By The Chip Witch on Saturday, 04 November 2023
Category: ChipWitch Today

ChipWitch Today for 4 November, 2023

Chipwitch Today!

This is Chipwitch Today, your daily source of reliable data upon which you can base your daily practice.

4 November, 2023

Solar activity declined to low levels this period. New Region 3480 (S11E64, Dac/beta) produced the largest event of the period, a C4.5 flare observed at 03/0132 UTC. Accurate magnetic analysis of this group will be evident as the region rotates further onto the disk. A long-duration C3.3 flare was observed at 03/0616 UTC in the vicinity of Region 3373 (N17W31, Axx/alpha). Associated with this event was a large filament eruption than began lift-off at about 03/0430 UTC. This NE to SW oriented filament was approximately 33 degrees in length and was centered near N26W29. No discernible changes were observed with the spotted regions on the disk.

The solar kp index is quiet, with no changes to retrograde effects. The solar wind speed is currently normal.

Solar wind parameters indicated a predominately nominal environment. Total field readings were at a steady 3-4 nT while the Bz component varied between +/- 3 nT. Solar wind speed data recorded speeds between about 440-490 km/s. Phi angle was in a predominately positive orientation.

There is a 20% chance of solar activity, with a 5% chance of a minor event, a 1% chance of a moderate event, and a 1% chance of a strong event.

The waning moon is currently in Cancer, at 29 degrees, 29' 11", at a velocity of 12.13 degrees per day.

The Third Quarter moon is currently 21.2 days old. It is 401576.76 km from the centre of the Earth.

The next new moon is at 9:27:15, 13 Nov, 2023. The next full moon is at 9:16:41, 27 Nov, 2023.

Planetary Information

The Sun

The Sun is in Scorpio

The Sun is at 11 Sco 33' 49", and is 148384053km away and approaching.

The Moon

The Moon is in Cancer

The Moon will change from Cancer to Leo in the next 24 hours.

The Moon is at 29 Can 29' 11", and is 400048km away and receding.

Moon Is In Cancer

Greetings, celestial voyagers! Brace yourselves as we surf through the cosmic waves of the universe because our beloved Moon has decided to park its celestial tush in the homely sign of Cancer. It's so close, it's practically waving at us - a mere 399,863.810442395km away. I mean, you could almost hitch a ride on a comet and drop by for tea... if you don't mind the lack of oxygen and freezing cold temperatures, that is! Now, the Moon in Cancer is a bit like your mom deciding to visit unannounced. She brings with her a basket full of emotions, memories, and perhaps a pinch of nagging. She’s all about comfort and security, so prepare yourself for a dose of intense nostalgia, stronger than the gravitational pull of a black hole. But hold onto your telescopes, folks, because this lunar sit-in won’t last forever. Like a shooting star dashing across the night sky, our Moon will be making a swift exit stage right into the fiery sign of Leo in just 24 hours. So, enjoy this homey vibe while it lasts. Maybe bake some cookies, binge-watch your favorite childhood shows or call your actual mom for a change. And remember folks, just like a Dalek from Doctor Who, the universe has a habit of repeating itself - expect lots of "Exterminate!" from those negative vibes and messy emotions during this period. But no worries, you can always counter with your own "Amplify!" for the positives in your life. After all, you're the Time Lord of your own destiny! Stay tuned for more cosmic updates. Until then, keep your vibrations high and your humor intergalactic!


Mercury is in Scorpio

Mercury is prograde at 20 Sco 48' 18", moving at 1.55 degrees per day, and is 211890793km away and approaching.

Mercury Is In Scorpio

Mercury In Scorpio: The Great Galactic Detective

Alright, space cadets, brace yourselves. Mercury, our tiny and swift planet neighbor, is having a slumber party in the house of Scorpio, and it's going to be like an interstellar game of Clue! That’s right, folks, Mercury has shimmied its way into Scorpio, about 211,925,499.033272624km away (give or take a few micrometers—let's not quibble over details).

Now, if there's one thing we know about Scorpios, it's that they love a good mystery. They're like the Sherlock Holmes of the zodiac, never content with taking things at face value. The surface? Pah! That's for amateurs. Scorpios are all about digging below the topsoil, unearthing the hidden gems of truth and insight that lurk beneath. And when Mercury's in town, their inquisitive nature gets supercharged.

But here's the kicker. As we follow Mercury's flashlight beam around the labyrinth of our subconscious, we might stumble upon some spooky stuff. Scorpio's influence turns that light into an X-ray, revealing our deepest fears and desires. It's like a cosmic Halloween party where everyone's wearing their real faces. But remember folks, it's all treat and no trick. Speaking about those things that normally hide in the shadows can lead to some seriously deep bonding sessions.

The only downside? Well, Mercury in Scorpio can make us all a bit more suspicious—like a paranoid astronaut convinced his oxygen tank is half empty, not half full. We might feel the urge to play detective, but let's not go full-on conspiracy theorist, okay? Trying to force the truth out could lead to a trust implosion, and nobody wants to deal with the debris of that.

But don't worry, it's not all shadowy corners and hidden agendas. This planetary alignment also offers a golden opportunity for enhanced intimacy. Mercury in Scorpio isn’t just about finding hidden secrets, it’s about using those discoveries to bring us closer together. So dust off your magnifying glass and get ready to play cosmic detective—you might just uncover some truths that bring you closer to the ones you love.


Venus is in Virgo

Venus is prograde at 25 Vir 32' 41", moving at 1.07 degrees per day, and is 116565723km away and receding.

Venus Is In Virgo

Alright, space cadets! Buckle up and brace yourselves because Venus just parked her celestial chassis in Virgo. Yes, you heard it right, our love rocket has landed in the land of the meticulous and the orderly. Now, I know what you're thinking: "Venus in Virgo? That's like mixing oil and water, or Star Wars and Star Trek!" But hear me out, folks, because this cosmic cocktail might just give your love life the shake-up it needs. When Venus clocks in at Virgo's office, she gets all business-like about the affairs of the heart. You might start feeling as if you've been sucked into a rom-com where unless love is as perfect as a unicorn farting rainbows, you'd rather binge-watch documentaries about quantum physics. For the love-duos among us, it's time to don your detective hats. Is your partner pulling their weight or have they been freeloading on your love? If you're riding solo, keep those peepers peeled for any red flags in potential suitors. Trust me, you'd rather spot a dud early than end up with a love-life equivalent of a black hole. But hey, be careful not to morph into Sherlock Holmes on steroids. Nitpicking every tiny flaw in your partner could turn your love nest into a battlefield faster than you can say "Big Bang". Remember, constructive chit-chat over a cup of cosmic coffee works better than launching criticism missiles. Despite all this relationship dissecting, Venus in Virgo isn't all work and no play. Virgo is an Earth sign, they're into the finer things in life - great food, art, nature, and people. So, while you might not be swinging from chandeliers, there's still plenty of passion to be found between the sheets. Just remember, Virgo plays for keeps, not for quick flings. So, space cadets, whether you're single, hitched, or it's complicated, embrace this Venus in Virgo transit. It might just be the celestial caffeine shot your love life needs. And remember, in space, no one can hear you scream...unless it's for more coffee. Over and out!


Mars is in Scorpio

Mars is prograde at 15 Sco 49' 17", moving at 0.69 degrees per day, and is 380353098km away and approaching.

Mars Is In Scorpio

Interstellar Standoff: Mars in Scorpio

So, let's chat about our red-headed step sibling in the solar family, Mars. Now, Mars has decided to shimmie its way into Scorpio and let's just say things are getting a tad bit spicy. I mean, Mars in Scorpio is like having Thor at a tea party, you never really know what will happen but you're pretty dang sure it's going to be intense.

Mars isn't exactly known for being a team player, and in Scorpio, it's less 'Kumbaya' and more 'my way or the highway'. We're talking Kanye-level of not giving a hoot about what others think. This cosmic blend is handing out backbones like Oprah hands out cars; you get a backbone! You get a backbone! Everybody gets a backbone!

Now, if you're feeling like you could take over the world, or at least rearrange your sock drawer, that’s Mars in Scorpio working its magic. This period is like your personal Tony Robbins seminar, inspiring you to change something in your life through sheer willpower and possibly some fire-walking. Just remember, Mars in Scorpio isn't afraid of the dark, so don't be surprised if you find yourself exploring the shadowy corners of your psyche, kind of like watching a David Lynch film but with less coffee.

But there's a flip side to this planetary poker game. Mars in Scorpio might turn up the heat on your temper. You could end up like a teapot, steaming and whistling until someone takes you off the stove. The key here is to choose your battles wisely, because we all know that not every hill is worth dying on (or even getting mildly annoyed on).

Think of this time as a spiritual boot camp, but instead of mud and push-ups, it's all about mastering your shadows and personal power. If we can rise above the desire for power struggles, revenge, and holding grudges, we'll come out the other side stronger and wiser. It's like Yoda said, 'Do or do not, there is no try'. Well, Mars in Scorpio is definitely doing, so buckle up, buttercup, it's going to be a wild ride!


Jupiter is in Taurus

Jupiter is retrograde at 10 Tau 21' 54", moving backwards at 0.14 degrees per day, and is 595886067km away and receding.

Jupiter Is In Taurus

Jupiter in Taurus: The Cosmic Bull Market

Hey there celestial navigators! Let's talk about something that's been on everyone's cosmic radar lately - Jupiter's dance with Taurus. Now, usually when we think of a bull in a china shop, it's not exactly a picture of harmony. But in this case, it's like the bull owns the shop and the china is made of pure gold.

Think of Jupiter as your favorite eccentric uncle who comes to town once in a while, bringing gifts and tall tales of his adventures. Only this time, he decided to set up camp in Taurus, the zodiac’s most immovable sign. It's like that moment when you finally find your TV remote under the couch after months of manually changing channels. You've had the power all along! Spirituality isn't some elusive Pokémon you have to chase, it’s sitting right there in your Poké Ball – or rather, your soul.

Jupiter being in Taurus is like having a cosmic espresso shot for your dreams. It's time to grab that to-do list, transform it into a 'ta-da' list, and start checking things off like you're on a supermarket sweep. Jupiter’s knack for growth and Taurus’ stubborn streak are currently the dynamic duo of the cosmos, encouraging us to trust the process and aim for a high score in the game of life.

We're talking serious prosperity potential here, folks. Jupiter is the planet of good luck (think of it as the universe's lottery ticket), while Taurus is all about the Benjamins. This cosmic alignment could turn out to be your financial glow-up. But remember, Taurus can also be a bit of a diva. It's important to differentiate between needs and wants during this time. Just because you can buy that life-sized replica of the Starship Enterprise, doesn't mean you should.

So, buckle up space cadets and get ready for a ride with Jupiter in Taurus. It's a time of growth, fortune, and sometimes, the need for self-restraint. Remember, the cosmos doesn't always give us what we want, but it tends to give us what we need. Unless it's a lightsaber. We all need a lightsaber.


Saturn is in Pisces

Saturn is retrograde at 00 Pis 30' 49", moving backwards at 0 degrees per day, and is 1404271242km away and receding.

Saturn Is In Pisces

Saturn in Pisces: The Cosmic Cleanup Crew

Okay, so you know that crazy uncle everyone has? The one who shows up at family gatherings, insists on fixing your computer, then leaves behind a trail of chaos and a bafflingly well-optimized hard drive? That's Saturn in Pisces for you. He's coming over, wearing his “Best Uncle” t-shirt, armed with a vacuum cleaner and a nagging sense of duty.

This is the time when Saturn, the Universe's favorite taskmaster, takes a deep dive into the mystical waters of Pisces. Think of it as a cosmic audit, or a celestial version of "Extreme Home Makeover." This isn't about moving furniture around though—Saturn wants a full-on, down-to-the-studs renovation of your dreams and aspirations.

Now, I know what you're thinking. "But I like my chaotic little dream world! It's cozy and comfortable!" Well, too bad, because Saturn is bringing his cosmic clipboard and he's not afraid to use it.

But don't despair! This isn't an invasion, it's an invitation. Saturn is like that pushy personal trainer who makes you work out until your muscles scream, but in the end, you're grateful for the results. So, grab a notepad, take a deep breath, and get ready for some serious dreamscaping.

Of course, all this may lead to restless nights, strange dreams, or a sudden urge to start a pillow fort construction company. Embrace it! Take a nap, meditate, or go for a walk in the woods. Just remember to bring a dream journal—and maybe a flashlight. Because when Saturn barges in, he tends to leave the door open, and who knows what kind of cosmic critters might wander in.

So, welcome Saturn with open arms and let him do his thing. Sure, your dreams might get a bit of a shake-up, but in the end, you’ll have a solid foundation to build on. And remember—Saturn may be a taskmaster, but he's also a teacher. So, listen up, because class is in session!


Uranus is in Taurus

Uranus is retrograde at 21 Tau 27' 12", moving backwards at 0.04 degrees per day, and is 2789210302km away and approaching.

Uranus Is In Taurus

Uranus Pulls a Boba Fett on Taurus

Okay, buckle up cosmic voyagers, we’re about to hit a bit of astrological turbulence. Our old pal Uranus, that unpredictable rebel of the celestial sphere, has set up shop in the no-nonsense neighborhood of Taurus. And let me tell you, it's like Boba Fett crash landing at a vegan potluck - there’s bound to be some serious disturbance in the Force.

Taurus is your classic creature of habit, loves their comfort zone and would happily live in a world where "new" is a dirty word. But guess what? Uranus didn’t get the memo. It loves the chaos theory, the more dramatic the change, the better! As much as Taurus hates to admit it, change is inevitable, and they might just end up thanking Uranus for shaking things up.

Now, let's talk moolah, because Taurus loves nothing more than a full piggy bank. With Uranus in town though, prepare for some real cosmic crypto-currency chaos. We're talking potential new forms of currency, total bank overhauls, maybe even a housing and stock market rollercoaster ride. Yes, it's like Han Solo piloting the Millennium Falcon through an asteroid field, but remember, asteroids can also contain valuable resources!

On a personal level, Uranus in Taurus is here to help us break free from our monetary shackles. Debt, taxes, credit card interest, rent, mortgages... these are all like Sarlacc pits waiting to swallow us whole. But no, we're not going down without a fight. This transit is our chance to redefine our relationship with money and materialism. The choice is no longer ours, it's like having a thermal detonator thrown into our financial plans.

But fear not, fellow star travelers. Like Boba Fett escaping from the Sarlacc pit, we can use this period to blast ourselves into a new realm of financial freedom. So, take that hoverboard of change and ride it like you're storming the Death Star. Let's face it, Uranus didn't come here to ruin our day, but to liberate us. Resisting won't help. Embrace the change and enjoy the space ride!


Neptune is in Pisces

Neptune is retrograde at 25 Pis 10' 22", moving backwards at 0.02 degrees per day, and is 4370160926km away and receding.

Neptune Is In Pisces

Yes, yes, my cosmic comrades! Lend me your ears, as I unfold the celestial saga of Neptune in Pisces. Now, before you start googling for your scuba gear, let's clear one thing up: we're not talking about a soggy holiday to some intergalactic water park. No, friends, this is about our blue, gaseous buddy, Neptune, having a chinwag with the fishy folks of Pisces. Now, when Neptune gets comfy in Pisces, it's like taking your brain to a drive-in-movie marathon of "The Matrix" series. Suddenly, you're seeing through walls, recognizing the meaninglessness of your neighbor's snobby cat's Instagram account, and understanding that we're all just stardust on a cosmic dance floor. This astral alliance is practically holding up neon signs saying, "Hey, buddy! You're not just a drop in the ocean, you're the whole dang sea!" It's about recognising that we're all a part of this grand, universal jigsaw puzzle, and every piece - yup, even that weird one that looks like a squashed tomato - is crucial. So, what can you do with this newfound clarity? Well, for starters, you could take a deep dive into that spiritual path you've been eyeing off. You know, the one that keeps popping up between your online shopping sprees and adorable cat videos. Or maybe it's time to build that sacred shrine to your favorite sci-fi series in your living room (I'm looking at you, Trekkies). Remember, Neptune in Pisces isn't just about discovering your own spiritual 'Spock'. It's also about boldly going where no man has gone before, and sharing your enlightened insights with the world. And don't worry about communication breakdowns; Neptune's got your back, playing the role of cosmic wifi booster to ensure your message gets through. So, buckle up, space cadets! With Neptune in Pisces, the universe is not only your playground but your classroom, too. As they say in Starfleet: "The human adventure is just beginning." Now, where did I put my Vulcan salute emoji...


Pluto is in Capricorn

Pluto is prograde at 28 Cap 02' 05", moving at 0.01 degrees per day, and is 5251228370km away and receding.

Pluto Is In Capricorn

Pluto, My Cold Friend: A Capricorn Tale

Alright, folks, grab your telescopes and your favorite space-themed socks, because things are about to get real cool. Why? Because our slightly awkward, somewhat controversial friend Pluto (yes, it's still a planet in my book) is hanging out in the ambitious land of Capricorn. Now, if you're like me and find the idea of a tiny frozen rock orbiting at a distance of around 5.25 billion kilometers away affecting our lives somewhat hilarious, buckle up. We're going for a wild cosmic ride!

Now, Pluto and Capricorn have a lot in common – they both love being the center of attention, and can throw a mean party - if by party you mean working relentlessly towards success and power. It's like that one friend we all have who insists on turning game night into a strategic warfare. Relax, Karen, it's just Monopoly.

During this transit, we might find our compassion for others' viewpoints melting away faster than ice cubes on a hot summer day. Both Pluto and Capricorn are notorious for their "my way or the highway" attitude. So, if you find yourself becoming increasingly intolerant of anyone who thinks pineapple belongs on pizza (it doesn’t), you've been warned!

But fear not, my star-gazing friends! Pluto isn't just here to stir the pot. It's also here to help us purge our lives of the unnecessary clutter – kind of like Marie Kondo, but instead of thanking our old socks for their service, we're saying goodbye to destructive patterns. Yes, this means finally unsubscribing from that email newsletter you never read. I know, it's tough.

So, as Pluto marches through Capricorn, remember to be intentional about what you're getting rid of. And hey, if that happens to be a few extra pounds from the quarantine snack attacks, more power to you!

Cosmically yours,

Your Nerdy Astrologer

Current Planetary Aspects

Sun11 Sco 33' 49"
Moon29 Can 29' 11"
Mercury20 Sco 48' 18"
Venus25 Vir 32' 41"
Mars15 Sco 49' 17"
Jupiter10 Tau 21' 54" R
Saturn00 Pis 30' 49" R
Uranus21 Tau 27' 12" R
Neptune25 Pis 10' 22" R
Pluto28 Cap 02' 05"

Current Planetary Positions

The Sun

Sun Conjunct Mars

You should have lots of energy and vitality today. Go out and get some exercise. Be careful not to get into arguments with your superiors or with people in authority, like policemen. Avoid confrontations that involve your ego. Instead, channel the energy and potential hostility into something creative like your favorite hobby. The important thing is to express yourself in a constructive manner. How about playing in the park with a group of children? Do not overexert yourself or put too much strain on your heart. This means controlling your temper. Anger is one of the hardest things on your heart. Don't lay out in the sun too long. You may burn easier today than normal. Watch yourself around the stove or anything hot. Focus on being humble. Put your ego in the backseat.

The Sun

Sun Opposite Jupiter

Today will be one of optimism and self-confidence. Your only danger is in becoming over-confident. Don't bite off more than you can chew. Watch the tendency towards self-aggrandizement, false pride, and over-indulgence in food and drink. Don't overspend.

Although their intentions are generally good, people with challenging aspects between the Sun and Jupiter are given to overdoing things. They can easily gloss over realistic details and get themselves into debt, overindulge in pleasures such as food and drink, and promise more than they can deliver.

For the most part, they find help for their excesses. Somebody’s there to bail them out, as plenty of people believe that their hearts are in the right place. Generally, this is the case, but if excessive behavior becomes a pattern, and the natives continually face light consequences, there is the danger that they will not learn from their mistakes and abuse the “system”, relying on their friends and family to help them out a little too often. Their reputation for being good people, thus, can eventually be used to further their purposes.

However, many people with this aspect don’t fall into the trap of losing their sincerity. They are generous, helpful, and charitable. Still, the tendency to live beyond their means is a real threat that many struggle with much of their lives. Another thing to watch for is depression. These people tend to go through periods of intense highs when they are excessively optimistic. These periods are so marked that they seem to be unnatural and a fall seems to be inevitable. They can make promises they intend to keep, but have a problem with follow-through. Self-control can be a real problem. Usually quite knowledgeable and generous with their time, these people have many talents that they may take for granted.

Some Famous People with Sun in Hard Aspect to Jupiter: Squares – Billy Crystal, Ian Scott Anderson (Jethro Tull), Nell Carter, Edgar Cayce, Linda Goodman, George Lucas, the Olsen twins, Dolly Parton, John Ritter, Oscar Wilde; Oppositions – Robert Duvall, Beau Bridges, Monica Lewinsky, James Earl Jones, Kevin Costner.

Alternate interpretations:

Note: The square, semi-square, sesquiquadrate, and opposition are also called “hard”, “challenging”, or “inharmonious” aspects.

Sun opposition Jupiter: Children with this aspect often need to learn to listen, because they may have a tendency of doing the opposite of what they are told! Basically a positive placement indicating enormous energy and radiance, the pitfall of the Sun/Jupiter opposition is overconfidence manifesting as a tendency to take on too many projects at once or a tendency to delve into projects without prior training. There is a tendency to think “I can do anything!” which is fine as long as the child is willing to go through the necessary training to get there! He could get carried away when it comes to vocational choices, following rainbows! This going against himself, so to speak, may also bring him in opposition to those in authority. Help him examine carefully the choices he makes. Insist he finish what he begins, and insist he promise only that which objectively can be fulfilled. Teach your child the importance of right timing and punctuality! Check the nature of the signs and houses that the Sun and Jupiter are in for greater insight in balancing the qualities of this polarity. — Interpretation from the Child Star Report.

Sun opposition Jupiter: You aim high, dream big dreams, and have a tremendous sense of what is possible for you to achieve. Overconfidence, grandiosity, lack of humility, and/or extreme discontent in modest circumstances may be your faults. Generally, however, your great expectations and enterprising spirit lead to success. Business, especially when there is an element of risk and speculation, suits you well. — Interpretation from the Merlin Report.

Sun opposition Jupiter: Sometimes you’re prone to unrealistically high expectations, and this in turn can cause frustration when real life doesn’t measure up.

Your optimism and self-confidence will go through periods of being exceedingly high, making you feel invincible. You’ll experience more satisfaction if you take the time to think things through and proceed with patience and even a certain amount of caution. — Interpretation from the Your Life Path Report.


Mercury Opposite Uranus

Avoid hasty speech and things said in anger in the heat of the moment. Impractical ideas, nervousness, irritability and unexpected disruptions are what you may have to deal with today. There may be sudden changes in travel plans. Be extra cautious while traveling as accidents are possible through carelessness and impatience.You possess a quick mind, you are very intuitive, and you require a great deal of mental stimulation to keep from feeling bored. Preferring to be self-directed, you don’t always take advice easily. There is a part of you that loves to shock, challenge, and instigate with the things you say; however, this may not be a conscious process. Your mental energy and output is extremely variable–one day you might be capable of enormous effort and interest in a project, and the next day the opposite. This is largely due to the fact that you feel a strong need to be true to your instincts and intuition, and if you are not absolutely inspired, you don’t feel right working on a project–you might feel that you are “faking” it, and this doesn’t sit well for you. The problem is that in life there are always going to be routine tasks to complete, things we have to do that don’t entirely suit our interests, and so forth. School years may be challenging as a result of your disdain for a linear approach to learning, routine tasks, and subjects that don’t inspire you, not because of any lack of mental ability. In fact, you can have real flashes of genius and your ideas and perspectives are often very original. At times you can be very dogmatic. You have a tendency to be, or to appear to be, scatterbrained. Your attention span can be short, and as a result, you might often leave projects unfinished. At times you can have an irritable temper and need to channel some of your nervous energy into constructive pursuits. Take time to reflect on what you truly believe in, because many times you are too busy challenging established thought, or playing devil’s advocate, to get in touch with your own opinions and feelings. This way, your intelligence, integrity, and ingenuity can come shining through.Some Famous People with the Mercury in Hard Aspect to Uranus: Squares – Sigourney Weaver, Oliver Stone, Steven Seagal, George Clooney, Drew Carey, Bjork. Oppositions – Howard Stern, Voltaire, Henri Matisse, Billy Jean King, Robert Browning, Charles Chaplin, Danny DeVito.


Venus Opposite Neptune

You may be deluding yourself today especially where relationships are concerned. You are probably thinking with your heart rather than with your head and this can lead to all sorts of trouble. You may be too willing to sacrifice too much for your loved one. Things are not as they appear regarding affairs of the heart and you would do well to keep your feet on the ground. Avoid wishful thinking and unrealistic fantasies. Stop playing the martyr.This aspect indicates a suggestible romantic nature. Being “in love with love” is a strong possibility. Natives with hard Venus-Neptune aspects are naturally compassionate and are generally willing to go over the top for a loved one. It’s hard to say whether their expectations in personal relationships are too high or too low. On the one hand, they tend to easily accept behaviors in their partners that others wouldn’t accept, as they are compassionate and even drawn to people who others might consider trouble. On the other hand, their romantic dreams may be so powerful that they are easily disappointed with the reality of relationships. Deception in love is possible, but self-deception is even more likely. In love, they see what they want to see, rather than what is. Feelings of being used or deceived may come up for these people more than for most. However, if a distinct pattern exists in their love lives that involves them being let down, deceived or used, it will be especially worthwhile to examine whether self-deception was at work.The possibility of clinging to romantic delusions is very high with this position. For example, some with these aspects cling to a romantic notion that someone loves them when in reality that person doesn’t return the affection. Or, they may cling to a romance that has lost all hope. Another possibility is devoting their love to someone who is unattainable or who is unable to commit. Yet another Venus-Neptune scenario is loving someone who treats them badly, all the while clinging to an idealized image of the partner. No matter what the scenario, romantic yearning and longing, as well as delusion, tends to be the theme. The expectation here is that loving someone requires self-sacrifice. The result is an attraction to relationships that are co-dependent and even abusive. Venus-Neptune people are drawn to victim/savior relationships, and they can play either the role of victim or savior! Dependency or neediness in a partner can be confused for love. In an attempt to love unconditionally, they may too readily sacrifice their own needs and eventually feel used.The challenge for these people is to truly love a partner for who he or she is, not for his or her perceived potential. Because they yearn to be loved, it can be hard for them to see that they are actually afraid of a complete, committed relationship. One symptom of this fear is loving someone for an idealized image they have of that person, as they are effectively choosing fantasy over reality. Another symptom is loving someone who is inaccessible or unattainable, as this keeps them “safe” from a true and realistic commitment. At the root of this fear is the awareness of their own vulnerability in love.Venus rules money as well as social relationships, and a person with hard Venus-Neptune aspects can just as well lose money due to the tendency to gloss over problems. Just as they tend to ignore warning signs in personal relationships, they can let money slip through their fingers because they neglect to keep records or account for their belongings. They may have problems with “borrowing from their future” because of overly optimistic attitudes. They may continuously get the short end of the stick as they lend money to people who never pay them back, or invest in unrealistic projects.Alternate Interpretations:^In square aspect to Neptune, your Venusian expression takes on an otherworldly quality. Your yearning may be for that perfect lover whose spirituality, passion, purity of spirit and drive all stem from the highest possible level. Loving in such a manner would seem to remove you from the bondage of ordinary life and transport you into true bliss. Although this seems possible in fairy tales or movies, it’s really difficult to find those elements in another human being. You may also operate under the illusion that you must first sacrifice yourself before you are worthy of love. It’s all too easy to project unrealistic feelings onto your lover, and it is just as tempting to try to alter yourself to please a man so that he will love you. Whether those alterations are in your behavior, your appearance or your attitudes, if you submerge your real self beneath the illusions of what you feel will make you more lovable, you’re selling out. If you want to experience the ecstasy you dream about, you’ll surrender to a love which honors your real needs and learn to avoid situations where you become addicted, co-dependent, victimized or abused. Forgiving the shortcomings of the man you love is one thing; allowing him to deceive or victimize you is another! Know when and how to give help, but be careful of emotional rescue ventures!^Your projections about the man you love frequently overshadow the real person with Venus in opposition to Neptune. Even though you may not want to admit it, you are more likely to see only what you want to see when you’re in love. That feeling of being transported into another world when you’re in love is actually quite accurate. But it’s not the guy who’s gotten you there all by himself – it’s the energy inside you that allows you to soar! It’s not easy to separate your dream lover from the real person standing before you. You may always project some of your own power and tenderness onto the man you love. As long as you can allow the reality of the person to emerge into your field of vision, you stand a chance of having a relationship which can truly serve both your needs. Otherwise, you may fall into the trap of delusion, deception or emotional abuse. Just because he’s the most gorgeous man you’ve ever seen, it may not necessarily follow that he is what you really need – or that he’s REAL for that matter! In all your attempts to become as beautiful as possible, just to make sure that the right man will be attracted to you, you can also lose yourself. You really do not have to sacrifice yourself to know love, but when your heart is filled with love, you’re willing to drop all your boundaries and merge completely. There’s a difference between a soul connection and codependency or emotional addiction. It’s drawing the line that’s difficult. By allowing for periods of privacy and contemplation, you can maintain your connection to your own inner self, which will allow you to keep your emotional boundaries reasonably intact.Alternate, short interpretation: Venus square Neptune or Venus opposition Neptune: *You have a very romantic, idealistic vision of love and may be disillusioned to discover that no real, flesh-and-blood human being ever quite lives up to your dream image of the Perfect Love. Though you frequently fantasize about love and romance, you may avoid becoming intimately involved with anyone or making definite commitments. You can be evasive and dishonest with yourself and others, when it comes to love. Some of your love yearnings may be expressed through art, music, or an involvement with mysticism.#Sexual relationships tend to arouse your idealistic nature and may have little foundation for a long-term relationship. Once past the initial stage of love however, your imagination fuels the flame of intense spirituality and you are capable of ecstatic insights. Mystical practices can enhance your sex life. From the Your Spiritual Path report.Some Famous People with the Venus in Hard Aspect to Neptune: Squares – Loni Anderson, Pamela Anderson, Joan Baez, Nicolas Cage, Danny DeVito, Charles Dickens, Robert Duvall, Jane Fonda, James Joyce, Stacy Keach, Diane Keaton, Marilyn Manson, Marie Antoinette, Stevie Nicks, Al Pacino. Oppositions – Sonny Bono, Michael Bolton, Mia Farrow, Alison Moyet, Uma Thurman, Venus Williams, Debra Winger, Tammy Wynette, Jessica Simpson.


Venus Trine Pluto

Your emotions are deep and powerful. As they say, still waters run deep. Today might be a good day to redecorate or make other changes to your home with the hope of bringing greater beauty and harmony into your life. It's a good time to find new uses for old or discarded items which no longer serve your purposes. Emotional self-regeneration is possible with these energies.

Notes about Transits

Mars is all about action, and where Mars is in our chart with transits is a place where we are prepared to stand our ground. Mars transits can be really productive, but they can also be angsty, aggressive, and sometimes come from a place of anger. It's important to pay attention to how you direct that energy. Mars transits can last for up to a couple weeks.
Jupiter transits enhance your life with optimism and forward-thinking, and lasting for about a month, give you plenty of time to take advantage. Bigger and better is Jupiter's way of thinking, and should be yours as well.
Saturn transits, on the other hand, are where we get a major reality check, and if we’re not ready for them, they can be pretty rotten. Of course, if we’re prepared and up to the task, Saturn transits can also bring very well-deserved rewards, too. Saturn transits last a bit longer than Jupiter transits—usually 2 months or so at a time, but with retrograde cycles, you could be looking at the same lessons three times over a 6 month period.
The outer planets, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto last for such a long time that they make long-lasting impacts on our lives. In fact, Neptune and Pluto can last for two to three years! Consider their effects, plan accordingly, and make them part of your life for the better.

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