By The Chip Witch on Tuesday, 10 October 2023
Category: ChipWitch Today

ChipWitch Today for 10 October, 2023

Chipwitch Today!

This is Chipwitch Today, your daily source of reliable data upon which you can base your daily practice.

10 October, 2023

Solar activity was at low levels. Region 3451 (N16W66, Eai/Beta-Delta) was little changed while producing the largest event of the period, a C9.2 flare at 09/1911 UTC. Region 3452 (N10W50, Eao/Beta) continued its overall trend of decay, particularly in its intermediate and trailing spots. Region 3460 (S10E23, Beta-Gamma) grew in overall size while its trailing spots evolved in magnetic complexity, and began to show signs of a forming delta configuration. This AR, along with Region 3451, was responsible for multiple low-level C-class flares.

The solar kp index is quiet, with no changes to retrograde effects. The solar wind speed is currently above average, making retrograde effects moderately increased.

Solar wind parameters, as measured by both the DSCOVR and ACE spacecrafts, were mostly nominal. Total field increased slightly reaching 6-7 nT, and the Bz component underwent a sustained southward deflection of -5 to -6 nT from approximately 09/0650-1801 UTC. During this time phi was variable, but was otherwise in a positive solar sector thereafter.

There is a 20% chance of solar activity, with a 10% chance of a minor event, a 1% chance of a moderate event, and a 1% chance of a strong event.

The waning moon is currently in Leo, at 27 degrees, 11' 23", at a velocity of 11.84 degrees per day.

The Waning Crescent moon is currently 25.5 days old. It is 405479.42 km from the centre of the Earth.

The next new moon is at 17:55:08, 14 Oct, 2023. The next full moon is at 20:24:27, 28 Oct, 2023.

Planetary Information

The Sun

The Sun is in Libra

The Sun is at 16 Lib 41' 25", and is 149415375km away and approaching.

The Moon

The Moon is in Leo

The Moon will change from Leo to Virgo in the next 24 hours.

The Moon is at 27 Leo 11' 23", and is 405388km away and approaching.

Moon Is In Leo

Good evening, space cadets! Today, we find our lunar companion nestled in the astronomical embrace of the Lion King himself, Leo. That's right, your moon is not only 405392.617964048km away from your breakfast cereal but also rubbing shoulders with Simba in the starry savannah. Now remember, folks, the moon in Leo isn't just about sporting a spectacular cosmic mane and belting out a celestial roar – it's about leadership, creativity, and embracing that inner drama queen who's been dying for a spot on the universal stage. So, don your best Starfleet uniform, puff up your chest, and boldly go where no man, woman, or two-spotted glibblibber has gone before. Whether it's asking for that overdue promotion or finally telling your robot vacuum cleaner who's boss, it's time to take command of your spaceship... I mean, life. However, keep in mind that our lunar buddy won't be lounging about in Leo's den forever. In the next 24 hours, it'll pack up its astro-suitcase and move to Virgo. So, use this time wisely, and don't forget to add a touch of theatrics to your everyday routine. After all, who wouldn't want to order their coffee like they're about to face off against an army of Klingons? And there you have it, my cosmic voyagers. Until next time, live long and prosper, and remember - in space, no one can hear you scream...unless you've got the Moon in Leo behind you, amplifying your voice for the entire universe to hear.


Mercury is in Libra

Mercury is prograde at 09 Lib 18' 17", moving at 1.77 degrees per day, and is 200172000km away and receding.

Mercury Is In Libra

Greetings, intergalactic stargazers! We've got a cosmic doozy on our hands with Mercury, that chatty Cathy of a planet, making itself at home in the diplomatic realm of Libra. Now, before you start screaming "the end is nigh," remember, we're all just tiny specks on a spinning marble hurtling through the vast expanse of the universe. Perspective, people! So, here's the lowdown: Mercury in Libra is like a celestial group therapy session. It's all about communication, harmony, and relationships. And no, not just the romantic ones, although you might find yourself reciting Shakespeare sonnets to your partner or declaring your undying love for pizza (no judgment here). We're talking all kinds of connections: family, friends, coworkers, and yes, even your barista. You know that grudge you've been holding onto against your brother since he broke your limited-edition Star Trek figurine? Time to let it go, friend. Or that co-worker who always manages to microwave fish in the office? Maybe approach them with some gentle olfactory advice. Mercury in Libra wants us to balance those scales, seek justice, and bring peace to the galaxy, one awkward conversation at a time. But here's the twist: Libra's peaceful tendencies could turn us into cosmic doormats if we're not careful. In our quest for harmony, we might swallow our words, sugar-coat our feelings, or bury our heads in the sand (or moon dust, if you prefer). Remember, being 'nice' isn't the same as being honest. It's okay to rock the spaceship a bit. As long as you're respectful and open-minded, disagreement can actually lead to a deeper connection. So, don your spacesuits, boldly go forth, and make sure to communicate like your life depends on it (because sometimes, it really does). So, as Mercury sidles up to Libra in this cosmic dance, remember to communicate, compromise, and for goodness' sake, don't microwave fish in the office. Happy stargazing!


Venus is in Virgo

Venus is prograde at 01 Vir 02' 40", moving at 0.87 degrees per day, and is 88435776km away and receding.

Venus Is In Virgo

Greetings, cosmic travelers! Buckle up because we're embarking on a celestial journey and our first stop is Venus - currently chilling in Virgo, and just a smidge over 88 million kilometers away, give or take a few decimal points. As the universe's cosmic disco ball shimmers in the Virgoan corner, it's all about the love vibe. But listen here, folks, it's not the gooey, sappy, sticky kind of love we're talking about. Oh no, it's more like the kind you'd expect from Mr. Spock if he decided to venture into the realm of romance. Logical, precise, and a tad bit critical. Under the Venus in Virgo influence, we're all encouraged to channel our inner Sherlock Holmes of love. That means examining our relationships, not with a casual glance, but through a high-powered telescope of scrutiny. Are we getting what we signed up for? Or are we settling for a love that's as lukewarm as last week's latte? If you're single, this is your chance to view potential partners under an incisive microscope. Those red flags you usually miss will be as glaringly obvious as a supernova in a pitch-black galaxy. So, brace yourself, love may seem to take a backseat, but hey, who said you can't enjoy a good book while riding solo? Now, don't panic, my dear coupled cosmonauts. Sure, Venus in Virgo might make you a bit nit-picky, but remember, every cloud has a silver lining and even black holes have a gravitational pull. Constructive dialogue can turn this period of criticism into a time of growth. Who knows, by the end of this transit, your relationship could be as harmonious as an Orion's belt! And while you might think this all sounds as appealing as a Klingon poetry reading, let me assure you, Venus in Virgo can be sexy. It's an earth sign after all, and they know a thing or two about grounding and pleasure. So, whether it's savoring a delicious meal, appreciating art, or exploring the wonders of nature (wink wink), enjoy the best of what the universe has to offer. Just remember, during this transit, we're all a bit more reserved. So, unless you fancy a love story as short-lived as a comet's tail, don't expect any whirlwind romances. In short, my celestial comrades, Venus in Virgo is all about


Mars is in Libra

Mars is prograde at 28 Lib 42' 50", moving at 0.67 degrees per day, and is 381172998km away and receding.

Mars Is In Libra

Beam me up, Mars!

Alright cosmic cruisers, it's time to buckle up and strap in because our fiery friend Mars has taken a detour through the cordial constellation of Libra. Translation: Mars is now 381170131.213923156km away! Not that you asked, but I did the math anyway. It's just how I roll.

Mars in Libra is kind of like if Spock suddenly decided to take up couples counseling. It might seem a bit out of character, but then you remember that Vulcan's prize balance and logic, and it all starts to make sense. Just like our favorite pointy-eared alien, Mars is swapping out its usual 'shoot first, ask questions later' approach for a more diplomatic vibe.

We're talking less 'Game of Thrones' and more 'Friends'. Less fire and fury, more Ross and Rachel. Will they or won't they? With Mars in Libra, we're all about finding the balance between what we want and what others need. And let's be honest, who doesn't want to avoid the drama of a Red Wedding scenario in their relationships?

But here's the real cosmic joke: while we're all busy playing nice and trying not to rock the spaceship, we might just forget that there are asteroids to dodge. Yes, you heard it here first folks, ignoring problems does not make them disappear into a black hole. So, use this time of peace and harmony to actually discuss the difficult stuff. You'll find you have a newfound ability to talk about these issues without wanting to launch someone into the nearest galaxy.

And remember, while Libra might be more pacifist than protestor, it doesn't mean you should stop fighting for what's right. In fact, now's the perfect time to stand up for justice. Just remember, while Mars might be raring to go, Libra is more about taking its sweet time. So take a breath, count to ten, and then make your move. Because in space, no one can hear you scream... unless you're on a Zoom call.

So to sum it up, with Mars in Libra, it's all about balance, fairness, and love. And if we can manage that, then we're definitely on the right cosmic path. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a date with my telescope!


Jupiter is in Taurus

Jupiter is retrograde at 13 Tau 32' 20", moving backwards at 0.11 degrees per day, and is 607273781km away and approaching.

Jupiter Is In Taurus

Greetings, my celestial explorers! Time to polish your telescopes and dust off your star maps because guess what? Jupiter, the big guy, the king of the cosmic playground, has decided to park itself in Taurus for a bit. Now, I know what you're thinking: "But oh space-aged sage, what does this mean?" Well, I'm glad you asked, because it's about to get real deep, real fast. Jupiter, your friendly neighbourhood planet of wisdom, is cozying up with Taurus, the zodiac's most laid-back sign. It's like Yoda decided to chill out at The Big Lebowski's beach house. The result? A reminder that we've got all the answers inside us. That's right, no need to phone a friend or ask the audience, you're your own millionaire. You just have to sift through the daily noise and tune into your inner oracle. Now, with Jupiter in Taurus, it's like getting a cosmic green light to start working towards your dreams. You know that thing you've been daydreaming about while waiting for your coffee to brew? Or maybe that goal you scribbled on a post-it note and stuck on your fridge? Now's the perfect time to start making it a reality. Jupiter's got the growth spurt energy, and Taurus brings the stubborn perseverance, so together, they're like the ultimate life coach duo. Just remember, slow and steady wins the race! But wait, there's more! Jupiter, the cosmic Santa Claus, is in Taurus, the sign of cold hard cash. Can you see where I'm going with this? That's right, folks! It's like a cosmic lottery ticket! So, check those piggy banks, review those investments, and maybe buy that fancy latte once in a while. But before you start shopping for that gold-plated yacht, remember Taurus' love for the good life. With Jupiter, the planet of "more is more," in this sign, it's easy to mix up needs and wants. So, while you're considering buying that third pair of designer boots because they're in taupe this time, remember to practice some cosmic restraint. After all, Jupiter might be in Taurus, but your bank account isn't infinite! So, buckle up, my celestial buddies! It's going to be a wild ride, but remember: you've got the wisdom of the stars inside you. Now go out there and shine!


Saturn is in Pisces

Saturn is retrograde at 01 Pis 02' 19", moving backwards at 0.04 degrees per day, and is 1351925874km away and receding.

Saturn Is In Pisces

Great Scott! Saturn, the cosmic taskmaster, has parked its celestial Delorean in Pisces! That's right, folks, we are 1.35 billion kilometers deep into an astrological flux capacitor moment! Hold on to your hoverboards, because Saturn is currently in retrograde, which basically means it's time-traveling through the zodiac backwards. Saturn in Pisces is like Doc Brown giving Marty McFly a pep talk about following his dreams, but with a twist of practicality. You know that wild daydream you have about becoming a world-renowned banana bread baker or a Nobel-prize-winning scientist? Well, now's the time to make like a tree and get outta here...towards your dreams, that is! But remember, this isn’t all rainbows and gigawatts. Saturn, the Big Cheese of Discipline, doesn't just hand out free passes to Dreamville. He's going to knock on the door of your subconscious and it might feel like he's snooping around your secret stash of hopes and dreams. But don't go tossing up "Keep Out" signs just yet, because this celestial dad's advice is worth its weight in plutonium. Here's the catch: with so much cosmic energy zapping around your dreams and sleep, you may end up feeling as restless as a DeLorean on an empty tank. This is where your inner Marty must step in - take a breath, meditate, or even take a leisurely hoverboard ride through the park. And if you feel like hitting the hay earlier than usual, go for it! Just don't forget your dream journal by your bedside - you might wake up with the blueprint for a real-life flux capacitor. Saturn in Pisces is not just a pit stop; it's a cosmic coaching session with the potential to bring your wildest dreams to life. So buckle up, dreamers, because where we're going, we don't need roads...just a little bit of cosmic guidance.


Uranus is in Taurus

Uranus is retrograde at 22 Tau 22' 28", moving backwards at 0.03 degrees per day, and is 2813423500km away and approaching.

Uranus Is In Taurus

Well, well, well, my cosmic kittens, brace yourselves for laughs, gasps, and maybe a few "Holy Uranus!" because our celestial friend, the rebel planet Uranus, has just decided to crash at Taurus' place. Now, Taurus is your comfy grandpa in a recliner, always happy with his old-school, vintage ways. Change isn’t really his jam. But then, whoosh! Enter Uranus, the cosmic equivalent of a techno DJ at a bingo night. Taurus might grumble a bit, but let's face it, those bingo nights could do with a bit of a shake-up! With Uranus in Taurus, you can expect the unexpected. It's like a surprise party where the surprise is the party suddenly turns into a global economic forum. From new forms of currency popping up to dramatic changes in banking, get ready to see some real action. It's like watching an interstellar episode of Wall Street. Buckle up, my cosmic adventurers! On a more personal note, this whole Uranus-Taurus combo is like a cosmic Marie Kondo coming to declutter your financial life. The bad news? You might have to say goodbye to some things you're attached to. The good news? You'll find yourself breaking free from all those pesky financial chains - debts, taxes, that nasty credit card interest. So what if we're a bit uncomfortable? So was the first man who thought of replacing horses with horsepower. Changes are coming, my stargazers, and they're here to stay. So, let's embrace them, whether we like it or not (I'm looking at you Taurus). In the end, we might just find ourselves in a much better place, financially stable and free. So grab your telescopes and your sense of humor, because the cosmos is serving up something wild and we're all invited to the party!


Neptune is in Pisces

Neptune is retrograde at 25 Pis 42' 46", moving backwards at 0.03 degrees per day, and is 4334059312km away and receding.

Neptune Is In Pisces

Ah, Neptune! The mystical, dreamy planet, currently doing the backstroke in the sign of Pisces. Now, I know what you're thinking, "What does this mean for me? What cosmic ballet is unfolding?" Well, buckle up my dear stargazers, because we are in for quite a journey. Imagine, if you will, our blueish-green friend Neptune. It's billions of kilometers away - 4,334,034,170.741760254km to be precise. So distant, yet so influential. You see, Neptune has gone retrograde, which in astrological terms means it appears to be moving backward from our perspective here on Earth. Think of it as the universe's way of saying, "Whoa there, champ! Let's take a moment to reflect and reconsider." Neptune in Pisces is like your favorite science fiction novel come to life. It's all about embracing the abstract, unifying everything, and making peace with contradictions. It's the cosmic equivalent of a group hug, really. Suddenly, all those petty differences and disagreements seem as insignificant as a speck of dust on Mars. It's not just about warm fuzzies either. This celestial event is also nudging us to examine what we can contribute to our collective progress and healing. We all have unique gifts and dreams, even if yours involves collecting Star Trek memorabilia. This is the perfect time to boldly go where you haven't before. Maybe that's taking a course in something spiritual or setting up an altar at home. It's about connecting with what feels sacred and then, sharing it with the world. I know, I know, it sounds like a Vulcan Mind Meld but trust me, the energy of Neptune in Pisces has got your back. In short, my dear stargazers, while Neptune may be 4 billion kilometers away and seemingly doing its best moonwalk impression, its influence is very much present. So, embrace your inner Spock, tap into that emotional intelligence, and let's take this cosmic journey together.


Pluto is in Capricorn

Pluto is retrograde at 27 Cap 53' 31", moving backwards at 0 degrees per day, and is 5184983676km away and receding.

Pluto Is In Capricorn

Howdy, celestial cowboys and cowgirls! Y'all buckle up now because Pluto – that cosmic underdog that we like to pretend isn't a planet (but secretly, we all know it is) – is tangoing with Capricorn, the zodiac's very own CEO. This is like when your favorite rock band does a collaboration with an opera singer; it's weird but shockingly harmonious! So, what does this mean for us earthlings? Well, if you've ever tried to hold a conversation with a goat on a mountain (Capricorn's spirit animal, no kidding!), you'll know they're not much for chit chat. They're too busy climbing. And Pluto, bless its icy heart, ain't much different. Put them together and you've got a cosmic powerhouse that's all business, no play. Now, I'm not saying you should start stomping over people to get what you want, but if there was ever a time to channel your inner Bill Gates or Beyoncé, it's now. But remember, folks, these celestial bodies are about as cuddly as a cactus. They're focused on results, not feelings. So, don't be surprised if you find yourself a bit more dismissive of others' ideas. It's not you, it's the cosmos. And then there's Pluto, always trying to shake things up. It's like that friend who convinces you to cut your hair real short, and you regret it immediately, but then realize it was the best decision ever. This is Pluto's way of telling you to toss out the old patterns that are just as useful as a chocolate teapot. So, here's your mission, should you choose to accept it: Be bold, be brave, and make sure to check your rearview mirror before you go bulldozing through life. After all, it's not just about reaching the top of the mountain, it's about enjoying the climb. And remember, in the wise words of our beloved Wash, "I'm a leaf on the wind, watch how I soar." So go ahead, cosmic voyagers, soar!

Current Planetary Aspects

Sun16 Lib 41' 25"
Moon27 Leo 11' 23"
Mercury09 Lib 18' 17"
Venus01 Vir 02' 40"
Mars28 Lib 42' 50"
Jupiter13 Tau 32' 20" R
Saturn01 Pis 02' 19" R
Uranus22 Tau 22' 28" R
Neptune25 Pis 42' 46" R
Pluto27 Cap 53' 31" R

Current Planetary Positions


Venus Sextile Mars

Harmony in social activities is highlighted today. Activities with the opposite sex are enjoyable and rewarding. Romance is in your blood. Show someone you care for them. They will appreciate your sharing your feelings. Clean your house and do that redecorating you had planned. Make your surroundings more beautiful.It is easy for these people to attract attention of the positive kind. They radiate charm, vitality, and enthusiasm on some level that others appreciate. Not inclined to try to cover up their flaws, these people have a way of presenting themselves in a straightforward manner, and their ability to admit their mistakes and their fumbles only adds to their charm. They find it easy and natural to get along with both sexes quite equally. They possess considerable creative talent, but whether or not they use it is dependent on other factors. They may take their own talents for granted and often need some kind of stimulus or encouragement to do something with them. One of the reasons for this is the fact that their creativity comes so naturally to them that they may be surprised when others recognize their talents. Similarly, they usually possess athletic ability and may need some encouragement to develop it.The trine aspect is the more dynamic of the two harmonious aspects. Those with the sextile can call upon these traits when needed, and those with the trine between the Venus and Mars have incorporated the traits of the aspect into their personalities, expressing them naturally and consistently.Interpretation sample from the Karmic Insight report — Actively creating harmony and beauty through your work, art, or with people is part of what you are here to do. You have developed a harmonious coordination between the masculine and feminine energies within yourself; thus, you combine strength with grace, power with elegance, decisiveness and effort with pleasure, passion with tenderness and sensitivity. You have a romantic soul.Some positive expressions of this pattern might include athletic activities that have an aesthetic appeal, such as figure skating, or artistic endeavors that are active, such as performing dance or opera singing.Actively bringing people together in some way, for mutual pleasure and benefits, is also one of your gifts.Some Famous People with Venus in Harmonious Aspect to Mars: Sextiles – Pamela Anderson, Shannen Doherty, Ian Thorpe, Harry Belafonte, Kirk Cameron, Francis Ford Coppola, Jane Curtin, Matt Damon, Robert DeNiro, Harrison Ford, Erich Fromm, Crispin Glover, Elliott Gould, Amy Jo Johnson, Bob Newhart, Molly Ringwald, Robin Williams; Trines – Melissa Anderson, Jason Bateman, Pierre Cardin, Natalie Cole, John Coltrane, Mick Jagger, Ann Jillian, Billie Jean King, Marilyn Manson, Joe Montana, Bonnie Raitt, Eva Mendes, Britney Spears.


Venus Opposite Saturn

You may feel very unloved. You may see people as cold and calculating. People's lack of sympathy may depress you to the bone today. Social, financial, and romantic problems and disappointments characterize this transit. Selfishness and a lack of consideration are probably the reasons. You reap what you sow and now is a good time to analyze yourself and your relationships. There may be difficulties and delays with respect to women in general.Giving and receiving love are not flowing and natural for people born with Venus in hard aspect to Saturn. Blockages are experienced, and love relationships may be a source of frustration as a result, until the natives learn to love themselves, and to feel worthy of love from others. Duty is often associated with love, and some might find themselves stuck in a loveless marriage, for example. Especially in youth, these people might feel awkward in some social situations, unsure of how to express affections, and fearful of rejection. Problematic Saturn positions often get better with age, experience, and practice, however! In its more negative expression, some people with this position learn to scheme in order to get what they want from a partner, or they might treat partnerships as if they were businesses.These aspects can make natives especially sensitive to “cues” that suggest they are not loved or rejected in some way. People with Venus-Saturn in hard aspect can often “expect” rejection in issues of love and care, whether they are conscious of this tendency or not. This can often lead to negative situations in love — and bad timing or the feeling of having “bad luck” in relationships.People with Venus in hard aspect to Saturn might either downplay their physical appearance or pay excessive attention to it. Either way, self-consciousness with adornments is common. Often, people with this position sell themselves short. They are not risk takers when it comes to relationships, often choosing a path that they feel is safe, even if it is an uncomfortable one. Fear of giving can also express itself through tight-fistedness with money.The key to handling these aspects is to learn to loosen up and relax. Know that you may be oversensitive to rejection — and try to gain some perspective when you feel your love is not being returned to your satisfaction. Are you truly letting love in, or is there a part of you that is scared? Could your expectations and “heaviness” in the area of relationships (you might take love more seriously than most) be getting in the way of accepting love and affection? Venus-Saturn people may have deep-seated feelings of being unworthy of love, even if they are able to rationalize and decide otherwise!Alternate interpretations: Venus square Saturn or Venus opposition Saturn: *You are serious and find it difficult to enjoy yourself in a lighthearted, open and playful way with others. You rarely do something purely for pleasure, and can be very close-fisted and parsimonious. Perhaps due to painful separations in your early life, you are very cautious about becoming close to people and sharing your feelings. Though you crave love and affection, intimacy is difficult for you. You may become romantically involved with people who do not value you or treat you well. You need to learn to love and value yourself before you will find happiness in love.#You may find that your best sexual relationships are with individuals who are significantly older or younger than yourself. The role of teacher is so significant in your life that it may pervade your love life. You will need to overcome a sense of reserve or inhibition to deepen your spiritual connection. From the Your Spiritual Path report.Some Famous People with Venus in Hard Aspect to Saturn: Squares – Milton Berle, Julia Child, Mia Farrow, Michael J. Fox, Frank Gifford, Merv Griffin, Adolf Hitler, Dustin Hoffman, Anthony Hopkins, Michael Landon, k.d. lang, Janet Leigh, Charles Manson, Steve McQueen, Joni Mitchell, Dudley Moore, Christina Onassis, Joe Pesci, Michelle Pfeiffer, Lisa Marie Presley, Alicia Silverstone, Oprah Winfrey. Oppositions – Sandra Bernhard, Lisa Bonet, Clint Eastwood, Billy Ray Cyrus, Jimi Hendrix, Victor Hugo, Chaka Khan, Jerry Lee Lewis, Kenny Loggins, Chuck Mangione, Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, Luciano Pavarotti, Richard Pryor, Frank Sinatra.


Mars Trine Saturn

You will have no problems today with work that is demanding or detailed. You are organized, deliberate, patient, exacting, attentive, and have plenty of stamina. This is a terrific day to do mundane, routine, or boring jobs as they won't seem quite so distasteful. Make the most of today and get plenty of things done.You know how to get to your goals in life by steady, patient, and persistent progress. You have good, practical overviews of the final result of your efforts. You are good at planning a strategy and sticking to it. You build your projects and your life with bedrock security in mind, with as little risk as possible. Discipline, patience, hard work, and the blessing of good judgment work together to form a picture that looks like “luck” to others. — Interpretation sample from the In Depth report.The trine aspect is the more dynamic of the two harmonious aspects. Those with the sextile can call upon these traits when needed, and those with the trine between the Mars and Saturn have incorporated the traits of the aspect into their personalities, expressing them naturally and consistently.Mars sextile Saturn or Mars trine Saturn: *You possess the gifts of endurance and perseverance, the willingness to work hard and seriously to achieve your objectives. Once you decide you want something or make a commitment, you’ll do it “even if it takes forever”. Self-discipline is natural to you and you instinctively realize that any creative achievement is “10% inspiration, 90% perspiration”. You choose practical, realistic goals and pursue them step-by-step in a well-planned, orderly way. You like to concentrate on one thing at a time and do a thorough job. You enjoy working in solitude, and often feel your best work is done when you are alone.#You may find that you go from one transformational situation to another, never really settling into any one thing. Yet you have the endurance necessary for the long haul.Some Famous People with Mars in Harmonious Aspect to Saturn: Sextiles – Thomas Edison, Alfred Adler, Galileo, Camilla Parker Bowles, Freddie Prinze, Corbin Bernsen, Catherine the Great, Omar Sharif, Ben Stiller, Barbara Walters; Trines – Denzel Washington, Rudolph Steiner, Josef Stalin, Yves Saint Laurent, Emily Post, Marilyn Monroe, Sinclair Lewis, David Letterman, Annie Lennox, Leonardo Da Vinci, Andy Griffith, Dwight Eisenhower, Eric Clapton, Kevin Butler, Kareem Abdul Jabar.


Mars Square Pluto

This is the time where others might impose their will on you or you on them. Your ambition is high, as is that of others. This could lead to head-butting instead of cooperation. You can accomplish a lot today, but do not do so by running roughshod over the feelings or ideas of others. Today is not the day to lock horns with the boss or those in authority. Cool your jets. How you handle opposition from others today will go a long way in determining just how successful your actions will be. Keep your nose clean today and avoid all underhanded tactics. Remember, you will reap what you sow. Respect the rights and ideas of others. Try to see things their way and give them the benefit of the doubt.This is a powerful aspect in a natal chart suggesting, in your life time, you very often see extremes of behavior and experiences, or go through crises more than most. You may be no stranger to violence or abuse. You learn through your experiences self-control and self-awareness so that you are better equipped to deal with these extremes. You are wonderful to have around in times of crises, as you can quickly take the lead and you can be undaunted when it comes to defending or helping those you love. Your desires are deep, intense, and sometimes troubling. At times, you seem to attract strong opposition, perhaps because your own nature is rather provocative. You are a natural-born fighter. You can also be quite driven to find answers, and you make a good psychologist, analyst, and investigator. Compulsive behaviors should be watched carefully, as they can consume you and lead you to risky endeavors and difficult scenarios. There can be a strong desire to be in control. You have a tendency to impose your will upon others, which can cause severe problems for yourself when they react in self-defense. You have a hair-trigger temper and may even resort to verbal or physical abuse when upset. Learning to react to unpleasant circumstances with your intellect rather than your emotions comes with maturity. It’s also possible that you experience many extremes in life, and that you are on the receiving end of difficult tempers more than most.It is all too easy for you to find something negative about a situation. Avoid issuing ultimatums when you meet an obstacle. Instead, find a way to convince others to work with you of their own free will. Ordinary life often seems drab and uninteresting to you and you must have something that stirs your imagination, some vision or ideal or dream to motivate you. You have a strong urge to act out your fantasies or to live your dream, and you will DO things that others only talk about or dream about. Artistic creation, drama, or other areas in which you can express yourself imaginatively are excellent for you.You do not easily tolerate a dominating attitude in others. You have a healthy respect for power and authority, but only if it is handled fairly.This aspect gives you a somewhat Scorpionic attitude toward your lovers, and it can modify the traits associated with the sign of your Mars considerably. In other words, there is a distinct possessive and demanding streak in your sexual nature. Your approach to love and sex can be quite intense at times. Your sexual desire nature is a very strong one, and you may even use sex as a bargaining chip in your relationships in order to achieve your goals. More likely, however, is a very focused and intense sexual nature. This also adds a very magnetic quality to your appeal. When a woman finds you attractive, it can transform into a near obsession! Your aura is strong and somewhat mysterious. You tend to come across as stronger than you intend. In fact, some people are intimidated by you, and you may not understand why this is so. When you want something (or someone!) you are very determined. For you, it can be “all or nothing”. When you are finished with something, you leave it behind you and there is no going back. You want a deep, soulful attachment on a sexual level. In your love life you do not take rejection well. You fear betrayal and abandonment, and this can skew your perception of your lover. You have a highly developed sex drive, but you must learn to rein in your aggressiveness in this area. Power struggles and control issues may surface often in your relationships. — Interpretation from our LoveStyles: About Him Report.#You perceive the cruel edge in people, and understand its source. As you deal with your own ruthlessness, you learn how to respond to it in others without risking your physical well-being. Self-confidence develops out of self-control in your interaction with others.Some Famous People with the Mars in Hard Aspect to Pluto: Squares – Oprah Winfrey, Bruce Lee, Mel Gibson, Jeremy Irons, Patrick Swayze. Oppositions – Kirk Douglas, Farrah Fawcett, Kirstie Alley.

Notes about Transits

Mars is all about action, and where Mars is in our chart with transits is a place where we are prepared to stand our ground. Mars transits can be really productive, but they can also be angsty, aggressive, and sometimes come from a place of anger. It's important to pay attention to how you direct that energy. Mars transits can last for up to a couple weeks.
Jupiter transits enhance your life with optimism and forward-thinking, and lasting for about a month, give you plenty of time to take advantage. Bigger and better is Jupiter's way of thinking, and should be yours as well.
Saturn transits, on the other hand, are where we get a major reality check, and if we’re not ready for them, they can be pretty rotten. Of course, if we’re prepared and up to the task, Saturn transits can also bring very well-deserved rewards, too. Saturn transits last a bit longer than Jupiter transits—usually 2 months or so at a time, but with retrograde cycles, you could be looking at the same lessons three times over a 6 month period.
The outer planets, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto last for such a long time that they make long-lasting impacts on our lives. In fact, Neptune and Pluto can last for two to three years! Consider their effects, plan accordingly, and make them part of your life for the better.

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