By The Chip Witch on Monday, 13 November 2023
Category: ChipWitch Today

ChipWitch Today for 13 November, 2023

Chipwitch Today!

This is Chipwitch Today, your daily source of reliable data upon which you can base your daily practice.

13 November, 2023

Solar activity was low. Region 3484 (S15W62,Cai/beta) produced an impulsive C8.4/Sf flare at 12/0441 UTC; the largest event of the period. Growth was observed in Regions 3484 and 3485 (S19W52, Dai/beta), while minor decay was observed in Regions 3477 (S15W81, Cao/beta) and 3483 (N09W65, Dki/beta-gamma). New Region 3486 (S09W08, Dao/beta) emerged early this period and underwent moderate development in the hours following.

The solar kp index is unsettled, with retrograde effects slightly enhanced. The solar wind speed is currently above average, making retrograde effects moderately increased.

The solar wind environment became weakly enhanced after 12/0530 UTC, following the arrival of the 09 Nov CME. Total field strength values increased from 2 to 5 nT immediately following CME arrival, and increased to a peak of 10 nT in the hours following. The Bz component slowly rotated southward after CME arrival and reached a peak of -6 nT, before gradually rotating back northward after 12/0930 UTC. Solar wind speeds increased from 460 to 529 km/s coincident with the shock arrival, and gradually increased to a peak of around 600 km/s at 12/0729 UTC, before decreasing to end-of-period values around 450 km/s. The 09 Nov CME arrived later and weaker than predicted.

There is a 35% chance of solar activity, with a 25% chance of a minor event, a 10% chance of a moderate event, and a 1% chance of a strong event.

The waning moon is currently in Scorpio, at 19 degrees, 02' 11", at a velocity of 13.01 degrees per day.

The New moon is currently 29.4 days old. It is 388821.38 km from the centre of the Earth.

The next new moon is at 9:27:15, 13 Nov, 2023. The next full moon is at 9:16:41, 27 Nov, 2023.

Planetary Information

The Sun

The Sun is in Scorpio

The Sun is at 20 Sco 36' 03", and is 148064567km away and approaching.

The Moon

The Moon is in Scorpio

The Moon will change from Scorpio to Sagittarius in the next 24 hours.

The Moon is at 19 Sco 02' 11", and is 387071km away and approaching.

Moon Is In Scorpio

Alright, star gazers and wannabe Mulders, grab your night vision goggles and a bucket of popcorn, because we've got a celestial drama unfolding above us. Our dear old Moon has decided to set up shop in the intense, passionate, and slightly brooding neighborhood of Scorpio. Now, don't go running for the hills just yet, my friends. Despite what you might have heard about Scorpians, they've got some really good traits. They're loyal, brave, and they've got a certain magnetic charm that you can't resist. So don't be surprised if you find yourself staring at the moon tonight, whispering sweet nothings and promising to name your first born after it. Now, the Moon's stay in Scorpio isn't a long one, folks. In fact, it's like a quick layover on a cosmic road trip. In the next 24 hours, that lunar satellite will be packing its bags and moving into the optimistic, adventurous, and sometimes brutally honest land of Sagittarius. It's like going from an Edgar Allan Poe poetry reading to a rock climbing session with Bear Grylls. Quite the shift, amirite? During this time, you might feel a little more introspective and intense than usual. It's Scorpio's influence, making you dive deep into the unexplored depths of your emotions. Don't fight it, folks. Embrace it. It's not every day you get to take a trip down Emotional Lane guided by a celestial body that's a whopping 387280.180445766km away! But remember, this introspection comes with a one-day-only tag. Once the Moon moves to Sagittarius, it'll be time to pack away those deep thoughts and gear up for some adventure and truth bombs. And while we're at it, let's all take a moment to appreciate the Moon's commitment to punctuality. I mean, it's got the whole moving from one zodiac to another in 24 hours down to a T! So, my fellow space nerds, whether you're solving an X-file or just trying to figure out what to have for dinner, remember - the Moon's got your back!


Mercury is in Sagittarius

Mercury is prograde at 04 Sag 30' 19", moving at 1.49 degrees per day, and is 202536193km away and approaching.

Mercury Is In Sagittarius

Ladies, gentlemen, and star gazers of all descriptions, let's talk about Mercury in Sagittarius. Have you ever tried to explain quantum physics to a goldfish? That's what it feels like when Mercury, the cosmic accountant, known for its attention to detail, lands in the expansive realm of Sagittarius, the celestial philosopher. It's akin to a tech-savvy geek attending a Renaissance fair, armed with nothing but a calculator and a pocket protector. Mercury is currently prograde – or as I like to think of it, moving forward while doing the cha-cha. So, expect some unexpected dance moves in your life, metaphorically speaking. Now, Sagittarius, or Saggie as I fondly call him, is a rambunctious fellow with a penchant for high-flying dreams and exotic experiences. Imagine having a friend who's always planning their next adventure while they're still on their current one. That's our Saggie! When Mercury is vacationing in Sagittarius, we all become a bit more confident, passionate, and, let's be honest, we could start a debate in an empty room. The trick here is to keep your sense of reason, even as you drop your prejudices. It's like trying to solve a Rubik's cube while riding a rollercoaster. Challenging? Yes. Impossible? Absolutely not! And here's a friendly reminder: with Mercury in Sagittarius, we might feel the urge to blurt out whatever comes to our minds. It's like having a personal Twitter account that broadcasts every thought. So, triple-check your words, folks! You don't want to end up as a meme on the internet, do you? Sagittarius, represented by the Archer, encourages us to broaden our horizons. It's like getting a free pass to explore the great unknown. Always wanted to learn to play the banjo? Now's the time! Dreaming of a trip to Antarctica? Start packing! So, my dear star gazers, let's embrace this cosmic tango between Mercury and Sagittarius. After all, it's not every day that we get to see a celestial odd couple dancing in perfect harmony. Enjoy the ride!


Venus is in Libra

Venus is prograde at 05 Lib 21' 02", moving at 1.11 degrees per day, and is 126581560km away and receding.

Venus Is In Libra

Help Me Obi-Wan Kenobi, Venus is in Libra!

Alrighty folks, gather around the telescope and let's have a little giggle at the universe. Our shining star of romance, Venus, has packed her bags and is now vacationing in Libra - the zodiac's prime destination for love, beauty and harmony. It's like she's taken a trip to Hawaii and is sending us all postcards of peaceful relationships and charming interactions.

Now, don't expect any Death Star explosions or lightsaber duels during this time. No, no - this is more like an episode of "Friends", where everyone's sipping coffee and sweeping any potential conflicts under the Central Perk rug. No room for drama here, thank you very much! This is especially good news for those of us who have seen more relationship battles than Obi-Wan has seen Tatooine sunsets.

And remember, when Venus is in Libra, love isn't just a 50/50 game. It's like a cosmic multiplication table where everything equals 100. If your relationship is starting to look like the lopsided Millennium Falcon, it'll stand out like a Wookie at a Stormtrooper convention. But hey, don't panic! Venus in Libra also comes with a 'let's fix this together' attitude, allowing us to balance out the force in our relationships.

But wait, there's more! Venus and Libra aren't just about love, they're also the ultimate fashionistas of the cosmos. So, maybe it's time to give your wardrobe a Jedi makeover, or add some Ewok charm to your home decor. Trust me, a little splurge can make you feel as fresh and confident as Han Solo on a good hair day.

So folks, as Venus floats through Libra, make like a Jedi and embrace the peace. Cooperate with others, live lightly, and pour your whole heart into love. And remember, the force is always with you during this beautiful transit.


Mars is in Scorpio

Mars is prograde at 22 Sco 06' 30", moving at 0.7 degrees per day, and is 378927157km away and approaching.

Mars Is In Scorpio

Matrix Reboot: Mars in Scorpio Edition

"Hello, Neo. Do you know who this is?" Yes, it's your friendly, celestial astrologer, coming at you with a cosmic update that’s hotter than Morpheus’s leather trench coat. This is not the Oracle speaking, but I do see some red pills in your future.

Mars has just logged into Scorpio, and let me tell you, things are about to get as intense as a bullet-dodging scene. Mars, that fiery celestial body, is now vacationing in the realm of Scorpio, a sign known for its passion and intensity. It's like Agent Smith on a caffeine rush.

Under this sky, your ambition will be overclocked faster than Trinity hacks a mainframe. There won't be time for compromise or debates about whether the chicken or the egg came first. You are your own architect in this Matrix, and anyone trying to control you might just get a taste of your newly unlocked cosmic kung-fu.

You might feel an urge to deep dive into the darker side of your psyche, just like Neo did when he discovered the real world was a dystopian nightmare run by machines. But hey, it's through confronting these shadows that we grow stronger, right? Just remember to pack some emotional bug spray; the underworld of the subconscious can get pretty gnarly.

A word of caution, though. The Martian-Scorpion combo can cause aggression levels to spike like the Matrix's code stream. Conflicts could last longer than the trilogy itself, and relationships may take more hits than a lobby full of security guards. So, pick your battles wisely. Maybe channel that energy into learning new martial arts...or coding.

In essence, Mars in Scorpio feels like a spiritual boot camp. Transformations will be as dramatic as the plot twist in the first movie. But remember, Neo, "It's not about the destination, it's about the journey." So, dodge the bitterness, rise above power struggles, and forgive like you have unlimited lifelines. All this with the courage, discipline, and willpower of a real Matrix hero.

And remember, in the world of astrology, there is no spoon.


Jupiter is in Taurus

Jupiter is retrograde at 09 Tau 09' 35", moving backwards at 0.13 degrees per day, and is 598765428km away and receding.

Jupiter Is In Taurus

Jupiter in Taurus: The Cosmic Cash Cow

Just like a techie geek getting lost in the latest Star Trek marathon, Jupiter's gone retrograde and is hunkering down in Taurus. Now, I know what you're thinking: "Does this mean I'll finally get that raise?" Well, the stars say maybe, but remember, astrology isn't an ATM.

Now, let's get nerdy for a moment. Jupiter, the biggest dude in our solar system, is all about wisdom and deep, philosophical contemplation – the kind of deep thoughts you have when you're staring at your lava lamp at 3 AM. And Taurus? Well, it’s like the chill, zen yogi of the zodiac, always reminding us to slow down and smell the roses...or patchouli, depending on your preference.

When these two come together, it's like a cosmic nudge telling us to push the pause button on the Netflix binge and tap into that inner guru we've been neglecting. Remember, grasshopper, the wisdom you seek is not in the next episode of "Stranger Things", but within you.

But don't just sit there meditating all day. Jupiter in Taurus also means it's time to get practical. Time to break out that dusty planner and start ticking off those life goals one by one. Think of it as Leveling up in the game of life, with Jupiter providing the power-ups and Taurus guiding the way with its steady bull-like determination.

Now, let's talk money. With Jupiter, the planet of good fortune, chilling in Taurus, the zodiac's cash magnet, you might be tempted to play the lottery. But remember, while this cosmic combo can bring financial growth, it can also turn us into cosmic couch potatoes. Taurus loves the finer things and Jupiter? Well, it's like an enabler with a credit card. So, remember to balance those "treat yourself" moments with some financially savvy decisions.

So, as we navigate this cosmic journey, keep in mind that wisdom is not found in the distant cosmos, but within us. And while Jupiter in Taurus might tempt us to indulge, it's also a time for growth and reaching our goals. So put on your favorite tie-dye shirt, light some incense, and get ready to embrace the cosmic cash cow within you.


Saturn is in Pisces

Saturn is prograde at 00 Pis 35' 00", moving at 0.02 degrees per day, and is 1425862567km away and receding.

Saturn Is In Pisces

Saturn in Pisces: It's Time to Get Your Cosmic Ducks in a Row

Greetings, space cadets! So, Saturn has decided to set up camp in Pisces, and let me tell you, it's more than just a celestial sleepover. If you've been dreaming of becoming the next J.K. Rowling or Elon Musk, now's the time to embrace those out-of-this-world aspirations. Saturn, the cosmic taskmaster, is in Pisces, the realm of dreams and intuition. So, buckle up your space boots because Saturn is here to serve as your personal life coach from the cosmos.

Now, don't expect this to be as easy as pi (the mathematical constant, not the dessert, although I could go for a slice). Saturn in Pisces may put your dreams under the microscope. You might feel like a teenager whose parent just burst into their room unannounced. But remember, Saturn is like that strict yet wise mentor who guides you to glory, not the cosmic version of an annoying older sibling. So, brace yourself, open your heart and mind, and listen to what good ol' Saturn has to say.

Being the hippiest hipster astrologer around, I must remind you: while Saturn's coaching can be intense, it's crucial to keep your inner Zen garden well-tended. Pisces rules over sleep and dreams after all. So, don't be surprised if you find yourself tossing and turning like a washing machine on spin cycle. Try some meditation, forest bathing, deep breathing, or even a power nap (just keep a dream journal handy!). And remember, there's no shame in hitting the sack early. In fact, going to bed before midnight might just be the new cool.

So get ready, my stardust sprinkled friends, to embrace the wisdom of Saturn in Pisces. It's a cosmic cocktail of practicality and dreams, a perfect blend to help you manifest your deepest desires. Just remember to keep your sense of humor handy. After all, as Carl Sagan said, "Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known." Or in our case, to be dreamt.


Uranus is in Taurus

Uranus is retrograde at 21 Tau 04' 53", moving backwards at 0.04 degrees per day, and is 2787231981km away and receding.

Uranus Is In Taurus

Uranus in Taurus, or How to Turn Your Financial World Upside Down

Okay folks, it's time to strap on your space helmets because Uranus is parked in Taurus and it's shaking things up like a martian at an intergalactic dance off. Now, Taurus, that steady old bull, isn't too keen on change. It's like trying to get your grandpa to swap his beloved analog television for a fancy new smart TV. But sometimes, you just need to embrace the future, no matter how many buttons it has.

Now, Taurus is like the Warren Buffet of the zodiac - money matters. So, Uranus being in Taurus is akin to Elon Musk showing up at Wall Street with a herd of cash-eating goats. Prepare for some radical changes in finance, folks. We're talking bitcoin on steroids, banks morphing into something straight out of Star Trek, and stock markets doing the hokey pokey. Seven years of this cosmic kerfuffle, folks. Buckle up!

On a personal level, think of Uranus in Taurus as your financial Marie Kondo. It's time to tidy up those debts, toss out useless credit cards, and question whether that avocado toast subscription is truly bringing you joy. Materialism? It's so last century. This transit is all about simplifying, decluttering, and redefining what 'value' means to you.

Resisting won't help, my friends. It's like trying to stop a black hole from swallowing up a star - messy and ultimately futile. Accept the change, embrace the chaos, and remember: The universe has a funny way of ensuring things fall (or float) into place. Plus, who knows? You might just end up in a better place, financially and otherwise. So let's embark on this interstellar journey together, one small step (or giant leap) at a time.


Neptune is in Pisces

Neptune is retrograde at 25 Pis 02' 20", moving backwards at 0.01 degrees per day, and is 4388359936km away and receding.

Neptune Is In Pisces

"Hold onto your tin foil hats, fellow stargazers, because Neptune has decided to do the cosmic tango with Pisces. Now, I know what you're thinking: 'Great, another planet doing the hokey pokey in our zodiac. What's next? Mars taking salsa lessons with Leo?' But hear me out. Neptune, that big blue gas giant, 4388303276.236087799km away (give or take a few kilometers), is currently doing the moonwalk - that's right, it's in retrograde. It's like watching your grandpa try to do a TikTok dance; it's awkward, mildly confusing, but also kind of endearing. Now, this celestial meet-cute between Neptune and Pisces, it's like peanut butter meeting jelly, like Bill Nye at a science fair, like... well, you get the idea. Pisces, with its deep, emotional connection to the universe, pairs beautifully with Neptune's unifying vibe. It's like they've both swiped right on each other in the cosmic Tinder. With Neptune in Pisces, we're all getting a pair of those X-Ray specs they used to sell in the back of comic books. Only these let us see through all the pettiness and squabbles that usually fill our days. We suddenly realize how much time we've wasted arguing over whether Star Trek is better than Star Wars (it's not, by the way), when we could be connecting on a deeper level. This celestial shindig is our wakeup call, urging us to bring our unique gifts to the communal table. Maybe you make a killer guacamole, or perhaps you can recite every line from 'The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.' Whatever your talent, now's the time to share it with the world. So, why not use this time to explore that spiritual path you've been thinking about? Maybe it's time to turn that spare room into a meditation retreat, or perhaps it's simply about reconnecting with what makes you feel whole. Remember, folks, there's no wrong way to celebrate Neptune's dance in Pisces. So, grab your telescopes, your tarot cards, and your favorite pair of lucky socks. The universe is calling, and it's got your number!"


Pluto is in Capricorn

Pluto is prograde at 28 Cap 09' 30", moving at 0.02 degrees per day, and is 5274119944km away and receding.

Pluto Is In Capricorn

Well, hello there, celestial explorers! Gather round and dust off your telescopes because our dear friend Pluto (who never let demotion from planetary status get him down), is currently doing the cosmic tango with Capricorn. Now, I know what you're thinking, "Pluto and Capricorn? That's about as weird as a Dalek in a tutu!" But bear with me here. So, this celestial pair might not be the life of the party - I mean, they are both more into power suits and five-year plans than spontaneous moonlight dances. But they do share this vibe of ambition and focus that can be pretty useful if you channel it right. But here's the catch. If you're not careful, this combo can make you as stubborn as a mule in zero gravity. Suddenly everyone else's ideas seem about as useful as a chocolate teapot. So, try to keep that open mind of yours. After all, even a stopped clock is right twice a day. Now, Pluto, despite its diminutive size, is all about transformation. This little guy encourages us to dump any habits that serve us as well as a solar-powered flashlight during an eclipse. But remember, constructive destruction is the name of the game here. Think less "Dalek extermination" and more "making room for a new TARDIS console." So, folks, as Pluto boogies down in Capricorn, let’s remember to keep our minds open, our goals clear, and our demolition controlled. After all, we're all just stardust navigating this wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey thing we call life.

Current Planetary Aspects

Sun20 Sco 36' 03"
Moon19 Sco 02' 11"
Mercury04 Sag 30' 19"
Venus05 Lib 21' 02"
Mars22 Sco 06' 30"
Jupiter09 Tau 09' 35" R
Saturn00 Pis 35' 00"
Uranus21 Tau 04' 53" R
Neptune25 Pis 02' 20" R
Pluto28 Cap 09' 30"

Current Planetary Positions

The Sun

Sun Conjunct Moon

Your individuality and personality seem at one today. You feel like you really know and understand yourself and what it is that you want and need to do. Today might be a good day to shine light on your unconscious attitudes and habit patterns with the hope of improving your weak points. Change the areas of your personality that you aren't satisfied with.

The Sun

Sun Conjunct Mars

You should have lots of energy and vitality today. Go out and get some exercise. Be careful not to get into arguments with your superiors or with people in authority, like policemen. Avoid confrontations that involve your ego. Instead, channel the energy and potential hostility into something creative like your favorite hobby. The important thing is to express yourself in a constructive manner. How about playing in the park with a group of children? Do not overexert yourself or put too much strain on your heart. This means controlling your temper. Anger is one of the hardest things on your heart. Don't lay out in the sun too long. You may burn easier today than normal. Watch yourself around the stove or anything hot. Focus on being humble. Put your ego in the backseat.

The Sun

Sun Opposite Uranus

Surprises may be in store for you today. These surprises may be disruptive and, if so, they are designed to help you grow. Look upon them as challenges and learning experiences. Problems today could come because of your eccentric behavior. Avoid bohemian tendencies and doing things just to be different. People are likely to take offense at your uniqueness. Don't draw unnecessary attention to yourself. Be alert today as impulsiveness may lead to accidents.The ego is quite large when the Sun is square or opposite Uranus. This is largely due to the fact that these people’s very identities ride on their sense of personal freedom. It can be quite a challenge to get them to do what they don’t want to do, simply because they see any attempts to push them in a certain direction as threatening their freedom. These are very dynamic individuals who question tradition and authority, yet, paradoxically, are quite set in their own ways.These people have a love-hate relationship with their own uniqueness. Much of the time they are very proud of their original personalities. Other times, they feel a bit left out for being “different”. Although they are humanitarian in many ways, they can be a little brusque when it comes to sentimentality or what they perceive to be excessive attachment to the past or to tradition.When the Sun and Uranus form a challenging aspect, there can be a lot of nervous energy and defensiveness. It can be difficult to hold a 9 to 5 job or to develop steady routines. They work best when they can manage their own schedules. They work in spurts. When they are hit with creative inspiration, they are capable of tremendous effort. However, they can be quite temperamental, and it is very hard for them to pour their hearts and souls into something that they don’t “feel” for at the moment. They don’t like superficiality or pretense, which is an admirable trait. However, their disdain for pretense can be problematic in a world where people are expected to perform whether they are inspired or not! I have a daughter who has the Sun in challenging aspect to Uranus, and there was quite an adjustment period when she entered first grade–a time when kids begin to truly experience structure. When the children in her gym class were told to dance, she simply stood there, immobile. When asked why she was not dancing, she replied, “But I don’t feel the dance inside of me, so how can I dance?” Sun-Uranus people don’t always feel like they “fit in” with the rules and structures of society. However, those that recognize the need to conform at least some of the time may be able to channel their high levels of intuition, inventiveness, and spiritedness into creative endeavors or important causes. They might find that they encounter much less resistance in day-to-day life this way.Some Famous People with Sun in Hard Aspect to Uranus: Squares – Alan Alda, Billy Crystal, Stephen King, O. Henry (writer), Wynonna Judd (Sun square Saturn, Uranus, and Pluto), John Ritter, Dennis Rodman, Oliver Stone, George Washington, Bono (U2), Dustin Hoffman; Oppositions – Kevin Costner, Lauren Bacall, Ray Bradbury, Frank Capra, Billy Corgan, the Olsen twins, Geena Davis.


Mercury Sextile Venus

The pursuit of light pleasure gives happiness today. Spend time with friends in harmonious conversation. Go see a museum or go to an art gallery. Activities involving music are favored. Artistic stimulation of the mind is the keynote today.You are polite, choosing your words with care and love so as not to offend anyone. Your tactfulness stems from a distaste for disharmony and conflict. You are not always direct and honest as a result of this desire to please, appease, and keep the peace. You are able to understand others and make a great conversationalist. You aim for fairness in your dealings with others. You have a true appreciation for the arts, and strive to achieve balance and harmony in your social relationships, your writing and speech, and your personal environment. You might do business in the areas of art, design, relationships, counseling, or beauty.Some Famous People with Mercury Sextile Venus: Walt Disney, Sylvia Plath, George Sand, Alison Moyet, Peter O’Toole, Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, Jerry Lewis.


Mars Opposite Uranus

You may feel like rebelling against the people you are around today. There is a certain rashness with you and you may feel tempted to let loose in any kind of manner. This impulsiveness, this rashness may lead to accidents and hurt relationships. You need your freedom and others probably need theirs. So hang loose and give people some space. Change at any cost may be what you're feeling today, but carefully consider the costs before you leap into action. The costs may be too high. Look before you leap is the keyword of the day. You are not likely to put up with any restraints today, real or imagined. This might lead you into trouble. Be careful around machinery. Realize all this if someone blows up at you completely out of the blue. Resist the urge to give in to your anger and throw a hissy fit.You prefer to stand out in a crowd than to follow. Watch for a tendency to be stubborn or dogmatic, which can impede your progress in life and cause unnecessary delays or obstacles. You can be very temperamental, but you tend to get over things quickly. You might often be hasty, impatient, and impulsive.Alternate, short interpretations: Mars square Uranus or Mars opposition Uranus: *Intensely restless, dynamic, and energetic, you are always on the go. When you want something, you want it NOW, and you act decisively, impulsively, sometimes hastily and prematurely. Impatient, high-strung, and often nervous and tense, you find it difficult to slow down, pace yourself, or relax. You are fiercely individualistic and independent, self-willed and intolerant of restraints and restrictions imposed by others. You have a reckless disregard for authority and can be extremely rebellious. Cooperating with others is not your strong point! You are often brutally frank and abrupt with people, and can be quite impersonal when you are pursuing a desired goal. You may have an explosive temper when your will is blocked. You have a superabundance of energy and need much personal freedom to do things in your own style and at your own pace.#Your life is peppered with dangerous intersections where you may be physically injured. These very events, however, form the substance of your spiritual path. It takes courage to follow this independent path, and effort to maintain strong relationships as you do so. Intuition can be a great asset.Some Famous People with the Mars in Hard Aspect to Uranus: Squares – Alexander Graham Bell, Catherine Zeta Jones, Patrick Duffy, Johannes Kepler, Madonna, Sissy Spacek Oppositions – Roman Polanski, Regis Philbin, Tyra Banks, Chris Brown, Jackie Gleason, Monica Lewinsky, Arnold Palmer.


Mars Trine Neptune

Today is a good day to be involved with spiritual activities. You are imaginative, intuitive, psychic, and visual today. Focus on your inner self and try to commune with the Higher part of your being. Get involved with serving others or doing some work for charity. Much soul growth can come your way today by helping others.You are highly perceptive and can detect insincerity or dishonesty in others. Because you are kind and sympathetic, others come to you with their problems and you always have a patient ear. You have the ability to balance your needs for both spiritual growth and physical achievement and can usually manage to do both simultaneously.Others find you magnetic, charming and very sociable. You prefer an uncomplicated yet stimulating love life and are a warm and tender lover. You are honest and sincere with loved ones, although you are quick to cut ties if you feel that interest is declining. The flush of romantic love may fade, but your former lovers will always respect you. You can inspire your lover and bring much joy into her life. You have a good understanding of the “give and take” of life and are sensitive to the needs of others. You are a romantic at heart and very sensitive in love. You must have honesty in your relationships and will accept nothing less. You are able to see through others to their real motivations, so insincerity is not easy to hide from you. Sometimes you can communicate with your lover without words, through expressions, gestures or “vibes.” You have strong emotional as well as physical needs, but your partner must also be refined and respectable. You seem to simply “know” things on a sexual level, which makes you an especially good lover. You pick up even the subtlest of nuances, and this intuitive understanding and “soft touch” is extremely attractive to many women. Your instinctive ability to be at the right place at the right time assists you greatly in life. This inherent spirituality can express itself well through the arts as well. Sexual fantasies are especially strong. In your life, you may become attracted to spiritual forms of sexuality, such as Tao and Tantra. — Interpretation from our LoveStyles About Him Report.Note on the differences between trines and sextiles: The trine aspect is the more dynamic of the two harmonious aspects. Those with the sextile can call upon these traits when needed, and those with the trine between the Mars and Neptune have incorporated the traits of the aspect into their personalities, expressing them naturally and consistently.Some Famous People with Mars in Harmonious Aspect to Neptune: Some Famous People with Mars in Harmonious Aspect to Neptune: Sextiles – Kevin Kline, Pablo Picasso, LeBron James, Jimmy Fallon, Elijah Wood, Gary Cooper, Chris Martin, Pharrell Williams, Jackie Chan, Justin Timberlake, Hillary Clinton, ; Trines – Angelina Jolie, Jean-Claude Van Damme, Paul Newman, Charlie Hunnam, Joe Jonas, Halle Berry, Meryl Streep, Colin Farrell, Clint Eastwood.

Notes about Transits

Mars is all about action, and where Mars is in our chart with transits is a place where we are prepared to stand our ground. Mars transits can be really productive, but they can also be angsty, aggressive, and sometimes come from a place of anger. It's important to pay attention to how you direct that energy. Mars transits can last for up to a couple weeks.
Jupiter transits enhance your life with optimism and forward-thinking, and lasting for about a month, give you plenty of time to take advantage. Bigger and better is Jupiter's way of thinking, and should be yours as well.
Saturn transits, on the other hand, are where we get a major reality check, and if we’re not ready for them, they can be pretty rotten. Of course, if we’re prepared and up to the task, Saturn transits can also bring very well-deserved rewards, too. Saturn transits last a bit longer than Jupiter transits—usually 2 months or so at a time, but with retrograde cycles, you could be looking at the same lessons three times over a 6 month period.
The outer planets, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto last for such a long time that they make long-lasting impacts on our lives. In fact, Neptune and Pluto can last for two to three years! Consider their effects, plan accordingly, and make them part of your life for the better.

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