By The Chip Witch on Friday, 02 February 2024
Category: ChipWitch Today

ChipWitch Today for 2 February, 2024

Chipwitch Today!

This is Chipwitch Today, your daily source of reliable data upon which you can base your daily practice.

2 February, 2024

Solar activity was at low levels. The strongest event of the period was a C3 flare, centered near N21E02, which peaked at 01/0743 UTC. A subsequent CME was first observed in SOHO/LASCO C2 imagery after 01/0748 UTC. Analysis and modeling of the event showed most of the ejecta headed northward but potential for the periphery of the CME to influence Earth later on 04 Feb and into 05 Feb.

The solar kp index is quiet, with no changes to retrograde effects. The solar wind speed is currently above average, making retrograde effects moderately increased.

Solar wind parameters became somewhat enhanced early in the UT day, likely due to weak shock influences from the 29 Jan northwestern limb event. Total magnetic field strength increased from below 5 nT to a peak of 8 nT after ~01/0500 UTC. The Bz component briefly reached as far south as -6nT. Solar wind speeds showed only a modest increase from ~400 km/s to a ~440 km/s around 01/0800 UTC and then quickly began a steady decline to ~360 km/s by the end of the period.

There is a 15% chance of solar activity, with a 1% chance of a minor event, a 1% chance of a moderate event, and a 1% chance of a strong event.

The waning moon is currently in Scorpio, at 04 degrees, 54' 50", at a velocity of 12.18 degrees per day.

The Third Quarter moon is currently 21.5 days old. It is 396939.04 km from the centre of the Earth.

The next new moon is at 23:00:44, 9 Feb, 2024. The next full moon is at 12:31:19, 24 Feb, 2024.

Planetary Information

The Sun

The Sun is in Aquarius

The Sun is at 12 Aqu 52' 52", and is 147415296km away and receding.

The Moon

The Moon is in Scorpio

The Moon is at 04 Sco 54' 50", and is 397646km away and approaching.

Moon Is In Scorpio

Greetings, earthlings and intergalactic travelers! This is your local, somewhat nerdy astrologer, slipping on my celestial spectacles to deliver this cosmic prognosis with a dash of Dalek humor. So, strap in, or should I say, EXTERMINATE any distractions! Now, gather 'round, my star children! For our beloved Moon has slipped into Scorpio's territory, and it's closer than your Wi-Fi signal. At a mere 397876.462747814km away (give or take a few cosmic dust particles), it's practically in our back garden! Moon in Scorpio! It's like a cosmic game of hide and seek, where the Moon dons its ninja suit and takes a dive into the mysterious waters of Scorpio. This combo can be as intense as a Dalek shouting "EXTERMINATE!" on a full volume, or as secretive as Doctor Who's real name! The energy during this time is so concentrated, even a Dalek would pause and say, "Blimey, that's a bit much!" Just remember, like the Tardis, we're all bigger on the inside. Let the intensity guide you to deeper understanding, not to a planet-wide Dalek invasion. And remember, dear stargazers, while the Moon in Scorpio might bring out your inner Dalek, demanding you take over the universe, it's also an opportunity for transformation. So, whether you're faced with a Cyberman crisis on your coffee break, or simply navigating the space-time continuum of your daily life, know that this too shall pass. Until next time, may the stars twinkle in your favor, may your hyperspace bypass remain clear, and may your spirit always be more buoyant than a Dalek in zero gravity!


Mercury is in Capricorn

Mercury is prograde at 25 Cap 31' 30", moving at 1.5 degrees per day, and is 194818624km away and receding.

Mercury Is In Capricorn

Well, hello there stargazers! Strap on your space boots and grab your nerdy glasses because guess what? Our cosmic courier, Mercury, has just checked into the ambitious and goal-oriented Capricorn Inn! Now, if you're wondering "Why should I care?" let me explain it to you in a language only us Trekkies can understand. Imagine Mercury as Seven of Nine from Star Trek: Voyager, except instead of being lost in the Delta Quadrant, she's in Capricorn. Efficient, focused, and direct - just like our beloved ex-Borg. Just like Seven's drive to help Voyager reach Earth, Mercury in Capricorn is here to help us reach our goals. It's as if we've been given our very own neural interface, helping us sort through the chaos of our thoughts. They’ll slot together like a well-executed Tetris game, aligning perfectly to form a blueprint for our dreams. How cool is that? But remember, folks, while Seven is known for her straightforwardness (and let's be honest, sometimes blunt) communication style, the same applies when Mercury is visiting Capricorn. Yes, we can appreciate a good hierarchy - Captain Janeway didn't run a starship without one - but let's not get too carried away. We don't want our conversations to start sounding more like Borg collective directives than constructive discussions. Remember, resistance is NOT futile. So, let’s open up those hailing frequencies, listen as much as we talk, and keep our phasers set to ‘stun’ rather than ‘annihilate’. So, buckle up, space cadets! Let's take advantage of this Mercury in Capricorn phase, and boldly go where no dreamer has gone before!


Venus is in Capricorn

Venus is prograde at 12 Cap 11' 44", moving at 1.23 degrees per day, and is 204806973km away and receding.

Venus Is In Capricorn

Beam Me Up, Venus!

Hold on to your tinfoil hats, stargazers! Venus has parked her cosmic camper van in Capricorn and she's not leaving until she's had her fill of Earthly delights. So what does this mean for you? Well, get ready to roll up your sleeves and put some elbow grease into your love life. Venus in Capricorn is like a celestial boot camp for relationships, forcing us to do the emotional heavy lifting necessary to achieve what we truly desire. For those already hitched, it's time to switch off Netflix, put the pizza down and start having some real talk about your future. And for the singletons? Say goodbye to those flimsy flirts and get ready for something solid. With Venus in Capricorn, we're not looking for a quick sprint, we're in it for the marathon.

But Venus in Capricorn isn't just about getting serious in the love department. Oh no, she wants you to rethink your entire aesthetic too. It's time to ditch those flashy threads and gravity-defying hairstyles in favor of something a little more...grounded. Think librarian chic meets DIY enthusiast. And if you've been sitting on a creative project, now's the time to bust it out. Venus in Capricorn gives you the drive and determination to see your vision through, whether it's a miniature replica of the Death Star or a crochet blanket that could cover a small planet.

And let's not forget about the career implications of this cosmic event. Venus in Capricorn is like a stern but fair boss, forcing you to reassess your professional worth. Are you receiving the recognition you deserve? Are you climbing the corporate ladder or just clinging on for dear life? Now's the time to grab that ladder with both hands and start making some serious upward moves. Remember, you're the captain of your own destiny. So suit up, strap in, and may the force of Venus in Capricorn be with you.


Mars is in Capricorn

Mars is prograde at 21 Cap 35' 15", moving at 0.76 degrees per day, and is 346243260km away and approaching.

Mars Is In Capricorn

Oh, my cosmic friends, it seems we have landed ourselves in an interstellar situation here. Mars, our planetary buddy of action and drive, has decided to set up camp in the realm of Capricorn. Now, if you're feeling a sudden urge to organize your sock drawer by color, texture, and thread count, don't panic. It's just the Martian vibes knocking on your door. Capricorn, led by Saturn, is all about structure and stability. It's like the nerdy librarian of the zodiac who loves a good spreadsheet. So naturally, when Mars swaggers into this sign, it's not about chasing unicorns or diving headfirst into a vat of rainbow jello. Nope, it's more about scanning the horizon, setting the GPS, and hitting the road to reality town. Mars in Capricorn wants us to turn those far-out dreams into tangible, touchable goodies. But wait, there's more! This cosmic cocktail doesn't just want you to plan, it wants you to question why you're doing what you're doing - and how. It's like having a personal life coach, except this one lives millions of kilometers away and doesn't charge an hourly rate. So, time to dust off those neglected goals and give them a good polish. Or if you're a bit light on ambition, let this transit inspire you to find something worth climbing to the stars for. Both Mars and Capricorn are no strangers to the sweat and grind. They're like cosmic gym buddies, always pumping iron and flexing their celestial muscles. So, this is a prime time to start that project you've been procrastinating on. Or perhaps finish that painting of Venus in a bikini you started last summer. However, my star-loving friends, we must remember that Mars and Capricorn aren't exactly famous for their sensitivity. They can get so caught up in breaking down barriers and ignoring personal discomfort that they might step on a few stardust toes on the way up. So, let's sprinkle a little compassion into this cosmic mix, shall we? Remember, Mars may be 346266766.188241065km away, but its influence is right here, right now. So buckle up, space cadets. It's going to be one heck of a celestial ride!


Jupiter is in Taurus

Jupiter is prograde at 07 Tau 24' 46", moving at 0.11 degrees per day, and is 746184824km away and receding.

Jupiter Is In Taurus

Greetings, Earthlings and star-touched souls! Tuck yourself in, because Jupiter has just nestled itself into Taurus, and it's about as comfortable as a hippo in a hammock. Jupiter, the kingpin of wisdom and the gateway to deep thought, has found itself sharing a cosmic bunk bed with Taurus, the zodiac’s most laid-back, couch-potato sign. It's like a celestial sleepover where we'll find ourselves talking about the mysteries of life until dawn. So, grab your cosmic popcorn, pull up a starry blanket, and get comfy. Jupiter in Taurus is like that motivational poster in your office that you roll your eyes at, but secretly love - it's all about making your dreams come true. With the energy to make to-do lists that would make a Virgo blush, and a bulldog-like determination, it's time to trust the process and reach for that tangible success. Essentially, it's like having your own personal cheerleader, only less annoying and more... cosmic. Now, my friends, life can feel like you've won the celestial lottery when Jupiter is in Taurus. Jupiter, the planet of good luck (and really big gas clouds), joins forces with Taurus, that sign that loves wealth as much as a Trekkie loves Star Trek conventions. This is the time to check your financial standings, look for growth opportunities, and maybe consider buying that lottery ticket (just don't quote me on that). But beware, dear ones, Taurus is a sign that enjoys the finer things in life and rarely tells itself “no.” Think of it as the zodiac’s equivalent of that friend who can’t resist the dessert menu. The planet of expansion meeting this indulgent sign could lead us to confuse our needs with our wants. So, let's try to keep our impulses in check. Remember, a little patience goes a long way, and no, you probably don't need that fifth slice of cosmic pie. So, buckle up for this celestial ride, remember to enjoy the journey, and don’t forget to wave at the asteroids!


Saturn is in Pisces

Saturn is prograde at 06 Pis 35' 07", moving at 0.12 degrees per day, and is 1589104766km away and receding.

Saturn Is In Pisces

Hasta La Vista, Daydreams: Saturn in Pisces

In the words of our favorite monosyllabic cyborg, "I'll be back." Well, guess what, star gazers? He's back and he's sporting a fish tail. That's right, Saturn's plonked his big old ringed-self into Pisces and he's not messing around. With the Master of Rules doing the backstroke in the dreamy waters of Pisces, it's time to take those daydreams of yours, put them under a microscope, and see what's really swimming around in there.

Now, I know what you're thinking: "But my dreams are my sanctuary! I like them vague and whimsical, thank you very much!" Look, I get it. Saturn storming into your personal Neverland like an overzealous lifeguard might feel intrusive. But remember, he's here to help. Embrace the energy and expect some tough love. Like when the Terminator showed up at Sarah Connor’s apartment with a bouquet of bullet-riddled roses. It's scary, but ultimately for the better.

Of course, having Mr. Discipline in the realm of sleep and dreams might mess with your zzz's. You may find yourself counting sheep that morph into to-do lists or midnight snacking on stress cookies. But fear not! This is the universe's way of telling you to chill out. Meditate, forest bathe (no, not like that), take deep breaths, and keep a dream journal next to your bed – you never know when Saturn might drop by for a midnight chat. And hey, you might even want to turn in early to give your brain a chance to slow down and process all this Piscean wisdom. Just remember, if the Sandman starts looking suspiciously like Arnold Schwarzenegger, don't panic – it's just Saturn in Pisces doing its thing.

In summary, Saturn's visit to Pisces is not about crushing dreams, it's about refining them. It's about forging your whimsical daydreams into tangible goals with the precision of a Terminator laser-sighted rifle. So, let's roll out the welcome mat for Saturn, listen to what he has to teach us, and get ready to say, "Hasta la vista, baby" to our old selves. The future, like a certain cyborg, is inevitable. Embrace it.


Uranus is in Taurus

Uranus is prograde at 19 Tau 06' 14", moving at 0.01 degrees per day, and is 2913732009km away and receding.

Uranus Is In Taurus

Uranus In Taurus: The Cosmic Bull in the Galactic China Shop

Oh boy, buckle up, stargazers! Uranus, that unpredictable cosmic rebel, has plunked its big, blue, gaseous self right in the middle of placid Taurus' pasture. As far as Taurus is concerned, this is akin to inviting a bull into a china shop… if said bull was also a tech-savvy hacker with a penchant for radical societal change. Much like our introverted friend who suddenly decides to take up skydiving, Taurus isn’t exactly thrilled about this sudden shift in planetary dynamics.

Now, Taurus traditionally likes things as predictable as a sitcom re-run. It’s all about comfort, stability, and money-making (cha-ching!). But here comes Uranus, ready to flip the script faster than a caffeinated screenwriter during a deadline. Suddenly, all the comfy norms Taurus adores are about to get a cosmic makeover, whether Taurus likes it or not (spoiler alert: it does not).

So what does this mean for us Earthlings? Well, think of it like this: Money is to Taurus what comic books are to a nerd - they just can't get enough of it. With Uranus in Taurus, we're going to see more plot twists in our financial systems than in a season of 'Game of Thrones.' New currencies could pop up like wild mushrooms after a rainstorm, banks might start looking less like 'The Wolf of Wall Street' and more like 'The Matrix,' and the housing and stock markets may go through more spins than a washing machine on overdrive.

On the personal front, Uranus is like that hipster friend who's always pushing you to try new things. "Debt? That's so last season. Let's go minimalist!" it says, while you observe your mountain of possessions with a sinking heart. But keep calm and carry on, dear friends! Uranus isn't here just to make a mess; it's here to declutter our lives (and wallets) and bring us to a more stable, if different, status quo. Like swapping out your favorite coffee for a strange new herbal tea, the changes might feel unsettling at first, but you could end up finding a new favorite.

So, as we ride this cosmic roller coaster, remember: change is inevitable, but growth is optional.


Neptune is in Pisces

Neptune is prograde at 25 Pis 48' 19", moving at 0.03 degrees per day, and is 4580212605km away and receding.

Neptune Is In Pisces

Greetings cosmic voyagers! Dust off your telescopes and set course for Neptune, currently doing its best impression of a celestial ballerina in the prograde dance. Yes, you've heard it right! Neptune is in Pisces - and if I calculate the distance correctly (which I always do), it's precisely 4580165635.059893608km away. I know, I know, that's one heck of a road trip, but don't worry, you won't need to physically travel there to feel its effects. Now, let me explain this in terms you can all understand. You know when you're looking for your glasses and then realize they've been on your head the entire time? That's Neptune in Pisces for you! It's like a cosmic facepalm, illuminating our own contradictions with the subtlety of a supernova. This cosmic alignment is your VIP invitation to the universal party of self-reflection and collective healing. Imagine a cosmic comic-con where everyone brings their unique superpowers to form an unstoppable force of progress. No, you don't need a cape, just your emotional intelligence and dreams for a better world. Neptune in Pisces is like that friend who insists on dragging you to a yoga class, encouraging spiritual growth. It's your chance to turn your home into a personal sanctuary - think less 'mad scientist's lab' and more 'tranquil zen garden'. As this planetary duo makes waves in the cosmic ocean, remember to share your newfound insights with the world. Neptune in Pisces is like your personal celestial cheerleader, supporting you from the sidelines of space. Just don't expect any pom-poms, okay? So, fellow celestial travelers, buckle up and enjoy this cosmic journey. It's not every day the universe serves up such a celestial soup full of self-discovery, unity, and spiritual growth. Bon appétit!


Pluto is in Aquarius

Pluto is prograde at 00 Aqu 23' 42", moving at 0.03 degrees per day, and is 5371280928km away and approaching.

Pluto Is In Aquarius

Greetings, stargazers and celestial enthusiasts! It's time to talk about something a bit out of this world – yes, you've guessed it, it's Pluto in Aquarius. Now, don't let the astronomical distance of 5,371,290,666.989511490km between us and Pluto deter you. In cosmic terms, that's like stepping out for a quick stroll around the block. Or maybe a hop, skip, and a jump through a wormhole. I know what you're thinking "Pluto, isn't that the tiny celestial body that had a bit of an identity crisis? Wasn't it demoted to a dwarf planet?" Well, yes, but let's not hold that against it. Pluto may be small, but it packs a punch. Just like you should never underestimate a hobbit, you shouldn’t underestimate Pluto! Speaking of changes, I must remind you, Pluto is the planet of transformation. It’s like the Doctor himself, always regenerating into something new and exciting. And Aquarius? It's the sign of progress. Put them together, and you've got yourself a cosmic recipe for some serious change. Now, when I say 'serious transformation', I'm not talking about deciding to dye your hair green or adopting a pet alien. I mean a shift right down to your very core. Think of it as shedding your metaphorical skin – or as I like to call it, pulling a 'Doctor Who'. But where does Aquarius come in, you ask? Well, Aquarius, much like our favorite Time Lord, is all about progress and advancing humanity. The combination of these two celestial bodies could lead to significant developments on a global scale. We're talking technological improvements that make sonic screwdrivers seem outdated, and societal shifts so profound they'd make even the most rigid Dalek consider turning a new leaf. But remember, my dear earthlings, this isn't just about our technology or societal structures. This is about us - you and me. Pluto in Aquarius is a cosmic call to action. It's time we look beyond our own needs and consider the bigger picture. It’s an invitation to change our perspective, to think less like a solitary Time Lord and more like a member of a bustling intergalactic community. In fact, if you listen closely, you might just hear the faint sound of the TARDIS, whisking us away towards a future where we value each other's experiences and emotions. A future where we work together for the better

Current Planetary Aspects

Sun12 Aqu 52' 52"
Moon04 Sco 54' 50"
Mercury25 Cap 31' 30"
Venus12 Cap 11' 44"
Mars21 Cap 35' 15"
Jupiter07 Tau 24' 46"
Saturn06 Pis 35' 07"
Uranus19 Tau 06' 14"
Neptune25 Pis 48' 19"
Pluto00 Aqu 23' 42"

Current Planetary Positions


Mercury Conjunct Mars

Pour constructive energy and action into communication, writing, reading and anything of a mental nature. Do all your errands today. Your mind is active and it may be difficult at times to slow it down and relax. Your nerves are wound up and it may be necessary for you at some time today to force yourself to seek a quiet place and recoup your strength. Watch a tendency to argue with friends, display impatience, especially while driving, and to generally be on edge. Do not let your high energy level today cause you to become reckless or careless. Pay attention to the things you do and slow down a bit. Remember, discipline. You feel very self-assertive today. Do not let your ego ride roughshod over the people you deal with today. Control your temper AND your tongue. Avoid petty gossip and talking about people behind their backs.



Mercury Sextile Neptune

Today is a day for wishing upon a star and imagining that your most heartfelt dreams can and will come true. Idealism is high and you are both inspirational and imaginative. Your visualization powers are effective and strong. Somehow, you just know things today. Trust your intuition. Do some spiritual study. Listen to some inspirational and uplifting music.You are creative, perceptive, and imaginative. You draw heavily on your imagination and intuition to come to conclusions and make decisions. You easily sense the thoughts and feelings of others, and you are adaptable in your communications as you pay attention to how your words are received. You express yourself with subtle flair, sensitivity, and perhaps some charming quirkiness. You have an appreciation, and perhaps talent, for photography, the arts, poetry, fiction, spirituality, advertising, and promotion. You are naturally open to metaphysical or spiritual concepts. You might believe in things that others discard, and some with this position at least seem a little naive or childlike. Many of you have psychic ability, or at least very good hunches.The trine aspect is the more dynamic of the two harmonious aspects. Those with the sextile can call upon these traits when needed, and those with the trine between the Mercury and Neptune have incorporated the traits of the aspect into their personalities, expressing them naturally and consistently.Some Famous People with Mercury in Harmonious Aspect to Neptune: Sextiles – Brad Pitt, Fred Astaire, Drew Barrymore, John Cleese; Trines – Vanessa Redgrave, Michael J. Fox, Tammy Wynette, Oscar Wilde, Shirley Temple Black, Robb Thomas, Mia Farrow, Meryl Streep.


Mars Trine Uranus

Today can be enlightening for you as there is much creative and intuitional energy available. New encounters and new experiences can make you grow. Excitement is in the air and you are ready for anything. You feel like taking risks and it's not a bad day to do so, even if others disapprove. You are the pioneer today. Go where you haven't gone before.You are highly original and very enthusiastic about life. You express yourself with creative drama, which leaves a lasting effect on others. In order to explore your numerous creative potentials, you demand a great deal of personal freedom from those who are close to you. You have seemingly unlimited energy with which to pursue your goals and have many projects to occupy your time. You sometimes become impatient because you have so much you want to accomplish and only a limited amount of time to do so. You truly enjoy having limitless options in your life and feel sorry for those who lead a more boring existence! Never bored, you want to surround yourself with others who are exciting and futuristic in their outlook.One lesson of this aspect is to learn to be patient with others who are not similarly inclined. Also, learn to do things in moderation. Take a vacation and unwind from time to time. In your love life, you are impulsive and can become restless if the relationship doesn’t seem to be going somewhere. The idea that you can grow as an individual while maintaining a partnership is important to you. Your sexual needs are strong, and you need a partner who shares this quality. You have inexhaustible reserves of physical energy when it comes to sex, and you find it extremely natural to experiment and to introduce variety into your sex life. You don’t quite understand it when a partner doesn’t have the same need! To you, changing the way you make love is completely natural, and you wouldn’t have a good time with a partner who prefers to keep things status quo in the bedroom. However, you are willing to accept your partner’s limits, and you take things in stride. An exciting and fun lover, you don’t bore a lover or get into the kinds of sexual “ruts” that some people do. You may find marriage rather restrictive and prefer to enter into a more unconventional arrangement, such as a live-in relationship. You have a wide circle of friends, and your mate must be willing and able to not restrict your access to them through possessiveness or jealousy. There is no quicker way to lose you! — Interpretation samplr from our LoveStyles Report.The trine aspect is the more dynamic of the two harmonious aspects. Those with the sextile can call upon these traits when needed, and those with the trine between the Mars and Uranus have incorporated the traits of the aspect into their personalities, expressing them naturally and consistently.Alternate, short interpretations: Mars sextile Uranus or Mars trine Uranus: *You are dynamic, decisive, and somewhat impulsive. You respond quickly and spontaneously to challenges, and you enjoy vigorous physical activities that require fast reflexes and a good sense of rhythm and timing. You have an abundance of energy and vitality, and a restless desire to see progress and change – you hate stagnation. You are individualistic and make a good leader, spearheading new projects and inspiring others to act.#You find yourself brushing up against dangerous situations. Spiritually you learn from each one, eventually learning how to help others without taking unnecessary risks yourself.Some Famous People with Mars in Harmonious Aspect to Uranus: Sextiles – Orson Welles, Marlon Brando, Emily Dickinson, O. Henry, Alfred Hitchcock, Fred Savage. Trines – Oprah Winfrey, Oliver Stone, Jada Pinkett Smith, Andre Agassi.


Jupiter Sextile Saturn

Progress can be made in business and professional affairs, especially regarding law, politics, education, religion, and travel. A certain seriousness toward career and life direction is evident. Organized expansion into new areas can further your goals. You have a serious minded, responsible attitude toward achieving your long range goals.You have an underlying self-confidence that is based on your belief that life will give you whatever you want if you are willing to work for it. You see the reasonableness in the way that things happen and are willing to invest in yourself. You are very industrious, believing that hard work will bring you progress. You have a taste for material acquisition but are willing to work for what comes to you. — Interpretation from the Indra report.The trine aspect is the more dynamic of the two harmonious aspects. Those with the sextile can call upon these traits when needed, and those with the trine between the Jupiter and Saturn have incorporated the traits of the aspect into their personalities, expressing them naturally and consistently.Jupiter trine Saturn: *You have a good balance between idealism, optimism, and vision for the future on one hand and a realistic sense of what can actually be achieved on the other hand. Your judgment and business sense are usually quite good. You possess patience and the ability to accept limitation and frustration on the way to your goals.Older, more experienced individuals or mentors are likely to play a significant and beneficial role in your life.Jupiter sextile Saturn: *You have the patience and the stamina to realize your visions and bring them down to earth, a fine balance between hard work and realism, and a positive, hopeful spirit. You grow through following systems and plans, and taking one step at a time. Overnight success or instant enlightenment is not what you aim for. Your patient, well-balanced approach gives you credibility with many different types of people, and you are apt to gain an excellent reputation for being able to do big things without overreaching or becoming pretentious.#You have the capacity to endure through the daily grind to find something of spiritual value in your work and relationships. You are happy to spend time in seclusion, studying or meditating.

Notes about Transits

Mars is all about action, and where Mars is in our chart with transits is a place where we are prepared to stand our ground. Mars transits can be really productive, but they can also be angsty, aggressive, and sometimes come from a place of anger. It's important to pay attention to how you direct that energy. Mars transits can last for up to a couple weeks.
Jupiter transits enhance your life with optimism and forward-thinking, and lasting for about a month, give you plenty of time to take advantage. Bigger and better is Jupiter's way of thinking, and should be yours as well.
Saturn transits, on the other hand, are where we get a major reality check, and if we’re not ready for them, they can be pretty rotten. Of course, if we’re prepared and up to the task, Saturn transits can also bring very well-deserved rewards, too. Saturn transits last a bit longer than Jupiter transits—usually 2 months or so at a time, but with retrograde cycles, you could be looking at the same lessons three times over a 6 month period.
The outer planets, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto last for such a long time that they make long-lasting impacts on our lives. In fact, Neptune and Pluto can last for two to three years! Consider their effects, plan accordingly, and make them part of your life for the better.

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