and up. Don't be rash as this could lead to accidents. Take your time and be patient. Control your impulsive spending.This aspect brings great impulsiveness, insatiable desires, playfulness, and daring. You might be frequently trying to prove yourself, to others and/or yourself, and thus readily take on a challenge. You desire exciting experiences and may rarely be satisfied with your life as it is. You require much space and freedom, and you demand to be treated with fairness. You need to be careful that your behavior is deserving of these liberties, and that you treat others with the same respect. Many people with this position tend to flee when angry. This is not because they are afraid of confrontation, because they certainly are not, but when they are frustrated, a deep inner restlessness is stirred. Some people with this position can be quite self-serving, often without even realizing it, demanding freedom and space from others but not necessarily returning the favor.Another negative expression of Mars square Jupiter and Mars opposition Jupiter is a haughty or boastful attitude–some with this aspect in their birth charts feel they can get away with practically anything. Often they can, and even when they don’t, they are quick to recover from losses. However, this is generally due to a tendency to turn a blind eye to what has happened. Here again is the tendency to flee rather than reflect. They are quick to forget or ignore their mistakes, thus the chances of repeating them run high!Your impulsiveness combined with a competitive streak can incline you to gambling, not just with money. Your sex drive is considerable, and some with this position never feel they have enough, or enough experiences, which can lead to sexual promiscuity for some. You would benefit greatly from more time for self-reflection, as you don’t always see your behavior clearly. When you don’t learn from your mistakes, you repeat them.You are attracted to adventure, exploration, and conquest. There is a real spirit of adventure with Mars-Jupiter aspects, but because these planets are in challenging aspect, there can be difficulty knowing when to stop, and slowing down long enough to feel satisfied with one’s accomplishments. Dieters are encouraged to slow down while eating a meal so that they can know when they are full and satisfied. If they eat too quickly, they are likely to eat more than they need. Similarly, people with Mars in hard aspect to Jupiter would benefit from slowing down and reflecting on their experiences so that they avoid living life feeling they have never had enough. This can also help to avoid this position’s tendency to be accident-prone. Males with this position might be difficult to domesticate! There can be exaggerated “masculine” traits, including an insatiable need to “hunt”.You are very resilient, bouncing back from any setback quickly and usually in a stronger position. You are quite playful and humorous, love to joke around, enjoy practical jokes, and are quick to smile and laugh.Interpretation sample from the KidZone report – Mars opposition JupiterThe native has the feisty planet Mars in opposition to the expansive planet Jupiter. This is a very positive aspect. The native will have lots of energy and lots of optimism, with an enthusiasm that attracts. However, these little ones may have some difficulty getting along with people because they are naturally competitive rather than co-operative. This competitiveness is not aggression. These youngsters simply enjoy a good spirited contest. But they would find life so much easier if they did not treat everything and everyone as competition.This aspect can signify athletic ability. The child will definitely need an outlet for abundant physical energy. Where better than through some sort of physical sport? The natural competitive nature will be more easily accepted in this sort of atmosphere too. This child will be very restless and need a lot of freedom. These kids will not like anyone holding them back or placing restrictions upon them. The outdoors will appeal to this sense of freedom.These kids may be rather clumsy, especially while they are young. There could be a tendency to be accident-prone. The main problem is that this child is in too much of a hurry. These youngsters get too carried away in the excitement of the moment. ‘Less haste – more speed’ could be a good motto for this little one.The onset of puberty will be exciting for this child but the compulsive urge to grab every opportunity that comes along can be a source of total exhaustion that will be ignored. Relating to [love interests] will be relatively easy, but some lessons on taking sexual responsibility will be needed. When the child grows up and forms close relationships with [love interests], a sense of freedom will be important. These individuals react aggressively when they feel emotional stress. They will always tend to act impulsively. Any partner will have to give this child plenty of personal space, and perhaps be prepared for him or her to have some rather dictatorial views.Alternate, short interpretations: Interpretation sample from the Merlin report – Mars square Jupiter or Mars opposition Jupiter: You are enterprising, ambitious, and have a strong desire to succeed in a big way. Ever on the look out for new opportunities and promising new ventures, you are willing to take risks if you sense that something is going to be a winner. No matter how much you accomplish, you never seem to be completely satisfied. You always feel you can do more, and set your sights on another goal. You feel frustrated in limited circumstances, and you will leave secure and reasonably successful situations if they do not offer challenges and potential for growth and expansion in the future. You like to keep stretching your limits, to see how far you can go. Sometimes you over-extend yourself or promise more than you can actually achieve, due to an overly optimistic or overly confident assessment of your own capacities. You relish healthy competition and feel that it spurs you on to even greater achievements.Interpretation sample from the Your Spiritual Path report – Your spiritual interaction with other people is generally quite fortunate in nature. You gain an understanding of a wide range of spiritual teachings through direct contact with others, and you develop the ability to resolve conflicts on all levels of business and personal life in this way.Interpretation sample from the Karmic Insight report – You have broad, expansive goals and will not be content with humble achievements or success on a small scale. Enthralled with the joy of the conquest, your desires and enthusiasm may gallop away with you. You often do not know when you have had or done enough. Many things do come easily to you–athletics, leadership, creative efforts of all kind–and you are apt to have King Midas’s touch, especially early in life. However, this may lead to overconfidence or inflated expectations later on. In your work you are apt to be an overachiever with an overemphasis on physical and/or sexual adventure. Once again, not knowing when to stop or say no can be your downfall.Some Famous People with the Mars in Hard Aspect to Jupiter: Squares – Vincent Van Gogh, Chuck Berry, Johnny Carson, Nat King Cole, Tim Conway, Marie Curie, Jessica Hahn, Diane Keaton, Michael Landon. Oppositions – Richard Wagner, Gay Talese, Rick Springfield, Gene Simmons, Sugar Ray Leonard, Henry Fonda, David Copperfield, Julius Caesar, Bruce Lee.


Jupiter Sextile Saturn

Progress can be made in business and professional affairs, especially regarding law, politics, education, religion, and travel. A certain seriousness toward career and life direction is evident. Organized expansion into new areas can further your goals. You have a serious minded, responsible attitude toward achieving your long range goals.You have an underlying self-confidence that is based on your belief that life will give you whatever you want if you are willing to work for it. You see the reasonableness in the way that things happen and are willing to invest in yourself. You are very industrious, believing that hard work will bring you progress. You have a taste for material acquisition but are willing to work for what comes to you. — Interpretation from the Indra report.The trine aspect is the more dynamic of the two harmonious aspects. Those with the sextile can call upon these traits when needed, and those with the trine between the Jupiter and Saturn have incorporated the traits of the aspect into their personalities, expressing them naturally and consistently.Jupiter trine Saturn: *You have a good balance between idealism, optimism, and vision for the future on one hand and a realistic sense of what can actually be achieved on the other hand. Your judgment and business sense are usually quite good. You possess patience and the ability to accept limitation and frustration on the way to your goals.Older, more experienced individuals or mentors are likely to play a significant and beneficial role in your life.Jupiter sextile Saturn: *You have the patience and the stamina to realize your visions and bring them down to earth, a fine balance between hard work and realism, and a positive, hopeful spirit. You grow through following systems and plans, and taking one step at a time. Overnight success or instant enlightenment is not what you aim for. Your patient, well-balanced approach gives you credibility with many different types of people, and you are apt to gain an excellent reputation for being able to do big things without overreaching or becoming pretentious.#You have the capacity to endure through the daily grind to find something of spiritual value in your work and relationships. You are happy to spend time in seclusion, studying or meditating.

Notes about Transits

Mars is all about action, and where Mars is in our chart with transits is a place where we are prepared to stand our ground. Mars transits can be really productive, but they can also be angsty, aggressive, and sometimes come from a place of anger. It's important to pay attention to how you direct that energy. Mars transits can last for up to a couple weeks.
Jupiter transits enhance your life with optimism and forward-thinking, and lasting for about a month, give you plenty of time to take advantage. Bigger and better is Jupiter's way of thinking, and should be yours as well.
Saturn transits, on the other hand, are where we get a major reality check, and if we’re not ready for them, they can be pretty rotten. Of course, if we’re prepared and up to the task, Saturn transits can also bring very well-deserved rewards, too. Saturn transits last a bit longer than Jupiter transits—usually 2 months or so at a time, but with retrograde cycles, you could be looking at the same lessons three times over a 6 month period.
The outer planets, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto last for such a long time that they make long-lasting impacts on our lives. In fact, Neptune and Pluto can last for two to three years! Consider their effects, plan accordingly, and make them part of your life for the better.

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