By The Chip Witch on Sunday, 26 November 2023
Category: ChipWitch Today

ChipWitch Today for 26 November, 2023

Chipwitch Today!

This is Chipwitch Today, your daily source of reliable data upon which you can base your daily practice.

26 November, 2023

Solar activity was at low levels. Region 3503 (N21E58, Cro/beta) produced a C4.4 flare at 25/1439 UTC, the strongest of the period. Minor development was observed in the intermediate spots of Region 3499 (S17W25, Cai/beta) but the remaining numbered active regions were all either stable or in gradual decay. No Earth-directed CMEs were observed in available coronagraph imagery.

The solar kp index is quiet, with no changes to retrograde effects. The solar wind speed is high, making retrograde effects significantly increased!

Solar wind parameters indicated the likely influence of a CME that left the Sun early on 22 Nov. At 25/0754 UTC, a small shock was observed in the already enhanced solar wind. Total field increased from 7 nT to 15 nT with a simultaneous increase in solar wind from 480 km/s to 550 km/s. Many periods of Bz south were observed afterward, with the further rotation reaching as far a -15 nT. Solar wind speeds reached a peak around 600 km/s by the periods end.

There is a 40% chance of solar activity, with a 40% chance of a minor event, a 15% chance of a moderate event, and a 1% chance of a strong event.

The waxing moon is currently in Taurus, at 19 degrees, 33' 50", at a velocity of 13.74 degrees per day.

The Full moon is currently 13.6 days old. It is 377606.22 km from the centre of the Earth.

The next new moon is at 23:32:07, 12 Dec, 2023. The next full moon is at 0:33:43, 27 Dec, 2023.

Planetary Information

The Sun

The Sun is in Sagittarius

The Sun is at 03 Sag 43' 03", and is 147653112km away and approaching.

The Moon

The Moon is in Taurus

The Moon will change from Taurus to Gemini in the next 24 hours.

The Moon is at 19 Tau 33' 50", and is 376482km away and receding.

Moon Is In Taurus

Alright, cosmic cuties, buckle up because the moon is chilling in Taurus and it's going to be a wild ride. I mean, not Mars Rover wild, but you know, astrologically wild. The moon is currently 376,308.141810854km away – to put that into perspective, that's like running back and forth from your fridge to your couch approximately 1 billion times... give or take. And if you're asking, "How on earth does the moon move from Taurus to Gemini in just 24 hours?", well, allow me to dust off my science hat for a moment. You see, the moon isn't physically moving houses like some celestial tenant who can't decide where to settle down. It's more like the moon is playing a cosmic game of hide and seek, popping up in different constellations as seen from our perspective on Earth. Cool, huh? Now, Taurus, lovely Taurus. This sign is all about indulgence, comfort, and making bank. So, don't be surprised if you feel an urge to splurge on that vintage Star Trek poster or treat yourself to an extra slice of vegan pizza. Your wallet might be crying, but hey, the moon said it was okay! But don't get too comfy in those eco-friendly hemp pajamas because, in less than 24 hours, the moon will be sliding into Gemini. This is like going from a cozy night in, binge-watching 'The Big Bang Theory', to an intense debate club meeting. Get ready to communicate, socialize, and maybe learn a new Klingon. In essence, prepare to transition from peace and calm to an energetic intellectual ride, faster than the Millennium Falcon on light speed. Just remember, the Force is with you...or at least, that's what your horoscope says.


Mercury is in Sagittarius

Mercury is prograde at 23 Sag 10' 47", moving at 1.35 degrees per day, and is 176674860km away and approaching.

Mercury Is In Sagittarius

Hey, space cadets! Get ready, because Mercury has just checked into the cosmic hotel that is Sagittarius. Now, you know Mercury, right? It's not just the name of a defunct car brand or a misunderstood Roman god, it's our solar system's resident speed freak, always zipping around the Sun like it's got a Corellian hyperdrive attached to it. But now, it's going prograde in Sagittarius, which means it's moving forward, not backward, sideways or twirling around like a malfunctioning droid. Now, Mercury in Sagittarius is like bringing a microscope to a planetarium show. Mercury loves getting down to the nitty-gritty, while Sagittarius prefers the widescreen view of life. Imagine wearing bifocals with one lens zoomed in and the other one offering panoramic views, kind of disorienting, huh? But it's not all bad. This combo supports visions of tomorrow, just make sure you're not daydreaming about a galaxy far, far away when you should be plotting your course in this one. Mercury in Sagittarius is like a Wookiee on Endor - full of exuberant excitement and towering confidence. Just remember, in your quest for life's Death Star plans, don't dismiss alternate viewpoints as easily as a bored teenager dismisses Gungan politics. And remember, think before you let loose your proton torpedoes, I mean, words. We don't want any diplomatic incidents, do we? Now, Sagittarius is represented by the Archer, the explorer - kind of like a certain scruffy-looking nerf herder we all know and love. With Mercury here, possibilities are as endless as a run through the Kessel spice mines. So whether you're planning your next hyperspace jump, considering Jedi training, or pondering a new gig smuggling rare artifacts, now's the time to shoot for the stars. Just remember to keep your blasters set to stun and your wits about you. And may the Force, uh, I mean, the horoscope be with you!


Venus is in Libra

Venus is prograde at 20 Lib 04' 30", moving at 1.15 degrees per day, and is 140729959km away and receding.

Venus Is In Libra

Venus Is In Libra: A Love Story Straight From Starfleet

Hold onto your tricorders, folks! Venus, the Kardashian of our solar system, has sashayed into Libra, the zodiac sign that's all about balance and beauty. Just imagine, if you will, Venus as a saucy, sequin-clad diva on a cosmic catwalk, voguing its way into the sign of the scales. We're talking serious interstellar glamour!

Now, unlike those plasma storms on the edge of the Gamma Quadrant, this isn't going to bring turbulence to your love life. No siree! Venus in Libra is more like a soothing Bajoran sunset, bringing harmony and calm. It's the time when we're less likely to engage in space bar brawls, and more inclined to engage in diplomatic discussions about who took the last slice of space pizza.

But remember, just like a warp core breach, unbalanced relationships will be glaringly obvious during this transit. Venus in Libra doesn't do love by halves. It's not a 50/50 split, it's 100/100. If one of you is doing the emotional equivalent of carrying a Tribble infestation while the other is just chilling in Ten Forward, believe me, it'll be noticed. But fear not! With the grace and cooperation of this transit, we can navigate these tricky waters like Picard maneuvering through an asteroid field.

And let's not forget about style! Venus and Libra are the galaxy's premier fashionistas. So why not take a leaf out of Counselor Troi's book and update your look? Perhaps a new Starfleet uniform in a different color, or maybe even going full Riker with a beard. Green thumb? Why not spice up your quarters with a nice new Class M plant?

Venus in Libra is a time to boldly love as you've never loved before. So, keep your phasers set to stunning, cooperate with your crewmates, seek out peace and tranquility, and above all - live long and prosper.


Mars is in Sagittarius

Mars is prograde at 01 Sag 18' 29", moving at 0.71 degrees per day, and is 375884171km away and approaching.

Mars Is In Sagittarius

Mars in Sagittarius...or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Red Planet

Imagine you're an alien from Mars, like our friend from the Predator movies, but instead of hunting Arnold Schwarzenegger, you're just out for a leisurely space stroll. It's time to channel your inner Martian because Mars is currently doing its cosmic conga in Sagittarius and that means it's time to get out of your comfort zone.

While Mars is frolicking through Sagittarius, like a pixelated character in a vintage video game, we're all invited to level up. The world seems to be in high-definition, 4k ultra-HD realism, and suddenly, the impossible seems as probable as finding your missing sock in the dryer.

But watch out! Mars in Sagittarius doesn't just give you the vision of a NASA telescope, it also lights a rocket under you to blast off towards your dreams. We're talking Elon Musk level ambition here, folks. But don't forget to enjoy the journey, because being too focused on the future might make you miss the fun happening right now. It's like trying to solve quantum physics while at a Star Trek convention. Live long and prosper, am I right?

Now, here's where things get a bit tricky. Mars in Sagittarius can be a bit like a kid in a candy store - it wants everything and it wants it now. It's easy to overindulge, so remember to keep your lightsaber sheathed and don’t go full Sith Lord on us. Moderation is key.

Mars in Sagittarius is all about embracing our inner Dora the Explorer. It's time to explore new people, places, feelings, knowledge, and beliefs. It's like binge-watching a new Netflix series, but instead of "Stranger Things," it's your life. And the best part? You don't have to fly to Mars; you can explore right from your couch. Pick up a book, start learning a new language or try cooking a dish from a different culture. Remember, the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, or in this case, a single click on your remote.

So go forth, my fellow cosmic voyagers. It’s time to boldly go where no man, woman, or astrologer has gone before. Beam me up, Scott


Jupiter is in Taurus

Jupiter is retrograde at 07 Tau 35' 28", moving backwards at 0.11 degrees per day, and is 609388083km away and receding.

Jupiter Is In Taurus

Jupiter In Taurus: A Cosmic Comedy Act

Hold onto your horoscopes, folks! Jupiter, the big guy of the solar system, has taken up residence in Taurus, the zodiac’s equivalent of a stubborn old mule. It's like a cosmic version of a stand-up comedy act where Jupiter, playing the role of a wise philosopher, tries to teach the art of deep thinking to Taurus, who's too busy munching on cosmic grass to give a hoot.

During this transit, it’s as if we’ve all been handed a golden ticket to delve into our inner wisdom, like a bunch of spiritual miners. Only instead of pickaxes and helmets, we've got meditation apps and inspirational Pinterest boards. The challenge here is to ignore the constant onslaught of cat videos and meme culture long enough to discover our innate wisdom.

This planetary mashup is also like a celestial pep rally, getting us all hyped up to chase our dreams. Jupiter, the cosmic cheerleader, is doing the splits and throwing out pom-poms, while Taurus, the practical planner, is busy mapping out the best route to the trophy. We're being cheered on to trust the process and score some real-life success.

Now, don't think that this cosmic combo is all about introspection and goal-setting. Oh no! There's a potential for a real 'cha-ching' moment. Jupiter, the Santa Claus of planets, and Taurus, the Warren Buffet of the zodiac, are joining forces to potentially boost our bank accounts. So be sure to check your financial standings and maybe even buy a lottery ticket or two.

But there's a caveat! Taurus loves indulgence more than a house-elf loves socks. And when Jupiter, the planet of expansion, meets Taurus, who has a 'buy now, worry later' attitude, our bank balances could be in for a rollercoaster ride. So remember folks, just because your credit card isn't physically screaming in pain, doesn't mean it's not hurting. Be mindful of your spending during this transit.

So, whether you're seeking spiritual enlightenment or financial growth, buckle up and enjoy the cosmic comedy act of Jupiter in Taurus. Just remember to keep your sense of humor handy, because the universe certainly has one!


Saturn is in Pisces

Saturn is prograde at 00 Pis 55' 54", moving at 0.04 degrees per day, and is 1457975296km away and receding.

Saturn Is In Pisces

Saturn Sashays into Pisces

Alright, star gazers, the celestial dance party has taken an interesting turn as Saturn, that strict chaperone of the cosmos, shimmies its way into the mystical realm of Pisces. Now, you might think, "What's a stern taskmaster like Saturn doing in dreamy, floaty Pisces? Are they even on the same cosmic playlist?" Well, let me tell you, when these two join forces, it's like having your own personal life coach... with a side of fairy dust.

With Saturn pirouetting through Pisces, we're being handed an opportunity to do some serious soul-searching. You know those wild dreams you’ve been nursing, like writing a sci-fi novel or opening an intergalactic-themed café? Yea, those. It's time to bring them out of the closet and into the light. Time to dust off those daydreams and start drawing up a blueprint for making it happen. Just don't forget to invest in a notepad, because the guidance you'll receive would make Yoda proud.

Now, I won’t sugarcoat it, this transit isn't all rainbows and unicorns. Saturn in Pisces can be a bit like having your favorite cookie jar under lock and key. It's going to ask tough questions and poke holes in your cosmic comfort zone. But remember, it’s for your own good. It's like a loveable, but slightly annoying, parent tidying up your room while simultaneously questioning your life choices. So, roll up your sleeves, put on your adulting pants and invite that planetary parent in for a cup of cosmic tea. Trust me, the advice will taste better than you expect.

During this transit, you might also notice more tossing and turning than usual. It's as if the Sandman has gone on strike, leaving you in a state of restless slumber. Don't panic. Instead, use it as an excuse to engage in some self-care. Take a walk among the trees, meditate, or even catch up on napping (with a dream journal handy, of course!). Embrace early nights and let your mind unwind. It's like a cosmic lullaby inviting you to explore the wisdom within your dreams. And who knows, you might just wake up with the blueprint to your new spaceship... or café.


Uranus is in Taurus

Uranus is retrograde at 20 Tau 32' 49", moving backwards at 0.04 degrees per day, and is 2791027635km away and receding.

Uranus Is In Taurus

Astrological Alert: R2-D2 Beeps for Uranus in Taurus

Beep, beep, boop, boop! Translation from droid to human: "Hold onto your telescopes, star gazers! Uranus is moonwalking in Taurus, and let me tell you, this celestial cowboy ain't no smooth criminal when it comes to change."

Now, I know what you're thinking. "Taurus? The poster child for stability and 'if it ain't broke, don't fix it' philosophy?" Yep, that's the one. But guess what? Uranus doesn’t give a cosmic hoot about how Taurus likes things done. It's here to shake, rattle and roll all Taurus' pre-conceived notions right out of this galaxy.

And here’s a fun factoid for you: Taurus has a bit of a Midas touch when it comes to money matters. But Uranus, the hipster of the cosmos, prefers Bitcoin over bullion. So, buckle up for some galactic-level financial disruptions. We might see new currencies popping up like alien mushrooms, banks morphing into something out of a sci-fi novel, and stock markets doing the interstellar jitterbug.

On a personal note, Uranus is playing Robin Hood, trying to free us from the shackles of materialistic worries. Debts, taxes, interest rates, rents, mortgages... they might seem as relentless as a Star Wars sequel, but Uranus is here to direct a different plot.

The catch? We need to be willing to hop on this spaceship of change. Resisting is as futile as trying to convince a Wookiee to shave. The changes happening now are like a lightsaber - they cut deep and fast, but they're here to bring balance. And, like the Force, they're long-lasting.

So, stargazers, may the Force (of Uranus in Taurus) be with you. And remember, in the words of our beloved R2-D2, "Boop beep beep boop bop!" Translation: "Change is the only constant in this vast universe."


Neptune is in Pisces

Neptune is retrograde at 24 Pis 55' 05", moving backwards at 0.01 degrees per day, and is 4418189110km away and receding.

Neptune Is In Pisces

Neptune In Pisces: The Ultimate Sci-Fi Fantasy

Now, lo and behold, Neptune has decided to hang out in Pisces. To give you some perspective, that's like Yoda deciding to vacay in the Shire. It's a colossal 4,418,125,263.686470985km away, which, in layman terms, is a cosmic Uber ride away. Oh, and did I mention, our big blue gem of a planet is currently throwing an epic retrograde party?

What does this mean for us Earthlings? Well, first off, it's not about trying to find your lost car keys. Instead, it’s about finding a way to embrace our inner Bob Ross and paint those "happy little accidents" of life into a masterpiece. We get a new pair of cosmic glasses, ones that help us see the futility of arguing over who left the cap off the toothpaste. Instead, we focus on the golden value of unity and harmony. Kind of like a giant group hug, only less sweaty.

So, this is a call to action, folks! This is the time to dig deep and find what unique geeky talents we can bring to the nerd table. Maybe it’s your ability to knit Star Wars characters, or your secret recipe for vegan chocolate chip cookies, or even your knack for predicting the plotlines of sci-fi series. Whatever it is, Neptune in Pisces wants you to share it with the world, like a cosmic talent show!

Feeling spiritual? Good news! This is also the perfect time to dip your toes into that spiritual path you’ve been eyeing. Maybe take up Jedi training, or start practicing Vulcan meditation techniques. Heck, why not set up a shrine to your favorite Marvel superhero at home? Whatever floats your spiritual spaceship.

Just remember, like a reliable AI companion in a sci-fi flick, Neptune in Pisces is here to support you. It’s time to boldly go where no horoscope has gone before. Happy cosmic voyaging!


Pluto is in Capricorn

Pluto is prograde at 28 Cap 23' 59", moving at 0.02 degrees per day, and is 5304634296km away and receding.

Pluto Is In Capricorn

Greetings, interstellar traveler! It seems the stars are gossiping again! Today's cosmic chit-chat centers around our distant cousin, Pluto, who's gone for a little vacation in the land of Capricorn. Yep, you heard it right, he's packed his bags and promised he'd send us postcards. Oh, those two are quite the pair, you know. Like Batman and Robin, but with a bit more... umm... celestial drama. They both are quite ambitious, always aiming for the stars... or, well, for the next galaxy, since they're already stars. So, what does this mean for you, star-child? Well, just like your last attempt at baking, where you unintentionally created a new form of carbon, you might find yourself being a bit dismissive of other people's recipes... I mean, viewpoints. Pluto and Capricorn are doing the tango, and they're not too bothered about stepping on toes. So, be careful not to become too intolerant of ideas that aren't yours. Remember, even a stopped clock is right twice a day! Now, Pluto isn't just on a sightseeing tour. He's also on a mission to help us clean up our act. Picture him as a cosmic Marie Kondo, urging us to throw out the cosmic clutter that no longer sparks joy. A bit of destruction in service of creation, if you will. So don't be afraid to judiciously wield that lightsaber of change, my friend. But remember, in the immortal words of Master Yoda, "Destroy not, for pleasure's sake; create, for the sake of progress." So, before you go all 'Death Star' on your old habits, make sure it's in service of something better! And may the force... err... stars be with you!

Current Planetary Aspects

Sun03 Sag 43' 03"
Moon19 Tau 33' 50"
Mercury23 Sag 10' 47"
Venus20 Lib 04' 30"
Mars01 Sag 18' 29"
Jupiter07 Tau 35' 28" R
Saturn00 Pis 55' 54"
Uranus20 Tau 32' 49" R
Neptune24 Pis 55' 05" R
Pluto28 Cap 23' 59"

Current Planetary Positions

The Sun

Sun Conjunct Mars

You should have lots of energy and vitality today. Go out and get some exercise. Be careful not to get into arguments with your superiors or with people in authority, like policemen. Avoid confrontations that involve your ego. Instead, channel the energy and potential hostility into something creative like your favorite hobby. The important thing is to express yourself in a constructive manner. How about playing in the park with a group of children? Do not overexert yourself or put too much strain on your heart. This means controlling your temper. Anger is one of the hardest things on your heart. Don't lay out in the sun too long. You may burn easier today than normal. Watch yourself around the stove or anything hot. Focus on being humble. Put your ego in the backseat.

The Sun

Sun Square Saturn

You may become involved in conflicts between your need for self-expression and your duties to others. The key is to find a balance. You may tend to be selfish today and many problems can be alleviated by thinking of others first. A feeling of loneliness may come upon you today, but it's probably just that, a feeling. It's not the true state of things. Do your duty, meet your obligations, then you have every right to start thinking of yourself.Those people born under a challenging aspect between the Sun and Saturn face a fair number of challenges in their lives, especially in the first half of life, in which their attempts to express their will are thwarted. There can be a persistent feeling that they don’t get what they want more often than other people around them. They can feel unlucky. Attempts to control their environment, and sometimes others, may be frequent.These people fear their own feelings of inadequacy! They want to be considered accomplished and important people, and when they face obstacles, they don’t always want to believe that they are their own worst enemy. They long to be considered important in the eyes of the world, yet they harbor fear of success at the same time. They take failures and minor setbacks to heart, and some practically beat themselves up over them. Self-awareness to the point of real self-consciousness is characteristic of Sun-Saturn challenging aspects. The truth is, nobody holds a microscope over them, except for themselves. A little setback or a faux pas needn’t be analyzed to death. Fingers needn’t be pointed. No, they didn’t make a spectacle of themselves when they made a mistake. They need to stop worrying about always being right, or appearing suave and accomplished. When they ease the pressure they put on themselves, they find that they don’t face as many brick walls. It is very much about what they feel they deserve. Deep down inside, if they let themselves truly believe that they deserve happiness and peace of mind, they will find it.When Saturn is closely connected to a personal planet, there is usually an effect of censoring going on with whatever is ruled by the planet it joins by aspect. For example, with the Moon, which rules emotions, the natives feel the need to censor their emotions and feelings, scanning them for what is thought to be frivolous. With Saturn and the Sun, there is much self-censoring going on. “I shouldn’t..” is a common censoring mechanism with these people. They feel they shouldn’t want too much. When they express egotism of any form, some part of them feels guilty. As the Sun rules our conscious mind, it does enough censoring on its own. It is the “adult” within us. Saturn, on the other hand, is more like the “parent” within us. We need parents to guide us when we are children, and to some degree as adults, but for the most part, we don’t need to be censored indefinitely–something that seems to be the case with Saturn-Sun hard aspects, except that the censoring and parenting is coming from within.Ideally, these people eventually learn that the standards they set for themselves are too high, and that may be the reason they seem to hit brick walls. They recognize that many of the restrictions they face in life are often self-created, born of a defeatist attitude. They should be aware of the tendency to choose the hardest paths to travel and/or to deny themselves some of life’s pleasures. Working on recognizing and managing these tendencies will help them to avoid the pitfalls of this combination. These people have a sarcastic sense of humor, a keen intelligence, and the ability to apply caution and strategy. The vitality may suffer, and troubles with the bones, teeth, and circulation may surface.Some Famous People with Sun in Hard Aspect to Saturn: Squares – Harry Belafonte, Wynonna Judd (Sun square Saturn, Uranus, and Pluto), Salvador Dali, Marilyn Manson, Oprah Winfrey, Salvador Dali, Virginia Woolf, Ben Stiller, Alec Guiness. Oppositions – Jim Morrison, Charlie Sheen, Kurt Russell.


Mercury Square Neptune

Confusion is likely today in your relationships with other people. Take care and read all the fine print. Stay away from taking permanent legal actions as your thinking is colored by who knows what. You may be suckered into something you don't want to do or don't believe in, so watch your step. Misunderstandings in communicating with others is possible. Remember, they may not be hearing what you are trying to say. Nervous anxiety and tension may make you feel listless today. Don't let your imagination carry you away.You might have problems concentrating because your mind is often wandering. Your thinking is exceptionally imaginative, intuitive, and creative. Stretching the truth, whether done consciously or not (or a bit of both), is associated with this position. Bored with anything dull, routine, or lifeless, you often dramatize or connect higher meaning to ordinary events and situations. You are often vague in your communications, purposefully or not, as you resist being pinned down to any one opinion or stance. This is partly due to your ability to see so many different points of view and perspectives. Logical, detail-oriented work and studies are not designed for your way of thinking and learning. Creative presentations, ripe with images and imagery, are what grab your attention and interest. Your style of communication, or possibly thinking, is often self-defeating, and you should consciously avoid a tendency to give up on projects or plans before they even get off the ground. Planning ahead is not a preference, as you prefer to move along running on the fuel of inspiration and intuition.Your style of communication may be unusual, perhaps with many pauses or digressions. You may be deliberately vague or unintentionally so, depending on your nature. Some of you are great storytellers.Sample interpretation from the Merlin report — Your mind is highly imaginative and creative and you possess dramatic, artistic, or musical abilities. As a child, you enjoyed daydreaming, fantasizing, pretending, and probably lived in “your own little world” a good deal. You perceive things which are not obvious to other people and you have an uncanny ability to “read” people and situations without being told anything about them. However, you must learn to discriminate between a true psychic perception and your imagination. Learning to discipline and focus your mind is necessary if you wish to use all of your creative potential. Otherwise, you could be simply a dreamer.Communication with others is difficult for you because you often find words frustrating and inadequate to express your experiences and perceptions. Also, you may purposefully mystify or deceive others.Some Famous People with the Mercury in Hard Aspect to Neptune: Squares – Bob Dylan, Jim Morrison, Donald Trump, Jim Bakker, Mae West, Spencer Tracy, Tom Snyder, Rich Little, Jack London, Bob Dylan; Oppositions – Bono (U2), Marlene Dietrich, Richard Chamberlain, Florence Henderson, Charles De Gaulle, Christian Dior.


Mars Square Saturn

You must control your feelings of resentment and anger today as these feelings may be stronger than usual. Watch yourself and be careful of falls, bruises, burns, and accidents. Be cautious and take things slow today. Stay alert and do not become careless. Stay focused and organized and do your duty. Don't rail against it. It will only make things worse. Today will pass and tomorrow will be brighter, so hang in there and stop worrying.You are a perfectionist. You can pick at yourself and others unmercifully, trying to get circumstances in your life to match some unspecified standard. Your energy becomes freer to work in an unencumbered way when you recognize that you aren’t really looking to match an objective standard at all. What you want is to find some emotionally and psychologically defendable ground to stand on. The real trick in life for you is to keep moving. This is not easy since you should really only move ahead on a project after forethought or planning; your judgments tend to be colored by your fears or your momentary desires. You work very hard for what comes to you. This is unavoidable. But, you could end up working very hard for no gain. This is avoidable through balancing your drives with your responsibilities. You find that you have better health and much freer energy if you get vigorous physical exercise at least three times a week. — Interpretation sample from the In Depth report.Mars square Saturn or Mars opposition Saturn: *You work hard and patiently to achieve your objectives, persevering and continuing on in spite of difficulties and discouragement. Concentrating on a single, clearly defined goal, you are able to accomplish much, but you often feel that the way is long and arduous, and that you must struggle on alone, that it’s all on your shoulders.You are capable of great self-control and self-denial and can be a hard task master, expecting far too much of yourself. You also tend to hold yourself back, to doubt your own power and ability. You feel that you meet with great resistance whenever you try to assert yourself or take initiative. Anger and frustration can be big problems for you, especially when you try to work with other people or depend too much on others for support. You work best in solitude.#Your involvement with other people often focuses on the harshest side of human experience. You become aware of destructive energies around you and learn to overcome these difficulties. Your spiritual life can become the source of nearly inexhaustible energy. You face tests through separation.Some Famous People with the Mars in Hard Aspect to Saturn: Squares – Susan Sarandon, Claudia Schiffer, River Phoenix, Phil Hartman, Julius Caesar; Oppositions – Sheena Easton, Farrah Fawcett, Brooke Shields, Darryl Hannah, George Clooney, Todd Bridges, Jean-Claude Van Damme.

Notes about Transits

Mars is all about action, and where Mars is in our chart with transits is a place where we are prepared to stand our ground. Mars transits can be really productive, but they can also be angsty, aggressive, and sometimes come from a place of anger. It's important to pay attention to how you direct that energy. Mars transits can last for up to a couple weeks.
Jupiter transits enhance your life with optimism and forward-thinking, and lasting for about a month, give you plenty of time to take advantage. Bigger and better is Jupiter's way of thinking, and should be yours as well.
Saturn transits, on the other hand, are where we get a major reality check, and if we’re not ready for them, they can be pretty rotten. Of course, if we’re prepared and up to the task, Saturn transits can also bring very well-deserved rewards, too. Saturn transits last a bit longer than Jupiter transits—usually 2 months or so at a time, but with retrograde cycles, you could be looking at the same lessons three times over a 6 month period.
The outer planets, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto last for such a long time that they make long-lasting impacts on our lives. In fact, Neptune and Pluto can last for two to three years! Consider their effects, plan accordingly, and make them part of your life for the better.

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