By The Chip Witch on Thursday, 26 October 2023
Category: ChipWitch Today

ChipWitch Today for 26 October, 2023

Chipwitch Today!

This is Chipwitch Today, your daily source of reliable data upon which you can base your daily practice.

26 October, 2023

Solar activity was at low levels with only two simple active regions (with sunspots remaining) on the visible disk. A surge and subsequent reconnection event was noted along a filament channel to the west of +CH65 and +CH66, which are currently located in the northeast quad. There is no evidence of eruptive material escaping the corona with this activity. A CME was noted in available coronagraph imagery off the southeast limb starting around 25/1325 UTC. An Earth-directed component is not anticipated given the source appears to be on or near the limb.

The solar kp index is quiet, with no changes to retrograde effects. The solar wind speed is currently above average, making retrograde effects moderately increased.

The IMF was ever so slightly enhanced but total field strength remained at or below 7 nT, and Bz did not undergo any significant north-south deviations. Wind speeds were estimated to be between 300-350 km/s. Phi became variable after 25/1000 UTC ahead of what appears to be a recurrent boundary crossing into a positive sector.

There is a 10% chance of solar activity, with a 1% chance of a minor event, a 1% chance of a moderate event, and a 1% chance of a strong event.

The waxing moon is currently in Pisces, at 27 degrees, 45' 21", at a velocity of 14.59 degrees per day.

The Waxing Gibbous moon is currently 11.9 days old. It is 365221.25 km from the centre of the Earth.

The next new moon is at 9:27:15, 13 Nov, 2023. The next full moon is at 9:16:41, 27 Nov, 2023.

Planetary Information

The Sun

The Sun is in Scorpio

The Sun is at 02 Sco 34' 20", and is 148735495km away and approaching.

The Moon

The Moon is in Pisces

The Moon will change from Pisces to Aries in the next 24 hours.

The Moon is at 27 Pis 45' 21", and is 364905km away and receding.

Moon Is In Pisces

Well, folks, buckle up your moon boots! The Moon is currently hanging out in Pisces, about 364,898.013381048 km away - roughly the distance you'd have to drive if you made a wrong turn at Albuquerque and ended up circumnavigating the globe 9 times. But hey, we've all been there, right? Now, when the lunar body decides it's had enough of the Piscean dreamscape and takes off for Aries, it's going to be like switching from a peaceful yoga retreat to a high-intensity CrossFit session. We're talking a cosmic shift of Schwarzenegger proportions here! So, what does this mean for you? Well, while the Moon is still chilling in the fantasy world of Pisces, it's a great time to get in touch with your inner John Lennon and imagine all the possibilities. Let your dreams run wild, maybe even dabble in some interpretive dance or haiku writing. Channel your inner hippie, and I don't just mean wearing tie-dye shirts and peace-sign necklaces. But remember, the Moon is a fickle lady and she's packing her bags for Aries, the astrological Arnold Schwarzenegger, in the next 24 hours. When she makes that shift, it'll be time to trade in the incense for dumbbells. Get ready to take those lofty Piscean dreams and put them into action. It's all about motivation, ambition, and possibly yelling, "I'll be back!" as you tackle your challenges head-on. Just remember, whether you're basking in the mystical glow of Pisces or gearing up to conquer the world under Aries, the universe doesn't give participation trophies. So, make sure you're not just stargazing but star-reaching, alright? And don't forget to have fun with it. After all, life's too short to take everything, including your horoscope, too seriously!


Mercury is in Scorpio

Mercury is prograde at 06 Sco 32' 12", moving at 1.62 degrees per day, and is 214684616km away and receding.

Mercury Is In Scorpio

Mercury in Scorpio: The Cosmic Detective Agency is Open for Business

Alright my star-loving friends, strap on your telescopic goggles and don your Sherlock Holmes hat because Mercury has just moonwalked its way into Scorpio! Now, I know what you're thinking, "What does this mean for me?" Well, my dear Watson, grab a cup of cosmic tea and let's unravel this celestial mystery together.

Scorpio doesn't just dip its toes in the pool of the cosmos. Oh no, it does a full-on swan dive into the deep end of mystery and transformation. This sign isn't satisfied with surface-level small talk at the water cooler about the latest episode of Star Trek. No, sir! Scorpio wants to understand the physics behind warp speed and the psychology of Spock. So, when Mercury, our planet of communication, enters Scorpio, expect your mind to turn into a curious cat on a mission to uncover the hidden truths of the universe.

Now, while Mercury is doing its best Indiana Jones impression through Scorpio, you might find yourself playing detective in your own life. Suddenly, your Aunt Martha's vague comments about her "friend" from bridge club seem suspiciously secretive, and your partner's sudden interest in baking bread? Definitely some shady yeast-related business going on there!

But remember, my celestial sleuths, with great power comes great responsibility. While it's tempting to go full-on conspiracy theorist during this transit, remember that not every offhand comment is a coded message from the Illuminati. Sometimes, a cucumber sandwich is just a cucumber sandwich.

So, as you navigate these murky Scorpionic waters, remember to use this energy to ask the hard questions, but not to create unnecessary drama. After all, we're not trying to start a cosmic civil war here. Keep an open mind, and who knows, you might just uncover some cosmic truths that will bring you closer to those around you and yourself. And remember, in the words of the great Carl Sagan, "We are all made of star stuff." So shine on, my friends!


Venus is in Virgo

Venus is prograde at 16 Vir 10' 36", moving at 1.01 degrees per day, and is 106435437km away and receding.

Venus Is In Virgo

Well, stardust lovers, get your calculators and lab coats ready because our celestial sister Venus has decided to take a vacay in analytical Virgo! Now, I know what you're thinking: "Did I accidentally sign up for a Physics course?" But don't fret! There’s no pop quiz at the end of this cosmic journey. Venus, our cosmic Cupid, swaying in the rhythm of Virgo's meticulous beat, is urging us all to don our Sherlock Holmes hat when it comes to matters of love. It's a bit like being on a CSI episode but instead of solving a crime, we're examining if our partners are leaving their socks on the floor one too many times. For all you loved-up creatures, it's time to hit pause on the Netflix marathon and ask yourself: "Is my snuggle buddy ticking all my boxes or did they forget to refill the ice tray...again?" And for those flying solo, keep your detective goggles on to spot any potential red flags in your love interests. This might be the only time in history where being a workaholic is more romantic than candlelit dinners! But be careful not to turn into Captain Nitpick. Remember, a gentle nudge works better than a full-blown interrogation when pointing out your partner's flaws. Let's try constructive dialogue rather than creating a 'fault-list'. It's all about tweaking our relationships in a way that we can move forward with a spring in our steps! Now, I know you're wondering, "Where's the spice in all this?" Well, hold onto your telescopes, because Venus in Virgo can be quite the steamy affair. Yes, you heard it right! Our earthy Virgo knows how to appreciate the finer things in life - a perfectly brewed cup of coffee, a sunset painting the sky, or the soft whisper of sheets. So, while we might be a tad more conservative during this transit, don't rule out some quality 'between the sheets' time. Just remember to fold them neatly afterwards, Virgo will appreciate it! So, dust off your lab coats and embrace this Venus in Virgo phase. It's time to play detective in the name of love. And who knows, you might just end up cracking the code to a happier, healthier relationship!


Mars is in Scorpio

Mars is prograde at 09 Sco 36' 15", moving at 0.69 degrees per day, and is 381197526km away and approaching.

Mars Is In Scorpio

The Red Planet's Scorpionic Sojourn

Alright, my celestial comrades, grab your telescopes and your kale smoothies, because Mars has decided to crash Scorpio's party! Now, before you start hyperventilating into your paper bag, remember this: Mars doesn't do compromise. It’s like that one nerdy friend at a sci-fi convention who won't let anyone diss Star Trek, regardless of their opinions on Star Wars.

During this cosmic alignment, we’ve all been gifted with the celestial spine of an intergalactic titan, making us feel like captains of our own starships. Anyone who tries to hijack our helm... well, they'd better prepare for warp-speed retaliation!

Now, where does Mars really kick it into hyperdrive? In the dark, mysterious corners of existence, of course! It's like that weird thrill you get when you're about to open a Schrödinger's box - could be a fluffy kitten, could be an atomic bomb. You never know until you look! This is a time for some serious mental spelunking, folks, so don your explorer's hat, light your torch, and dive into the caverns of self-discovery for a potentially game-changing revelation.

But beware, space cadets! Mars' stay in the sign of the scorpion can turn us into ticking time bombs of anger, ready to detonate at the slightest provocation. It's like we've all got a bit of Hulk in us, but instead of turning green and smashing things, we might just end up stewing in our own cosmic juices and burning bridges to cinders. The key here is to channel that inner Hulk into something constructive like, say, building your own Death Star (metaphorically speaking, of course).

Think of Mars in Scorpio as spiritual boot camp - the kind that makes you do push-ups in the mud while it's raining. It's all about mastering those dark corners of ourselves, like bitterness, revenge, and an inability to forgive. If we can rise above these shadows, we'll emerge with not only a new badge of courage but also a sense of discipline and willpower that would make even Admiral Adama proud.

So, as Mars takes its journey through Scorpio, remember: it's not about the destination, it's about the journey... and whether or not you find any aliens along the


Jupiter is in Taurus

Jupiter is retrograde at 11 Tau 34' 50", moving backwards at 0.13 degrees per day, and is 596760210km away and approaching.

Jupiter Is In Taurus

Jupiter In Taurus: The Bull Meets The Giant

So, my cosmic kittens, Jupiter, our resident celestial philosopher and party animal, has decided to hang out with Taurus, the zodiac's most stubborn couch potato. It's like Sheldon Cooper deciding to have a deep conversation with The Dude from The Big Lebowski - hilarious, right?

Now, what we've got here is a cosmic mashup that nudges us gently (or, in Taurian style, shoves us) towards digging up the wisdom that's been chilling in the basement of our souls, gathering dust amidst the clutter of Netflix binges and unopened gym memberships.

While Jupiter is in Taurus, it's like we're all suddenly chugging an energy drink for our goals. We're making to-do lists, cleaning out our inbox, actually using our gym memberships - you name it. It's as if Sheldon and The Dude teamed up to say, "Hey, get off the couch and make things happen!"

But here's the deal, star gazers. Life could be like hitting the cosmic jackpot when Jupiter is in Taurus. Jupiter, the planet known for being Santa Claus in space, meets Taurus, the zodiac's very own Scrooge McDuck. You might find yourself swimming in coins - metaphorically, of course. Unless you've found a way to defy gravity, in which case, kudos!

But beware. Taurus is also a bit of a pleasure-seeker. When the expansive Jupiter hits the indulgent Taurus, we could all start treating our basic needs like they're items on an Amazon prime day. So, let's not go overboard, okay? Let's not spend our rent money on that 3D printer just because it's on sale. Remember, patience is a virtue, even if it's as exciting as watching paint dry, or grass grow, or Jupiter move across the sky...

So, in a nutshell - seize the day, make those dreams come true and don't forget to balance your cosmic checkbook. Peace out!


Saturn is in Pisces

Saturn is retrograde at 00 Pis 35' 01", moving backwards at 0.02 degrees per day, and is 1383835192km away and receding.

Saturn Is In Pisces

Saturn in Pisces: "I'll Be Back...with Some Dreamy Insights"

Alright, astro-nerds. Buckle up and put on your retrograde-resistant goggles because Saturn, our favourite celestial taskmaster, is currently taking a deep dive into the mystical seas of Pisces. And boy, is it going to be a ride! Now, I know what you're thinking: "Saturn and Pisces together? That's like casting The Terminator as a life coach!" Well, guess what? That’s exactly what's happening.

Imagine this: Arnold Schwarzenegger bursting into your daydreams, demanding a business plan, a budget and a list of loan options for that cat café you've been fantasizing about. It may sound terrifying (and hilariously absurd), but trust me, it's just what we need. The Master of Rules meets the Master of Dreams to ensure our fantasies don't end up as ephemeral as a soap bubble. So, grab a notepad, folks. This transit is like a dream coaching session with The Terminator!

Now, the Saturn-in-Pisces ride can get a tad bumpy. Saturn, being the ‘Cosmic Dad’, might barge into our reveries with all the subtlety of a wrecking ball. But remember, even if he's Terminator-ing his way through your dreams, he's doing it for a good cause. So, let's ditch the defensiveness, open the door and hear him out. Trust me, his advice will be more constructive than a LEGO set.

With all this intense cosmic energy, things might get a little restless. You may find yourself staring at the ceiling at 3 am, wondering why Saturn couldn't have been a bit more like E.T. (adorable and less intrusive). But hey, this is a great time to remember the hippie mantra: "Chill, dude." Meditate, walk in nature, breathe deeply, take naps (but keep a dream journal handy!), and try to get a full night's sleep. Maybe even hit the hay early, because who knows? The Terminator might just drop by with some golden nuggets of wisdom. And trust me, you don't want to miss that!


Uranus is in Taurus

Uranus is retrograde at 21 Tau 48' 38", moving backwards at 0.04 degrees per day, and is 2794869827km away and approaching.

Uranus Is In Taurus

Uranus in Taurus: A Cosmic Rollercoaster

Listen up, star gazers! Uranus, the celestial embodiment of surprise parties and unexpected bills, has waltzed into the realm of Taurus, the cosmic couch potato. Imagine a door-to-door salesman with a penchant for practical jokes knocking on the door of a grumpy old man who just settled down with a cup of tea and his favourite crossword. Yes, that's exactly what we're dealing with here.

Taurus would rather watch reruns of their favourite shows than face any sudden changes. But Uranus? He's that friend who insists on watching the latest, most confusing art film and then spends three hours explaining it to you. And let me tell you, Uranus doesn't care if Taurus has already knitted a cosy comfort zone. It's out with the old, and in with the... well, Uranian.

Taurus has a knack for handling cash, so this Uranus visit could be like your eccentric uncle turning up and investing your savings in cryptocurrency. During this seven-year cosmic sleepover, we might see more twists and turns than a sci-fi thriller. Expect new forms of currency popping up like mushrooms after rain, banks transforming quicker than a caterpillar into a butterfly, and the housing and stock markets doing more somersaults than an Olympic gymnast.

On a personal level, Uranus in Taurus is the cosmic alarm clock shouting, "Wake up and smell the financial freedom!" Debt, taxes, credit card interest, rent, mortgages - these are the chains Uranus wants us to break. We might even feel suffocated by our own possessions. You know, that pile of stuff you've been meaning to sort through since 2012? Now's the time!

So, folks, buckle up! Change is coming and it's riding a Uranian rocket. Resisting is futile. Uranus is here to shake us up like a snow globe, whether we like it or not. The good news is, these changes could lead us to greater stability and freedom. Think of it as a cosmic renovation. It might be messy and chaotic, but in the end, we'll have a better, more spacious cosmic home.

Remember, no one said the journey to the stars would be smooth. But hey, isn't it more fun this way?


Neptune is in Pisces

Neptune is retrograde at 25 Pis 20' 31", moving backwards at 0.02 degrees per day, and is 4354502647km away and receding.

Neptune Is In Pisces

Neptune in Pisces: Serving up Cosmic Clarity Soup

Alright, star gazers, prepare to dive deep into the cosmic soup! Neptune, that big blue-ish, not-quite-a-planet, planet, has slipped into Pisces like a hipster into a thrift store. And oh boy, what a mystical thrift store it is! It's like a celestial Goodwill stocked with emotion and spirit, instead of old bell bottom jeans and 8-track tapes.

And you know what happens when Neptune and Pisces start playing disco music in the stars? We all get a little more clarity. Not the kind of clarity you get from new glasses or wiping the fog off your bathroom mirror, but the kind that makes you go "Ah-ha! So that's why I shouldn’t argue with my cat about politics!" Suddenly, those petty differences seem as irrelevant as a vegan at a barbecue contest.

This cosmic transit is like your mom nudging you to clean your room - it's time we all look at what we can do to tidy up this world of ours. You've got gifts, ideas, and dreams, right? Well, put on your spiritual apron, it's time to stir them into the collective pot!

Feel like deepening your spiritual journey? Now is the time to do it. Create a sacred nook in your home, maybe next to your Star Wars action figures, and connect with what feels divine to you. Neptune in Pisces is your backstage pass to explore your own emotional intelligence and spiritual calling.

And remember, folks, the universe doesn't make mistakes. Just like RoboCop didn't accidentally become a cyborg law enforcer, Neptune didn't accidentally land in Pisces. It's there to remind us to share our ideas, dreams, and that killer vegan barbecue sauce recipe with the world. Trust me, Neptune's got your back...even if it's 4.35 billion kilometers away.


Pluto is in Capricorn

Pluto is prograde at 27 Cap 56' 55", moving at 0.01 degrees per day, and is 5227515031km away and receding.

Pluto Is In Capricorn

Alright, engage warp drive and set a course for the cosmos, folks! It's time for us to boldly go where no horoscope has gone before. Now, Pluto, that frosty little dwarf planet far from our sunny corner of the solar system, is making its rounds in Capricorn. And let me tell you, it's more than just a scenic tour. You see, when Pluto visits Capricorn, it's like Spock at a Vulcan logic conference - very intense and not much room for anything that doesn't compute. Pluto and Capricorn both share an affinity for success and power, a bit like Captain Janeway when she's got her eyes set on a fresh pot of coffee. But remember my cosmic voyagers, we mustn't let our compassion for others be jettisoned into space - even when the mission demands results. Nobody wants to be the Borg, intolerant of any ideas but their own. But let’s not forget, Pluto is also the cosmic clean-up crew. It urges us to eject any negative patterns out the airlock, like Neelix's leola root stew (sorry, Neelix). It's a time for some constructive destruction, folks. Just be sure you're not accidentally tossing your tricorder out with the trash. So, as Pluto does its thing in the serious sign of Capricorn, remember to keep your phasers set on 'fun'. Keep an open mind, show compassion, and don't be afraid to shake things up. After all, it's not every day you get to explore uncharted territories of the cosmos, right? Energize!

Current Planetary Aspects

Sun02 Sco 34' 20"
Moon27 Pis 45' 21"
Mercury06 Sco 32' 12"
Venus16 Vir 10' 36"
Mars09 Sco 36' 15"
Jupiter11 Tau 34' 50" R
Saturn00 Pis 35' 01" R
Uranus21 Tau 48' 38" R
Neptune25 Pis 20' 31" R
Pluto27 Cap 56' 55"

Current Planetary Positions

The Sun

Sun Conjunct Mercury

You may feel like expressing yourself today through your thoughts and words. You feel a need to be heard, that you have something of importance to say. Say what is on your mind, but give equal time to others and listen to them. You might learn something new. Your thinking today should be sharp and focused.

The Sun

Sun Trine Saturn

Self-discipline, organizing ability, and stamina are the order of the day. You are methodical, systematic and can make much progress today simply by rolling up your shirt sleeves and getting to work. People above you are likely to notice your efficient efforts and reward for your hard work will be imminent. Constructive ambition, patience, practical insights, and maturity are the keywords today.It is easy and natural for those born under a harmonious aspect between the Sun and Saturn to accept responsibilities, to lead a rather ordered life, and to apply caution in their financial and business dealings. They rarely jump to conclusions or take uneducated risks. They have a certain amount of patience and enough self-discipline to slowly but surely achieve what they set out to do. Although somewhat undemonstrative, they are generally loyal and responsible people to those they care about.These are not the quickest-moving people around - they take their time and generally use a step-by-step approach to most projects - but they steadily reach their goals. Sun sextile and trine Saturn people are naturally trustworthy, and they don’t have much patience for those who don’t show respect for others, who take foolish risks, and who lead disorganized lives. With the trine, all of these traits come naturally. With the sextile, these traits are available when they are needed.Some Famous People with Sun in Harmonious Aspect to Saturn: Sextiles – Jennifer Aniston, M C Hammer, Ben Affleck, Meryl Streep, Carl Sandburg, Angelina Jolie, Winston Churchill, Robert DeNiro; Trines – Justin Timberlake, Leonardo DiCaprio, Muhammad Ali, Bono (U2), Ron Howard, Raquel Welch, Gloria Vanderbilt, Dinah Shore, Linda McCartney, Sheena Easton, Elton John, Catherine Deneuve, Pearl Bailey.


Mercury Conjunct Mars

Pour constructive energy and action into communication, writing, reading and anything of a mental nature. Do all your errands today. Your mind is active and it may be difficult at times to slow it down and relax. Your nerves are wound up and it may be necessary for you at some time today to force yourself to seek a quiet place and recoup your strength. Watch a tendency to argue with friends, display impatience, especially while driving, and to generally be on edge. Do not let your high energy level today cause you to become reckless or careless. Pay attention to the things you do and slow down a bit. Remember, discipline. You feel very self-assertive today. Do not let your ego ride roughshod over the people you deal with today. Control your temper AND your tongue. Avoid petty gossip and talking about people behind their backs.



Mars Opposite Jupiter

You may notice that you've overextended yourself regarding relationships with others. You may have promised more than you can deliver and now may be the time when people feel as if you've let them down. This is not the time to get involved in a risky business or investment opportunity. Pull in the reins a little and curb your desire to overspend. You must guard against over-optimism and overconfidence. The desire to take risks may be high today. If you choose that route, just remember that a little restraint can go a long way and may save you trouble and financial loss down the road. Go get some exercise and you will probably feel better.This aspect brings great impulsiveness, insatiable desires, playfulness, and daring. You might be frequently trying to prove yourself, to others and/or yourself, and thus readily take on a challenge. You desire exciting experiences and may rarely be satisfied with your life as it is. You require much space and freedom, and you demand to be treated with fairness. You need to be careful that your behavior is deserving of these liberties, and that you treat others with the same respect. Many people with this position tend to flee when angry. This is not because they are afraid of confrontation, because they certainly are not, but when they are frustrated, a deep inner restlessness is stirred. Some people with this position can be quite self-serving, often without even realizing it, demanding freedom and space from others but not necessarily returning the favor.Another negative expression of Mars square Jupiter and Mars opposition Jupiter is a haughty or boastful attitude–some with this aspect in their birth charts feel they can get away with practically anything. Often they can, and even when they don’t, they are quick to recover from losses. However, this is generally due to a tendency to turn a blind eye to what has happened. Here again is the tendency to flee rather than reflect. They are quick to forget or ignore their mistakes, thus the chances of repeating them run high!Your impulsiveness combined with a competitive streak can incline you to gambling, not just with money. Your sex drive is considerable, and some with this position never feel they have enough, or enough experiences, which can lead to sexual promiscuity for some. You would benefit greatly from more time for self-reflection, as you don’t always see your behavior clearly. When you don’t learn from your mistakes, you repeat them.You are attracted to adventure, exploration, and conquest. There is a real spirit of adventure with Mars-Jupiter aspects, but because these planets are in challenging aspect, there can be difficulty knowing when to stop, and slowing down long enough to feel satisfied with one’s accomplishments. Dieters are encouraged to slow down while eating a meal so that they can know when they are full and satisfied. If they eat too quickly, they are likely to eat more than they need. Similarly, people with Mars in hard aspect to Jupiter would benefit from slowing down and reflecting on their experiences so that they avoid living life feeling they have never had enough. This can also help to avoid this position’s tendency to be accident-prone. Males with this position might be difficult to domesticate! There can be exaggerated “masculine” traits, including an insatiable need to “hunt”.You are very resilient, bouncing back from any setback quickly and usually in a stronger position. You are quite playful and humorous, love to joke around, enjoy practical jokes, and are quick to smile and laugh.Interpretation sample from the KidZone report – Mars opposition JupiterThe native has the feisty planet Mars in opposition to the expansive planet Jupiter. This is a very positive aspect. The native will have lots of energy and lots of optimism, with an enthusiasm that attracts. However, these little ones may have some difficulty getting along with people because they are naturally competitive rather than co-operative. This competitiveness is not aggression. These youngsters simply enjoy a good spirited contest. But they would find life so much easier if they did not treat everything and everyone as competition.This aspect can signify athletic ability. The child will definitely need an outlet for abundant physical energy. Where better than through some sort of physical sport? The natural competitive nature will be more easily accepted in this sort of atmosphere too. This child will be very restless and need a lot of freedom. These kids will not like anyone holding them back or placing restrictions upon them. The outdoors will appeal to this sense of freedom.These kids may be rather clumsy, especially while they are young. There could be a tendency to be accident-prone. The main problem is that this child is in too much of a hurry. These youngsters get too carried away in the excitement of the moment. ‘Less haste – more speed’ could be a good motto for this little one.The onset of puberty will be exciting for this child but the compulsive urge to grab every opportunity that comes along can be a source of total exhaustion that will be ignored. Relating to [love interests] will be relatively easy, but some lessons on taking sexual responsibility will be needed. When the child grows up and forms close relationships with [love interests], a sense of freedom will be important. These individuals react aggressively when they feel emotional stress. They will always tend to act impulsively. Any partner will have to give this child plenty of personal space, and perhaps be prepared for him or her to have some rather dictatorial views.Alternate, short interpretations: Interpretation sample from the Merlin report – Mars square Jupiter or Mars opposition Jupiter: You are enterprising, ambitious, and have a strong desire to succeed in a big way. Ever on the look out for new opportunities and promising new ventures, you are willing to take risks if you sense that something is going to be a winner. No matter how much you accomplish, you never seem to be completely satisfied. You always feel you can do more, and set your sights on another goal. You feel frustrated in limited circumstances, and you will leave secure and reasonably successful situations if they do not offer challenges and potential for growth and expansion in the future. You like to keep stretching your limits, to see how far you can go. Sometimes you over-extend yourself or promise more than you can actually achieve, due to an overly optimistic or overly confident assessment of your own capacities. You relish healthy competition and feel that it spurs you on to even greater achievements.Interpretation sample from the Your Spiritual Path report – Your spiritual interaction with other people is generally quite fortunate in nature. You gain an understanding of a wide range of spiritual teachings through direct contact with others, and you develop the ability to resolve conflicts on all levels of business and personal life in this way.Interpretation sample from the Karmic Insight report – You have broad, expansive goals and will not be content with humble achievements or success on a small scale. Enthralled with the joy of the conquest, your desires and enthusiasm may gallop away with you. You often do not know when you have had or done enough. Many things do come easily to you–athletics, leadership, creative efforts of all kind–and you are apt to have King Midas’s touch, especially early in life. However, this may lead to overconfidence or inflated expectations later on. In your work you are apt to be an overachiever with an overemphasis on physical and/or sexual adventure. Once again, not knowing when to stop or say no can be your downfall.Some Famous People with the Mars in Hard Aspect to Jupiter: Squares – Vincent Van Gogh, Chuck Berry, Johnny Carson, Nat King Cole, Tim Conway, Marie Curie, Jessica Hahn, Diane Keaton, Michael Landon. Oppositions – Richard Wagner, Gay Talese, Rick Springfield, Gene Simmons, Sugar Ray Leonard, Henry Fonda, David Copperfield, Julius Caesar, Bruce Lee.

Notes about Transits

Mars is all about action, and where Mars is in our chart with transits is a place where we are prepared to stand our ground. Mars transits can be really productive, but they can also be angsty, aggressive, and sometimes come from a place of anger. It's important to pay attention to how you direct that energy. Mars transits can last for up to a couple weeks.
Jupiter transits enhance your life with optimism and forward-thinking, and lasting for about a month, give you plenty of time to take advantage. Bigger and better is Jupiter's way of thinking, and should be yours as well.
Saturn transits, on the other hand, are where we get a major reality check, and if we’re not ready for them, they can be pretty rotten. Of course, if we’re prepared and up to the task, Saturn transits can also bring very well-deserved rewards, too. Saturn transits last a bit longer than Jupiter transits—usually 2 months or so at a time, but with retrograde cycles, you could be looking at the same lessons three times over a 6 month period.
The outer planets, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto last for such a long time that they make long-lasting impacts on our lives. In fact, Neptune and Pluto can last for two to three years! Consider their effects, plan accordingly, and make them part of your life for the better.

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