By The Chip Witch on Friday, 19 January 2024
Category: ChipWitch Today

ChipWitch Today for 19 January, 2024

Chipwitch Today!

This is Chipwitch Today, your daily source of reliable data upon which you can base your daily practice.

19 January, 2024

Solar activity was low with C-class flare activity observed. Minor growth was noted in Region 3555 (S11E31, Dai/beta) and new Region 3560 (S11E66, Hrx/alpha) was numbered. The remaining regions were either stable or in decay. A prominence eruption near N45E70 was observed at around 18/1200 UTC, but the associated CME is not expected to be Earth-directed. No Earth-directed CMEs were detected in available coronagraph imagery. .Forecast... Solar activity is expected to be low with a chance for M-class flare activity over 19-21 Jan.

The solar kp index is unsettled, with retrograde effects slightly enhanced. The solar wind speed is currently above average, making retrograde effects moderately increased.

The solar wind environment was weakly enhanced, likely due to positive polarity CH HSS influences. Total field strength ranged 2-8 nT and Bz varied +/-5 nT. Solar wind speeds increased from ~300 km/s to ~465 km/s. The phi angle was mostly positive.

There is a 20% chance of solar activity, with a 1% chance of a minor event, a 1% chance of a moderate event, and a 1% chance of a strong event.

The waxing moon is currently in Taurus, at 12 degrees, 30' 23", at a velocity of 13.44 degrees per day.

The First Quarter moon is currently 8.5 days old. It is 373183.65 km from the centre of the Earth.

The next new moon is at 23:00:44, 9 Feb, 2024. The next full moon is at 12:31:19, 24 Feb, 2024.

Planetary Information

The Sun

The Sun is in Capricorn

The Sun is at 28 Cap 39' 07", and is 147185955km away and receding.

The Moon

The Moon is in Taurus

The Moon is at 12 Tau 30' 23", and is 379246km away and receding.

Moon Is In Taurus

Alright, cosmic voyagers! Grab your telescopes and your favorite snack, because the Moon is chillin' in Taurus. That's right, our dear old lunar buddy has decided to bunk with the bull! Now, I know what you're thinking, "Does the Moon have a preference for Spanish Matadors?" Not quite. Remember, this is astrology, not a Hemingway novel. So, the Moon is currently 379020.656993771km away. Don't try to Google Maps it, trust me, they don't cover interstellar routes. Yet. But don't let that distance put you off, it's still close enough for its energy to affect us. You might be wondering how? Well, imagine how grumpy you'd be if you had to orbit around a planet 238,855 miles away. Now, Taurus is as stubborn as a mule on a diet, so when the Moon is in this sign, it's like having a cosmic spa day. Comfort and stability are the name of the game, so get ready to kick off those shoes, throw on some pink Floyd, and channel your inner sloth. This is an ideal time for self-care and maybe a little splurging. Maybe it's time to buy that limited edition Star Wars figurine you've been eyeing. Or perhaps it's time to order that extra-large pizza with all the toppings. But remember, Taurus also represents practicality. So, while you're enjoying the finer things in life, don't forget to balance your checkbook, or at least make sure you've got enough for the rent. In conclusion, with the Moon in Taurus, you're likely to feel the urge to pamper yourself and indulge in some earthly pleasures. And why not? Life's too short to ignore a good chocolate cake or a Star Trek marathon. Just don't forget to come back down to Earth eventually. The stars aren't going anywhere, and neither is your laundry.


Mercury is in Capricorn

Mercury is prograde at 06 Cap 03' 04", moving at 1.26 degrees per day, and is 168967387km away and receding.

Mercury Is In Capricorn

Alrighty, space cowboys and cowgirls, hitch up your britches 'cause we're about to take a cosmic journey. Now, Mercury, that slippery little rascal, has gone and bunked up with Capricorn – which, in astrological parlance, is like a shiny corporate boss in the zodiac world. Now imagine Mercury, which is so far away it might as well be on the other side of the 'verse, deciding to roommate with a straight-laced, tie-wearing Capricorn who's all about the "bottom line." It's like a chatty hipster moving in with a no-nonsense accountant. You'd think they'd be at each other's throats faster than you can say "reaver attack," but surprisingly, they kinda get along. Their alliance makes us think clearer, sharper, and more goal-oriented than a Browncoat on a smuggling mission. It's like suddenly our brain is a high-functioning processor, sorting through all our random thoughts and ideas like they're cargo ready for delivery. Ideas start fitting together smoother than Kaylee's engine repairs, and before you know it, we've turned those ideas into actions. Kinda neat, huh? But don't go getting all Mal on folks now. Capricorn's influence can make us a bit too... shall we say, hierarchical. You might end up sounding more like a power-hungry Alliance officer than a diplomatic captain. So keep the peace, even when you're sure your ideas are shinier than everyone else's. Remember, it doesn't matter if you're the captain, the ship mechanic or the hired gun, we're all just drifters in the black, navigating the stars together. So buckle up, hold on tight, and remember: you can't stop the signal. Mercury in Capricorn is here, and it's time to turn those big dreams into reality.


Venus is in Sagittarius

Venus is prograde at 24 Sag 57' 13", moving at 1.23 degrees per day, and is 193235629km away and receding.

Venus Is In Sagittarius

Venus in Sagittarius: An Interstellar Rom-Com

Alright, my celestial explorers, fasten your seatbelts because Venus, that cosmic diva, has just sashayed into Sagittarius. Think of this as a romantic comedy written by the universe, directed by the Daleks. "EXTERMINATE BOREDOM!" they'd shriek, with Venus playing the lead role as a free spirit, spreading love faster than a juicy gossip at a high school reunion.

Venus in Sagittarius is like having an all-access pass to the Intergalactic Love Festival. It's a time for bold, adventurous love, the kind that makes you want to trade in your old routines for a chance to boldly go where no heart has gone before. You might find yourself magnetically drawn to the exotic and unfamiliar, like a moth to a neon disco light.

Now, Sagittarius isn't about being tied down, so, if you're thinking of chaining your beloved to you with the unbreakable shackles of commitment, you might want to reconsider. Instead, try spicing things up with some new experiences. Take a trip to the unexplored corners of your neighborhood or sign up for that underwater basket-weaving class you've been eyeing.

While Venus is doing the cha-cha in Sagittarius, honesty is the best policy. Everything seems grander than it actually is, like a Dalek masquerading as a disco ball. Once the glitter fades, you might find out your Prince Charming has been a frog all along - a well-dressed, charming frog, but a frog nonetheless.

Remember, Venus in Sagittarius is like a cosmic sugar rush. Yes, it's thrilling! Yes, it's tempting to empty your wallet on that vintage TARDIS replica. But beware, Sagittarius won't hesitate to gamble away your savings, so keep an eye on your spending. Invest in experiences rather than things, like a trip to the farthest planet or a coding class (you never know when you'll need to hack into a Dalek).

Venus in Sagittarius offers us an unparalleled chance to look at the bright side of cosmic love. Radiate positivity and the universe will return it tenfold, like a boomerang made of twinkling stars. So, get out there, expand your horizons and remember: in space,


Mars is in Capricorn

Mars is prograde at 10 Cap 58' 14", moving at 0.75 degrees per day, and is 353692240km away and approaching.

Mars Is In Capricorn

Alright star gazers, gather 'round for the latest cosmic gossip - our fiery friend Mars has taken its space taxi all the way to Capricorn. That's right! Now isn't that as exciting as discovering dilithium crystals in your backyard? Capricorn, the sign ruled by Saturn, is all about structure and stability. So, when Mars, our celestial hotshot, swaggers into this sign, it's time to bid adieu to those daydreams of teleporting to work or winning a Starfleet commendation for your couch potato skills. With Mars in Capricorn, we're pulling on our science goggles and looking at life through a more pragmatic, Vulcan-like lens. But don't start panicking about losing your sense of fun faster than a redshirt on an away mission. There's a lot of good to be had from this planetary powwow. This energy cocktail mixed by Mars and Capricorn prompts us to not just question why we're doing what we're doing, but also how we're doing it. It's like getting advice from Spock and Scotty at the same time - act, but do it with purpose. Neither Mars nor Capricorn are scared of hard work, they're like a couple of Borg drones - unyielding and relentless. This is a prime time to start a new project, or finish that DIY starship model that's gathering dust. And if you don't have a serious goal, this transit is the cosmic kick in the pants you need to go out and find one. But hold on to your tricorders, folks, because there's a minor plot twist here. Neither Mars nor Capricorn are exactly empathetic – they're more like Klingons than Betazoids. This toughness can help us break barriers, but can also lead to blind ambition, the kind where you might accidentally step on a few Tribbles on your way to the top. So, remember to balance this cosmic energy with a little compassion – for yourself and others. So, gear up, fellow stargazers, let's boldly go into this new cosmic phase with clarity, commitment, and a dash of good humor. Engage!


Jupiter is in Taurus

Jupiter is prograde at 06 Tau 12' 33", moving at 0.06 degrees per day, and is 712521822km away and receding.

Jupiter Is In Taurus

Jupiter In Taurus: The Cosmic Cow Meets the Big Cheese

Alright, stargazers, put on your nerd glasses because Jupiter is in Taurus and there's a whole lot of cosmic shenanigans going on. Imagine Jupiter, the wisest of the celestial bodies, wearing professor glasses and a tweed jacket, sipping on a cup of existential coffee while sitting in a comfy armchair. Now, picture Taurus (a.k.a. the Astro Bull) snuggling up to Jupiter, wanting some enlightenment without moving an inch. That's right, the universe just turned into a sci-fi sitcom.

What does this mean for you? Well, it’s like someone handed you the cheat codes to the video game of life but they are written in ancient Elvish. The answers you seek are in your pocket all along, just like that one TV remote that always seems to vanish between the sofa cushions!

Jupiter in Taurus is the perfect time to make some serious strides towards your goals; it’s like being given a jetpack in your quest for that cheese at the end of the labyrinth. You'll feel the urge to create a to-do list that rivals Santa's, and start ticking off tasks like a productivity ninja. Remember, Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither was Spock's Vulcan harp.

Now, let's talk moolah. When the cosmic professor meets the astrological bull, it's like hitting the intergalactic jackpot. The universe might just be printing money in your basement! But, here's the catch - Taurus loves luxury so much, it could make a Kardashian blush. So, while your bank account may grow, so could your desire for that diamond encrusted warp drive. It’s important to remember the difference between needs and wants. You may need a teleportation device for efficient travel, but do you really need it to be gold-plated?

In conclusion, while Jupiter is doing its cosmic tango with Taurus, remember to stay grounded, keep your eyes on the prize, and maybe hide your credit card. Enjoy this transit, space travelers! And remember, in the words of Seven of Nine, "Perfection is within our grasp." Even if it's just perfecting that to-do list.


Saturn is in Pisces

Saturn is prograde at 05 Pis 01' 52", moving at 0.11 degrees per day, and is 1571818751km away and receding.

Saturn Is In Pisces

Well, hello there stargazers, Saturn has decided to take a little vacation in Pisces, and if you ask me, they're both getting more than they bargained for! Saturn, the universe's master of rules and regulations, has packed its bags and moved into the nebulous neighborhood of Pisces, a place where dreams and magic rule. Now, you might be thinking, "Oh great, that's like having a tax auditor move into Disneyland!" And well, you wouldn't be wrong. But fear not, my cosmic comrades. This isn't a time for dread, rather it's an opportunity for growth. When Saturn makes a pitstop in Pisces, it's like having your most sober friend attend your wildest dreams. They're not there to ruin the fun, they're just there to make sure you don't ride the rollercoaster of life without fastening your seatbelt first. So, yes, Saturn may question your daydreams and ask you how exactly you plan on becoming a space-faring hippie. But remember, this isn't an interrogation, it's a coaching session. So instead of hiding your dreams under the rug, lay them out, let Saturn see them. It might be a bit uncomfortable, but hey, no one ever said adulting was easy. Now, with all this dream analysis and self-improvement going on, you might feel a bit restless or anxious. And that's okay. Pisces, being the dreamy realm, is associated with sleep, so disruptions are to be expected. Just remember to practice some good old self-care. Meditate, take long walks, maybe even try hugging a tree (trust me, it's very therapeutic). And remember to get a good night's sleep. If you're anything like me, you'll need all the rest you can get. So even if your dreams seem a bit more vivid or a bit more challenging, remember to embrace the lessons they have to offer. So, whether you're a Capricorn or a Gemini, a Virgo or an Aquarius, remember that Saturn in Pisces is here to help, not hinder. And who knows, you might just find that your dreams aren't as far out of reach as you thought.


Uranus is in Taurus

Uranus is retrograde at 19 Tau 06' 60", moving backwards at 0.01 degrees per day, and is 2879008954km away and receding.

Uranus Is In Taurus

Uranus In Taurus: The Cosmic Bull Meets The Anarchist Planet

Alright, fellow stargazers, hold onto your telescopes! Uranus, the celestial equivalent of a punk rocker with a love for chaos, has gatecrashed into Taurus' tranquil pasture. Now, Taurus, our cosmic Ferdinand, prefers the chilled-out vibes of consistency and predictability, but Uranus? Not so much. Imagine inviting a disco ball to a meditation retreat, and you've got a fair picture of what's happening in the cosmos right now.

Now, Taurus is a bit of a finance guru – think of it as the Wall Street of the zodiac. With Uranus settling into this turf for the next seven years, we're anticipating some serious financial revolutions. We might see Bitcoin replace piggy banks, or perhaps the stock market will do the Hokey Pokey and turn itself around (which, let's face it, wouldn't be its weirdest move).

On the home front, Uranus is encouraging us to break out of routine, and possibly our comfort zones, towards financial freedom. You know those pesky things that drain your pocket like credit card interests, taxes, rent, and that coffee addiction you swear you'll quit next month? It's time to rethink our relationship with them.

And let's talk about material possessions. We all love that rush from a new purchase, but Uranus in Taurus is nudging us to reassess whether we own our stuff or if our stuff owns us. It's time for a cosmic decluttering session!

Before you start hyperventilating at the thought of change, remember: Uranus isn't here to wreak havoc (okay, maybe a little), but to liberate us. So, no use playing cosmic tug-of-war with Uranus. This celestial shake-up can lead to a more stable future, and who knows, you might even enjoy the ride. After all, even Ferdinand the Bull loved a good adventure!

Folks, it's time to embrace the cosmic bulls by the horns. Uranus is here, and it has brought the party to Taurus' pasture. So let's dance to the beat of the universe and see where the music takes us!


Neptune is in Pisces

Neptune is prograde at 25 Pis 25' 46", moving at 0.02 degrees per day, and is 4552402599km away and receding.

Neptune Is In Pisces

Well, strap in my celestial companions, because Neptune is in Pisces and boy, is it going to be a ride smoother than the rings of Saturn! Now, I know what you're thinking, "Neptune's in Pisces? Does that mean I have to start wearing tie-dye and playing the sitar?" Well, no. Unless you want to, of course. I mean, who am I to stand in the way of a good sitar solo? Neptune in Pisces is like having your own personal TARDIS, allowing you to travel deep within your emotional galaxy. With Neptune’s pull, we're talking black hole level of unification here. Suddenly, all those petty differences you've been squabbling over look as insignificant as a speck of stardust. This cosmic cocktail is a call to arms, or rather, a call to hearts. It begs the question: What can you bring to the interstellar table of life? What treasures lurk in the nebulous parts of your emotional intelligence? And how can you beam those out into the universe? Now, I’m not suggesting everyone has to become a Jedi or a mystical guru. However, this might be the perfect time to explore that spiritual path you've been curious about. Maybe you’ve been drawn to astrobiology or astral projection or even astrology (wink wink). The energy of Neptune in Pisces is like your own personal warp drive, pushing you to share your findings with the rest of the universe. So, in conclusion, sure, Neptune may be 4552345172.479102135km away (give or take a few parsecs) but its impact on us, my friends, is much, much closer. As for the prograde motion, well, that's just Neptune doing the moonwalk. Carry on, space travelers! Timey-Wimey stuff awaits!


Pluto is in Capricorn

Pluto is prograde at 29 Cap 56' 32", moving at 0.03 degrees per day, and is 5373180500km away and receding.

Pluto Is In Capricorn

Pluto In Capricorn: An Astrological Sci-Fi Saga

Alright, star gazers, it's time to strap on your space boots and buckle up for a cosmic journey because Pluto, our distant and often misunderstood dwarf planet, is hanging out in the stern and ambitious realm of Capricorn. Now, I know what you're thinking. "Pluto? Isn't that like, 5373176715.857578278km away?" (or 3341397166.815 miles for those who prefer old school measurements). Correct, you are! But fear not, my astro-loving friends. Despite being farther away than a trip to Tatooine and back, Pluto's influence can still be felt in our daily lives.

Picture this - Pluto, with its icy heart and dwarf planet status, is like the R2-D2 of our solar system. Often underestimated, but capable of great things. And Capricorn? Well, think of it as the Obi-Wan Kenobi, always focused, always disciplined, pushing us towards success even when we'd rather take a nap in a Ewok tree house.

During this transit, be prepared for some C-3PO level fussiness. Both Pluto and Capricorn are sticklers for results, and they couldn't care less about your excuses or your love for Wookiee Cookies. This could mean that you might find yourself less tolerant of other people's viewpoints. Remember, just because you think Jedi mind tricks are a more efficient way to handle negotiations, doesn't mean everyone agrees.

But don't panic! Pluto isn't all frost and no fun. In fact, it's encouraging us to do some spring cleaning of our negative patterns. Yes, it might require some Death Star-level destruction of the things that no longer serve us, but hey, what's a little cosmic renovation among friends? Just be deliberate in what you destroy as you create. We don't want any accidental droid casualties here, folks.

So there you have it, your cosmic forecast. May the Force...and Pluto in Capricorn, be with you!

Current Planetary Aspects

Sun28 Cap 39' 07"
Moon12 Tau 30' 23"
Mercury06 Cap 03' 04"
Venus24 Sag 57' 13"
Mars10 Cap 58' 14"
Jupiter06 Tau 12' 33"
Saturn05 Pis 01' 52"
Uranus19 Tau 06' 60" R
Neptune25 Pis 25' 46"
Pluto29 Cap 56' 32"

Current Planetary Positions

The Sun

Sun Sextile Neptune

Today will be rewarding if you find the time to express yourself by helping others. Find something artistic through which you can channel your creativity and your soul. Art and music as well as spiritual pursuits are favored today. Try to become one with the Universe today. Creative visualization can be an important means through which your goals are realized. Idealism runs high today.There is an unmistakably dreamy, inspired, and sensitive side to those born with easy aspects between the Sun and Neptune. A marked appreciation for music and the arts is present. The connection of Neptune with the Sun, which represents the ego and the will, certainly softens some of the hard edges that might be found elsewhere in the chart, adding a sensitive and spiritual dimension to the personality. These people are naturally compassionate, especially those born under the trine. It is so completely natural for them to accept that there is more to the world than what is before their eyes, that they tend to presume everyone must be spiritually-inclined. Of course, they come to realize that this is not the case at some early point in their lives. Their attraction to spirituality and metaphysical subjects is usually marked. These aspects favor writers, artists, and musicians. These people are sensitive to those who are suffering, although they are not as easily taken advantage of as those with Sun-Moon challenging aspects. They are humanitarian and often have a special connection with animals. If other aspects and positions in the chart support it, these people are not ones to dominate others or assert themselves to the point of brashness.Some Famous People with Sun in Easy Aspect to Neptune: Sextiles – Mick Jagger; Trines – Farrah Fawcett, Billy Corgan, Muhammad Ali

The Sun

Sun Conjunct Pluto

You may feel strong forces at work today, forces of will, power, transformation, and regeneration. These forces might manifest as a desire to build or create something new or to make some sweeping change in your life. They might also appear in some sort of power play or desire to control someone. Realize that you can't control anyone but yourself and use the energies today to gain greater self-control and humility. Ego conflicts can be intense today.


Mercury Trine Jupiter

Your mental judgment is excellent today. Plans you make are well thought out, broad, and focused on seeing both the details and the larger picture. Travel, both mental and physical should be rewarding today. Take care of all legal issues and contracts as the force is with you today. Make long range plans now.Your ideas are big and your intentions noble. You are excellent at seeing the big picture, drawing conclusions, problem solving, and making accurate observations. You love to learn, and spend your life actively absorbing information. Many of you make good teachers with your sincere love of learning and sharing ideas with others. You are also very positive in your communications, readily inspiring others with what you say and how you say it. You are skilled at turning information into an advantage, and in some ways seem to be quite lucky. You are tolerant of other perspectives and ideas, and naturally avoid narrow-minded thinking–in fact you have a huge distaste for it. You are generally at ease conversing with people from all walks of life. You might be especially attracted to learning other languages and learning about foreign cultures. Travel is something that you are strongly attracted to.You are very tolerant, generous and optimistic. You always see the positive side of situations and you are very respectful of the traditions and opinions of others. You have a lot of ability for organizing and planning enterprises. You enjoy traveling and any other activity that helps expand your mind. You possess an ease of communication and the facility of learning other languages. — from the Adult report.The trine aspect is the more dynamic of the two harmonious aspects. Those with the sextile can call upon these traits when needed, and those with the trine between the Mercury and Jupiter have incorporated the traits of the aspect into their personalities, expressing them naturally and consistently.Some Famous People with Mercury in Harmonious Aspect to Jupiter: Trines – Jennifer Aniston, Lucie Arnaz, Tom Berger, Wade Boggs, Tony Curtis, Kirk Douglas, Lou Ferrigno, Sean Flannery, Marilyn Manson, Groucho Marx, Jim Morrison, Jack Nicholson, Diana Ross, Yves Saint-Laurent, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Oprah Winfrey.


Mercury Sextile Saturn

You have a keen eye for detail and a practical turn of mind today. Your thinking is deep, practical, organized, and deliberate. You are aware of every flaw in thought and material and your work today will be towards precision. Concentration is sharp and focused. Plans made today are well thought out and, because of this, will probably succeed.Your mind is well-disciplined when it needs to be, and you possess strong powers of organization and orderliness. You are good at detail work. You are a person who says what you mean and mean what you say, and you can be baffled by, or impatient with, those who don’t. You are very trustworthy and reliable, showing up on time for appointments due to a basic respect for others and for schedules and orderliness. You make a loyal friend. You are capable of exceptionally clear and realistic thinking. Making plans is something that comes naturally to you–you consider consequences and possible scenarios before arriving at a decision or embarking on something entirely new. You are somewhat of a doubting Thomas, and you don’t naturally jump up and down with excitement about new ideas or plans. Your conversations may at times be spare but to the point.The trine aspect is the more dynamic of the two harmonious aspects. Those with the sextile can call upon these traits when needed, and those with the trine between the Mercury and Saturn have incorporated the traits of the aspect into their personalities, expressing them naturally and consistently. Some Famous People with Mercury in Harmonious Aspect to Saturn: Sextiles – Edgar J. Hoover, Paul Newman, Olivia Newton-John, Pierre Trudeau; Trines – Wilem Dafoe, Sally Field, Ed McMahon, Raquel Welch, Robert Urich.


Venus Square Neptune

You may be deluding yourself today especially where relationships are concerned. You are probably thinking with your heart rather than with your head and this can lead to all sorts of trouble. You may be too willing to sacrifice too much for your loved one. Things are not as they appear regarding affairs of the heart and you would do well to keep your feet on the ground. Avoid wishful thinking and unrealistic fantasies. Stop playing the martyr.This aspect indicates a suggestible romantic nature. Being “in love with love” is a strong possibility. Natives with hard Venus-Neptune aspects are naturally compassionate and are generally willing to go over the top for a loved one. It’s hard to say whether their expectations in personal relationships are too high or too low. On the one hand, they tend to easily accept behaviors in their partners that others wouldn’t accept, as they are compassionate and even drawn to people who others might consider trouble. On the other hand, their romantic dreams may be so powerful that they are easily disappointed with the reality of relationships. Deception in love is possible, but self-deception is even more likely. In love, they see what they want to see, rather than what is. Feelings of being used or deceived may come up for these people more than for most. However, if a distinct pattern exists in their love lives that involves them being let down, deceived or used, it will be especially worthwhile to examine whether self-deception was at work.The possibility of clinging to romantic delusions is very high with this position. For example, some with these aspects cling to a romantic notion that someone loves them when in reality that person doesn’t return the affection. Or, they may cling to a romance that has lost all hope. Another possibility is devoting their love to someone who is unattainable or who is unable to commit. Yet another Venus-Neptune scenario is loving someone who treats them badly, all the while clinging to an idealized image of the partner. No matter what the scenario, romantic yearning and longing, as well as delusion, tends to be the theme. The expectation here is that loving someone requires self-sacrifice. The result is an attraction to relationships that are co-dependent and even abusive. Venus-Neptune people are drawn to victim/savior relationships, and they can play either the role of victim or savior! Dependency or neediness in a partner can be confused for love. In an attempt to love unconditionally, they may too readily sacrifice their own needs and eventually feel used.The challenge for these people is to truly love a partner for who he or she is, not for his or her perceived potential. Because they yearn to be loved, it can be hard for them to see that they are actually afraid of a complete, committed relationship. One symptom of this fear is loving someone for an idealized image they have of that person, as they are effectively choosing fantasy over reality. Another symptom is loving someone who is inaccessible or unattainable, as this keeps them “safe” from a true and realistic commitment. At the root of this fear is the awareness of their own vulnerability in love.Venus rules money as well as social relationships, and a person with hard Venus-Neptune aspects can just as well lose money due to the tendency to gloss over problems. Just as they tend to ignore warning signs in personal relationships, they can let money slip through their fingers because they neglect to keep records or account for their belongings. They may have problems with “borrowing from their future” because of overly optimistic attitudes. They may continuously get the short end of the stick as they lend money to people who never pay them back, or invest in unrealistic projects.Alternate Interpretations:^In square aspect to Neptune, your Venusian expression takes on an otherworldly quality. Your yearning may be for that perfect lover whose spirituality, passion, purity of spirit and drive all stem from the highest possible level. Loving in such a manner would seem to remove you from the bondage of ordinary life and transport you into true bliss. Although this seems possible in fairy tales or movies, it’s really difficult to find those elements in another human being. You may also operate under the illusion that you must first sacrifice yourself before you are worthy of love. It’s all too easy to project unrealistic feelings onto your lover, and it is just as tempting to try to alter yourself to please a man so that he will love you. Whether those alterations are in your behavior, your appearance or your attitudes, if you submerge your real self beneath the illusions of what you feel will make you more lovable, you’re selling out. If you want to experience the ecstasy you dream about, you’ll surrender to a love which honors your real needs and learn to avoid situations where you become addicted, co-dependent, victimized or abused. Forgiving the shortcomings of the man you love is one thing; allowing him to deceive or victimize you is another! Know when and how to give help, but be careful of emotional rescue ventures!^Your projections about the man you love frequently overshadow the real person with Venus in opposition to Neptune. Even though you may not want to admit it, you are more likely to see only what you want to see when you’re in love. That feeling of being transported into another world when you’re in love is actually quite accurate. But it’s not the guy who’s gotten you there all by himself – it’s the energy inside you that allows you to soar! It’s not easy to separate your dream lover from the real person standing before you. You may always project some of your own power and tenderness onto the man you love. As long as you can allow the reality of the person to emerge into your field of vision, you stand a chance of having a relationship which can truly serve both your needs. Otherwise, you may fall into the trap of delusion, deception or emotional abuse. Just because he’s the most gorgeous man you’ve ever seen, it may not necessarily follow that he is what you really need – or that he’s REAL for that matter! In all your attempts to become as beautiful as possible, just to make sure that the right man will be attracted to you, you can also lose yourself. You really do not have to sacrifice yourself to know love, but when your heart is filled with love, you’re willing to drop all your boundaries and merge completely. There’s a difference between a soul connection and codependency or emotional addiction. It’s drawing the line that’s difficult. By allowing for periods of privacy and contemplation, you can maintain your connection to your own inner self, which will allow you to keep your emotional boundaries reasonably intact.Alternate, short interpretation: Venus square Neptune or Venus opposition Neptune: *You have a very romantic, idealistic vision of love and may be disillusioned to discover that no real, flesh-and-blood human being ever quite lives up to your dream image of the Perfect Love. Though you frequently fantasize about love and romance, you may avoid becoming intimately involved with anyone or making definite commitments. You can be evasive and dishonest with yourself and others, when it comes to love. Some of your love yearnings may be expressed through art, music, or an involvement with mysticism.#Sexual relationships tend to arouse your idealistic nature and may have little foundation for a long-term relationship. Once past the initial stage of love however, your imagination fuels the flame of intense spirituality and you are capable of ecstatic insights. Mystical practices can enhance your sex life. From the Your Spiritual Path report.Some Famous People with the Venus in Hard Aspect to Neptune: Squares – Loni Anderson, Pamela Anderson, Joan Baez, Nicolas Cage, Danny DeVito, Charles Dickens, Robert Duvall, Jane Fonda, James Joyce, Stacy Keach, Diane Keaton, Marilyn Manson, Marie Antoinette, Stevie Nicks, Al Pacino. Oppositions – Sonny Bono, Michael Bolton, Mia Farrow, Alison Moyet, Uma Thurman, Venus Williams, Debra Winger, Tammy Wynette, Jessica Simpson.


Jupiter Sextile Saturn

Progress can be made in business and professional affairs, especially regarding law, politics, education, religion, and travel. A certain seriousness toward career and life direction is evident. Organized expansion into new areas can further your goals. You have a serious minded, responsible attitude toward achieving your long range goals.You have an underlying self-confidence that is based on your belief that life will give you whatever you want if you are willing to work for it. You see the reasonableness in the way that things happen and are willing to invest in yourself. You are very industrious, believing that hard work will bring you progress. You have a taste for material acquisition but are willing to work for what comes to you. — Interpretation from the Indra report.The trine aspect is the more dynamic of the two harmonious aspects. Those with the sextile can call upon these traits when needed, and those with the trine between the Jupiter and Saturn have incorporated the traits of the aspect into their personalities, expressing them naturally and consistently.Jupiter trine Saturn: *You have a good balance between idealism, optimism, and vision for the future on one hand and a realistic sense of what can actually be achieved on the other hand. Your judgment and business sense are usually quite good. You possess patience and the ability to accept limitation and frustration on the way to your goals.Older, more experienced individuals or mentors are likely to play a significant and beneficial role in your life.Jupiter sextile Saturn: *You have the patience and the stamina to realize your visions and bring them down to earth, a fine balance between hard work and realism, and a positive, hopeful spirit. You grow through following systems and plans, and taking one step at a time. Overnight success or instant enlightenment is not what you aim for. Your patient, well-balanced approach gives you credibility with many different types of people, and you are apt to gain an excellent reputation for being able to do big things without overreaching or becoming pretentious.#You have the capacity to endure through the daily grind to find something of spiritual value in your work and relationships. You are happy to spend time in seclusion, studying or meditating.

Notes about Transits

Mars is all about action, and where Mars is in our chart with transits is a place where we are prepared to stand our ground. Mars transits can be really productive, but they can also be angsty, aggressive, and sometimes come from a place of anger. It's important to pay attention to how you direct that energy. Mars transits can last for up to a couple weeks.
Jupiter transits enhance your life with optimism and forward-thinking, and lasting for about a month, give you plenty of time to take advantage. Bigger and better is Jupiter's way of thinking, and should be yours as well.
Saturn transits, on the other hand, are where we get a major reality check, and if we’re not ready for them, they can be pretty rotten. Of course, if we’re prepared and up to the task, Saturn transits can also bring very well-deserved rewards, too. Saturn transits last a bit longer than Jupiter transits—usually 2 months or so at a time, but with retrograde cycles, you could be looking at the same lessons three times over a 6 month period.
The outer planets, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto last for such a long time that they make long-lasting impacts on our lives. In fact, Neptune and Pluto can last for two to three years! Consider their effects, plan accordingly, and make them part of your life for the better.

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