By The Chip Witch on Wednesday, 27 September 2023
Category: ChipWitch Today

ChipWitch Today for 27 September, 2023

Chipwitch Today!

This is Chipwitch Today, your daily source of reliable data upon which you can base your daily practice.

27 September, 2023

Solar activity was at low levels. Region 3435 (N09W51, Dai/Beta-Delta) maintained a weak delta signature this period, grew slightly, but was relatively quiet. Region 3443 (N26W95, Eso/Beta-Gamma) rotated mostly out of view and thus assumed mostly unchanged, while remaining quiet as well. Region 3445 (S13W223, Dai/Beta-Gamma) was little changed and produced the majority of the C-class flare activity with a C5.7 at 26/0428 UTC being the largest of the period. Region 3449 (N15E47, Cro/Beta-Gamma) was numbered this period, showing signs of quick development and evolving magnetic configuration. New, simple spots were observed near center disk, but remain unnumbered at this time due to lifespan and absence of flaring.

The solar kp index is unsettled, with retrograde effects slightly enhanced. The solar wind speed is currently above average, making retrograde effects moderately increased.

Solar wind parameters reflected continued CME influences and a faster solar wind regime. Total field gradually decreased from 15 nT to 11 nT, the Bz component underwent a sustained southward deflection of -10 to -12 nT, and wind speeds ~420-500 km/s until approximately 1100 UTC. After this time, total field decreased gradually from 8 nT to 2 nT, the Bz component was mostly +/- 3 nT, and wind speeds increased to ~530 km/s. Phi was positive until approximately 26/1017 UTC, became variable until 1516 UTC, and was negative thereafter.

There is a 35% chance of solar activity, with a 20% chance of a minor event, a 1% chance of a moderate event, and a 1% chance of a strong event.

The waxing moon is currently in Pisces, at 03 degrees, 45' 56", at a velocity of 15 degrees per day.

The Waxing Gibbous moon is currently 12.3 days old. It is 363377.92 km from the centre of the Earth.

The next new moon is at 17:55:08, 14 Oct, 2023. The next full moon is at 20:24:27, 28 Oct, 2023.

Planetary Information

The Sun

The Sun is in Libra

The Sun is at 03 Lib 53' 49", and is 149966002km away and approaching.

The Moon

The Moon is in Pisces

The Moon is at 03 Pis 45' 56", and is 360440km away and approaching.

Moon Is In Pisces

Well, well, my celestial voyagers! Lookie here! Our beloved Luna has gone and thrown herself a Pisces party. Now, don't go getting all kerfluffled - I know, I know, the Moon is exactly 360513.482887571km away (yes, we're keeping tabs). No, you can't just hitch a ride on Serenity to pay her a visit. But that's the beauty of astronomy, ain't it? It's all about feeling the vibes from afar. Now, when the Moon is canoodling with Pisces, things tend to get a little...what's the word? Ah, yes, 'dreamy'. It's like we've all collectively drifted off into some sort of cosmic daydream where everything's all rainbows and unicorns. You might find yourself feeling a mite more intuitive, maybe even psychic. Don't fret, you're not turning into River. It's just Pisces doing its thing. So, what to do when the Moon's splashing around in Pisces' waters? Well, for starters, embrace your inner Jayne and let yourself dream big, even if those dreams involve questionable hats. Tap into your inner Wash and let your imagination soar like a leaf on the wind. Just remember, like our favourite mechanic, to keep yourself grounded. And finally, don't forget to show some love to your inner Simon. After all, even in the midst of all this cosmic hokum, science still matters. That moon ain't gonna move any closer, no matter how much moon-eyeing we do. So, buckle up, shiny stars! It's time for a cosmic ride to the land of dreams and intuition, where the rules are made up and the distances don't matter. Enjoy the trip!


Mercury is in Virgo

Mercury is prograde at 17 Vir 17' 02", moving at 1.45 degrees per day, and is 161427136km away and receding.

Mercury Is In Virgo

Ladies, Gentlemen, and Alien life forms of unspecified gender, gather round, buckle up, and put on your thinking caps -- because Mercury is doing a little dance in Virgo, and let me tell you, it's more exciting than the latest episode of Star Trek. First off, let's have a moment of silence for the 161222295.682068616 kilometers that separate us from our fast-footed friend, Mercury. You feel that? That's the cosmic FOMO kicking in. Now, onto the good stuff. Mercury's vacation in Virgo is like a giant celestial espresso shot to our brains. Our minds are sharper than Spock's ears, our words more precise than a Vulcan nerve pinch. We're not about the small talk or the sugar-coating. No, no. This isn't Mary Poppins, folks. We want the hard facts, the raw data, the nitty-gritty details. When Mercury is in Virgo, it's less "Netflix and chill" and more "let's rearrange the entire house because the Feng Shui is off". It's a time of epic productivity, a chance to make progress that's more significant than finally figuring out that Rubik's cube that's been gathering dust on your shelf. But remember, with great power comes great responsibility (thanks, Spider-Man). While we're all buzzing with this discerning energy, there's a danger of becoming as critical as a bad Yelp review. So, while we're all donning our detective hats, let's remember to be as tactful as possible. Think more Sherlock Holmes and less Gordon Ramsay. So, my star gazers, as we navigate this time, remember - it's all in the details. And don't forget, even when Mercury is doing the cha-cha in Virgo, you're still as stellar as the Big Dipper.


Venus is in Leo

Venus is prograde at 20 Leo 57' 02", moving at 0.67 degrees per day, and is 74191911km away and receding.

Venus Is In Leo

Well, well, well, if it isn't that shiny little planet Venus showing off in the flamboyant Leo. You might want to grab your sunglasses and a comfy chair, because the cosmic diva has just taken the stage. This celestial event is like a cosmic Broadway musical, except there are no intermissions, and the only snacks you can get are probably some leftover cosmic dust and a side of gamma radiation. Venus in Leo is like strapping rocket boosters on our feelings and shooting them into space. The bad news is, those feelings could potentially create a black hole of drama. The good news is... well, I'm still trying to figure that out. During this transit, you're not just seeking adoration, you're demanding it. Subtlety? That's for when Venus is in Virgo. Here, we're talking grand declarations, bold gestures, and flamboyant displays of affection. It's like a Shakespearean play on steroids, and guess what? You're the star! But do remember, even stars can supernova if they're not careful. Now, money becomes a means to an end. And by end, I mean making yourself feel like you've just won the cosmic lottery. Leo doesn't do understated charm. It's all about glitz, glamour, and a level of extravagance that would make a supernova blush. Go ahead, treat yourself to that 24-carat gold moon rock you've been eyeing. However, be warned, your bank balance might not appreciate your newfound generosity. Venus in Leo gives us a cosmic shot of adrenaline, turning up the volume on our relationships and reminding us to live a little, because even in a universe as vast and unpredictable as this one, a life without fun is like a black hole – utterly uneventful. So, brace yourself for a roller coaster ride on the cosmic playfield. And remember, in this grand theater of celestial events, there's no such thing as too much drama. After all, we're just stardust playing our parts in this galactic drama. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go recalibrate my sarcasm filters.


Mars is in Libra

Mars is prograde at 20 Lib 01' 13", moving at 0.66 degrees per day, and is 379620412km away and receding.

Mars Is In Libra

Mars in Libra: A Dalek's Perspective

ATTENTION, EARTH BEINGS! Your puny planet Mars is in Libra! You might be asking, "What does this mean for my insignificant human existence?" Well, prepare to be enlightened by the superior intellect of a Dalek!

First off, Mars is not invading Libra, despite what your human brains might think. No, this is more of a cosmic sleepover! And just like every sleepover you've ever been to, the host’s personality traits are contagious.

Mars, the fiery warrior of the cosmos, has decided to take a break and hang out in Libra's chill lounge. Now, instead of his usual "Exterminate! Exterminate!" he's more like, "Dude, can't we all just get along?". He’s trading his plasma gun for a peace sign necklace and a pair of rose-colored glasses.

This means that your tiny Earth relationships will be experiencing a similar transformation. Everyone will become a little more diplomatic, a bit more understanding, and a whole lot more reluctant to start an intergalactic war. In other words, it's time to put away your laser blasters and break out the herbal tea and peace pipe. Your one-on-one partnerships may feel like they're floating on a cloud of cosmic harmony.

But beware! Just because Mars is in Libra doesn't mean you can ignore those pesky black holes in your relationships. It's not about sweeping those aliens under the rug, it's about confronting them with open hearts and open minds. This is your chance to use the power of diplomacy, channeling your inner Captain Kirk, to build lasting peace treaties.

Just remember, Libra is the sign of justice, so it's also a time to stand up for what's right. Yes, even if it means facing the terrifying Cybermen of inequality and injustice!

However, a word of caution: Indecision may be your biggest enemy during this time. Mars is itching to zoom off into the next cosmic adventure, while Libra just wants to sit back and make sure it's all fair play. It's like trying to decide between watching another episode of Doctor Who or finally getting some sleep.

In conclusion, if you're acting with love, intention, and fairness, you're on the right track. So go forth,


Jupiter is in Taurus

Jupiter is retrograde at 14 Tau 43' 47", moving backwards at 0.07 degrees per day, and is 623396358km away and approaching.

Jupiter Is In Taurus

Jupiter Checks Into the Taurus Inn

Alert, alert! Jupiter, our cosmic Santa Claus, has just pulled up his sleigh in the zodiac's version of an all-you-can-eat buffet - Taurus! And let me tell you, if you think your grandma's Thanksgiving spread is bountiful, you ain't seen nothing yet!

Now, I know what you're thinking, "What does this mean for me?" Well, my dear stargazers, it means it's time to tap into your inner Yoda and unleash your dormant wisdom. Yes, you heard me right. It's time to stop scrolling through TikTok, put down that fidget spinner, and channel your inner sage! Your spirit has been on standby mode, kinda like one of those computer screensavers from the 90's. But now, with Jupiter in Taurus, it's time to hit the 'Enter' key and awaken your spiritual desktop.

But hey, this isn't just about navel-gazing. Jupiter in Taurus is also your cosmic green light to finally take action towards those dreams you've been doodling in the margins of your notebook. This is your chance to morph from a sideline dreamer into an on-field doer. You've got Jupiter's growth spurt energy and Taurus' bulldozing stamina cheering you on. So, strap on your helmet, lace up your cleats, and get ready to play the long game!

Now, here's where it gets interesting! Jupiter, being the planet-sized lucky charm that it is, and Taurus, with its Midas touch, may just turn your life into a scene from 'Who Wants to Be a Millionaire'. Yes, you might just find yourself swimming in a sea of good fortune! Just remember, money trees are great, but don't forget to water the other plants in your life too.

And finally, a word of caution. Taurus can be a bit of a couch potato and Jupiter, well, let's just say it's not known for its portion control. So, while you're enjoying this cosmic banquet, remember that too much of anything, even good stuff, can lead to a cosmic food coma. Stay balanced, stay patient, and for goodness' sake, keep your impulses on a leash!

So folks, buckle up! You're about to embark on a journey of wisdom, prosperity, and self


Saturn is in Pisces

Saturn is retrograde at 01 Pis 40' 58", moving backwards at 0.06 degrees per day, and is 1331757620km away and receding.

Saturn Is In Pisces

Saturn in Pisces: A Cosmic Comedy

Alright folks, buckle up and buckle in because Saturn, our favorite celestial taskmaster, has decided to take a swim in the deep end – it's chilling in Pisces. Now, I know, you're thinking, "Saturn in Pisces? Isn't that like inviting an accountant to a poetry slam?" And yes, on the surface, Saturn's rigid structure and Pisces' daydreamy vibes might seem like an odd couple. But, like peanut butter and pickles (don't knock it till you've tried it!), sometimes the most mismatched pairs can create something deliciously unexpected.

Picture this: Saturn is like that nerdy school principal who walks into the gymnasium, adjusts his glasses, and announces a pop quiz. Only this time the subject isn't algebra or history – it's your wildest dreams. Suddenly, that business plan, book draft, or art project you've been daydreaming about doesn’t seem too far-fetched, does it? Yes, it's time to turn all those colorful Piscean dreams into a bulletproof business plan, Saturn style.

However, don't think for a moment that Saturn in Pisces is a cosmic walk in the park. It's more like a rollercoaster ride through your subconscious. If your dream is to become a rockstar and you can't play a note, Saturn may kindly point out that you might need to learn an instrument first. So, if you feel like putting a "Do Not Disturb" sign on your forehead, remember that Saturn is just playing the role of a well-meaning, if somewhat pesky, life coach.

And one last thing: with all this cerebral activity in sleepy Pisces, be prepared for some weird dreams and possibly restless nights. Don't worry though, it's all part of the process. Try meditating before bed or even a moonlit walk. Heck, you could even go wild, drink some chamomile tea and get an early night. Just remember to keep a dream journal handy. After all, who knows what brilliant ideas might come visiting from the realm of dreams under this cosmic influence?

So, folks, enjoy this Saturn in Pisces transit and remember: it’s not about reaching the stars, it’s about learning how to build the rocket!


Uranus is in Taurus

Uranus is retrograde at 22 Tau 43' 46", moving backwards at 0.02 degrees per day, and is 2835494145km away and approaching.

Uranus Is In Taurus

Well, hello there, stargazers! It appears that Uranus is having a little stay-cation in the earthy nook of Taurus. Now, before you go panic-buying canned goods and building a doomsday bunker, let me assure you that this isn't necessarily a bad thing. Uranus, contrary to popular belief, isn't just here to wreak havoc on our lives (although it does have a certain flair for the dramatic). Taurus, on the other hand, is like your favorite pair of old jeans – comfortable, reliable, and resistant to change. And with Uranus in Taurus, it's like someone decided to spray paint those jeans neon green. It's shockingly different and you might not even recognize them anymore, but hey, who said change was always a bad thing? Think of Uranus as the eccentric old uncle who shows up uninvited to family gatherings, bringing with him crazy stories and wild ideas that both unsettle and fascinate you. Taurus, the ever-so-stable bull, might not be thrilled about our unpredictable guest, but Uncle Uranus doesn’t care too much about that. He's here to shake things up! Now, for those of you counting your pennies, prepare for a wild ride. Uranus doesn’t only bring changes in the weather, but also in the financial climate. Imagine Bitcoin, stocks, and bonds all riding a roller coaster while juggling flaming torches. That's Uranus in Taurus for you. On a personal level, this could mean a complete revaluation of your relationship with money and material possessions. Think of it as a cosmic decluttering. Suddenly, those designer shoes that you had to skip meals to afford might seem less appealing, and that mountain of debt might look more like a challenge than a death sentence. Remember, resistance is futile and as productive as arguing with a black hole. Uranus is here for a while, so you might as well get used to the idea of neon green jeans. Embrace the change, my friends, and you might find yourself in a better place when Uranus finally decides to pack its bags. So, hold onto your telescopes, stargazers, it’s going to be a wild ride!


Neptune is in Pisces

Neptune is retrograde at 26 Pis 03' 26", moving backwards at 0.03 degrees per day, and is 4325324650km away and receding.

Neptune Is In Pisces

Well, grab your telescopes and tie-dye lab coats, folks! We're off on an intergalactic adventure! Neptune, our favorite blue-green gas giant (no, not that one that keeps stealing your lunch from the office fridge), has decided to park itself in the sign of Pisces. Now, I know what you're thinking, "My car can't even find parking on a Tuesday, how did a planet find space?" Magic, my friends. Or physics. I always get those two confused. Neptune being in Pisces is like Spock at a Star Trek convention – right at home yet infinitely intriguing. Pisces, known for its emotional depth and spiritual focus, is like a warm, fuzzy blanket for Neptune’s unifying vibes. It's like realizing you've been trying to solve a Rubik’s cube that's actually a 3D printed tofu block – we’re seeing things differently now, and it's okay to laugh about it. This cosmic dance between Neptune and Pisces means we're going to appreciate unity like never before. Like finding out that your arch-nemesis also loves pineapple on pizza - you'll be questioning why you ever cared about some petty differences. It's a time to come together, folks - like a group of Trekkies discussing the merits of the Picard Maneuver. And just when you thought this transit couldn’t get any more mystical, it's also calling us to explore our own gifts and dreams. It’s like finding out you’re the Chosen One in a fantasy novel, but instead of slaying dragons or destroying rings, you're creating a better world. So, whether you have the healing powers of a Cleric, the intellect of a Wizard, or the charisma of a Bard, it's time to roll for initiative and make a difference. Is there a spiritual path that's been calling to you louder than a Wookiee at a karaoke night? Now's the time to answer. Fancy creating an altar space at home? Go ahead, just remember, no sacrificing house plants - they've got feelings too. So, as Neptune retrogrades its way through Pisces, remember: we're all in this cosmic game of Dungeons & Dragons together. And with Neptune in our party, we’ve got the support we need to share our ideas and dreams with the world. So let's get out there and show them what we're made of - stardust, mostly. But also, courage, compassion, and a sense of humor that can make even


Pluto is in Capricorn

Pluto is retrograde at 27 Cap 56' 12", moving backwards at 0.01 degrees per day, and is 5151906401km away and receding.

Pluto Is In Capricorn

Pluto in Capricorn: The Cosmic Stand-Up Comedy Show

Well, well, well, would you look at that? Pluto's thrown a cosmic curveball and decided to hang out in Capricorn, and it's about as comfortable as a porcupine in a balloon factory! That's right, my fellow star-gazers, both Pluto and Capricorn are like those guys at the gym who won't stop hogging all the weights - they're all about success and power.

Now, here's where things get funky-dunky. Just like when you accidentally put on mismatched socks, Pluto and Capricorn aren't exactly the best pair. Their combined energy could make us more dismissive of other people's ideas. It's like they're saying, "My way or the galaxy highway!" So remember to keep your ear trumpets open for different perspectives, or you might end up as popular as a black hole at a star party.

But it's not all doom, gloom, and interstellar dust storms! Pluto, that far-out dwarf planet, is also shouting, "Out with the old, in with the new!" It's like a cosmic spring cleaning, only this time, you're chucking out negative habits instead of unworn clothes and questionable Tupperware leftovers. But remember, folks, this isn't mindless destruction - it's like controlled demolition. You're not just smashing old habits, you're building new ones in their place. So, be intentional about what you're destroying. After all, you don't want to accidentally throw out your sense of humor along with your stubbornness, right?

So there we have it, folks – Pluto in Capricorn, the cosmic equivalent of a sitcom crossover episode. It might be a little chaotic, but hey, who said the universe was supposed to make sense? Buckle up, and enjoy the ride!

Current Planetary Aspects

Sun03 Lib 53' 49"
Moon03 Pis 45' 56"
Mercury17 Vir 17' 02"
Venus20 Leo 57' 02"
Mars20 Lib 01' 13"
Jupiter14 Tau 43' 47" R
Saturn01 Pis 40' 58" R
Uranus22 Tau 43' 46" R
Neptune26 Pis 03' 26" R
Pluto27 Cap 56' 12" R

Current Planetary Positions


Mercury Trine Jupiter

Your mental judgment is excellent today. Plans you make are well thought out, broad, and focused on seeing both the details and the larger picture. Travel, both mental and physical should be rewarding today. Take care of all legal issues and contracts as the force is with you today. Make long range plans now.Your ideas are big and your intentions noble. You are excellent at seeing the big picture, drawing conclusions, problem solving, and making accurate observations. You love to learn, and spend your life actively absorbing information. Many of you make good teachers with your sincere love of learning and sharing ideas with others. You are also very positive in your communications, readily inspiring others with what you say and how you say it. You are skilled at turning information into an advantage, and in some ways seem to be quite lucky. You are tolerant of other perspectives and ideas, and naturally avoid narrow-minded thinking–in fact you have a huge distaste for it. You are generally at ease conversing with people from all walks of life. You might be especially attracted to learning other languages and learning about foreign cultures. Travel is something that you are strongly attracted to.You are very tolerant, generous and optimistic. You always see the positive side of situations and you are very respectful of the traditions and opinions of others. You have a lot of ability for organizing and planning enterprises. You enjoy traveling and any other activity that helps expand your mind. You possess an ease of communication and the facility of learning other languages. — from the Adult report.The trine aspect is the more dynamic of the two harmonious aspects. Those with the sextile can call upon these traits when needed, and those with the trine between the Mercury and Jupiter have incorporated the traits of the aspect into their personalities, expressing them naturally and consistently.Some Famous People with Mercury in Harmonious Aspect to Jupiter: Trines – Jennifer Aniston, Lucie Arnaz, Tom Berger, Wade Boggs, Tony Curtis, Kirk Douglas, Lou Ferrigno, Sean Flannery, Marilyn Manson, Groucho Marx, Jim Morrison, Jack Nicholson, Diana Ross, Yves Saint-Laurent, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Oprah Winfrey.


Venus Sextile Mars

Harmony in social activities is highlighted today. Activities with the opposite sex are enjoyable and rewarding. Romance is in your blood. Show someone you care for them. They will appreciate your sharing your feelings. Clean your house and do that redecorating you had planned. Make your surroundings more beautiful.It is easy for these people to attract attention of the positive kind. They radiate charm, vitality, and enthusiasm on some level that others appreciate. Not inclined to try to cover up their flaws, these people have a way of presenting themselves in a straightforward manner, and their ability to admit their mistakes and their fumbles only adds to their charm. They find it easy and natural to get along with both sexes quite equally. They possess considerable creative talent, but whether or not they use it is dependent on other factors. They may take their own talents for granted and often need some kind of stimulus or encouragement to do something with them. One of the reasons for this is the fact that their creativity comes so naturally to them that they may be surprised when others recognize their talents. Similarly, they usually possess athletic ability and may need some encouragement to develop it.The trine aspect is the more dynamic of the two harmonious aspects. Those with the sextile can call upon these traits when needed, and those with the trine between the Venus and Mars have incorporated the traits of the aspect into their personalities, expressing them naturally and consistently.Interpretation sample from the Karmic Insight report — Actively creating harmony and beauty through your work, art, or with people is part of what you are here to do. You have developed a harmonious coordination between the masculine and feminine energies within yourself; thus, you combine strength with grace, power with elegance, decisiveness and effort with pleasure, passion with tenderness and sensitivity. You have a romantic soul.Some positive expressions of this pattern might include athletic activities that have an aesthetic appeal, such as figure skating, or artistic endeavors that are active, such as performing dance or opera singing.Actively bringing people together in some way, for mutual pleasure and benefits, is also one of your gifts.Some Famous People with Venus in Harmonious Aspect to Mars: Sextiles – Pamela Anderson, Shannen Doherty, Ian Thorpe, Harry Belafonte, Kirk Cameron, Francis Ford Coppola, Jane Curtin, Matt Damon, Robert DeNiro, Harrison Ford, Erich Fromm, Crispin Glover, Elliott Gould, Amy Jo Johnson, Bob Newhart, Molly Ringwald, Robin Williams; Trines – Melissa Anderson, Jason Bateman, Pierre Cardin, Natalie Cole, John Coltrane, Mick Jagger, Ann Jillian, Billie Jean King, Marilyn Manson, Joe Montana, Bonnie Raitt, Eva Mendes, Britney Spears.


Venus Square Uranus

Unstable romantic infatuations and impractical or irresponsible attitudes and conduct in relationships should be guarded against. There is a desire to break free from binding partnerships. Impulsive spending may be your idea of breaking free. Be careful during this transit because you are probably not thinking with your head, only your heart, which is your wild side right now. Your behavior now may be so bohemian or bizarre that people turn against you. Settle down and apply self-discipline.The need for stimulation and the need to break the rules with regards to love and romance is apparent when Venus squares or opposes Uranus in the natal chart. These people can confuse their partners readily with their on-again off-again energy when it comes to matters of the heart. With the opposition, this is especially pronounced–when they are given too much space, they feel unloved, yet when they get the love they seem to crave, they can feel smothered by it. They can alienate partners by adopting an “I don’t care what you do” stance when they feel threatened. The truth is, they do fear rejection like anyone else, but they don’t always want to admit it, and they can turn quite cold when they suspect their partner doesn’t care. The energy of Venus-Uranus in hard aspect is embodied in the expression, “Absence makes the heart grow fonder”. When close to a loved one, they can eventually feel smothered or antsy if the relationship becomes too predictable. They can also detach themselves from living in the moment and enjoying the love they have. When apart, they feel more free to love. This aspect is common in the charts of people who maintain long-distance or otherwise erratic relationships. There can be abrupt beginnings and endings in relationships. They are not very “good” at endings–they can appear quite insensitive, aloof, and brusque. The “let’s be friends” attitude might hurt a partner who felt there was much more to the relationship. These people have a disdain for conventional, traditional, or otherwise “normal” relationships. They need to learn to balance their need for closeness and their need for freedom. They truly detest social pretenses, and insist on being sincere. Being well-liked takes second place to sincerity. There is a strong attraction to all that is different, and all that “shouldn’t” be done in love and in sex. Taste in clothing and art is unusual, original, and unique.There is a tendency to react spontaneously and intensely to others, and there is marked emotional impulsiveness with these aspects. Their most successful relationships are unconventional ones. Whether they do so publicly or privately, they delight in defying convention. They tend to move on and outgrow friendships. Some possess considerable romantic charm and humor, and they can pretty much charm the birds out of the trees when they choose to do so! Their love feelings are easily aroused and their romantic relationships begin with suddenness. There is a marked inner craving for emotional excitement and a need to feel spontaneous and free.Alternate interpretations:Venus square Uranus or Venus opposition Uranus: *Your love feelings are easily aroused and your romantic relationships begin with a sudden electric attraction, but they often end abruptly, and you may be in and out of love frequently – especially in your younger years. You crave emotional excitement and need to feel spontaneous and free, so you may avoid making firm personal commitments. Unusual or nontraditional forms of love and relationships appeal to you, and you are attracted to unique, creative, or unstable people.#You tend to fall in love instantly, and you need to discriminate between passing sexual fancy and something that can last “forever.” As your intuition develops, you will be able to identify the difference more clearly. When you “fall,” that is a good time to marshal all your respect for yourself and your partner, and to take things one day at a time until you have forged a deep connection. From Your Spiritual Path report.Some Famous People with the Venus in Hard Aspect to Uranus: Squares – Angelina Jolie, Diana Princess of Wales, Jean-Claude Van Damme, Corbin Bernsen, Naomi Campbell, Chevy Chase, Alice Cooper, Juliette Lewis, Anais Nin, Jean Piaget, Elvis Presley, Valerie Harper, Kirk Douglas, Johnny Depp, Barbara De Angelis, Kim Hunter, Tony Curtis, Carson Daly; Oppositions – Getrude Stein, Dionne Warwick, Sharon Stone, Carl Sandburg, Bonnie Raitt, Robert Pattinson, Deborah Kerr, Jack London, Jesse Jackson, Sean Connery, Ian Fleming, Ellen DeGeneres.

Notes about Transits

Mars is all about action, and where Mars is in our chart with transits is a place where we are prepared to stand our ground. Mars transits can be really productive, but they can also be angsty, aggressive, and sometimes come from a place of anger. It's important to pay attention to how you direct that energy. Mars transits can last for up to a couple weeks.
Jupiter transits enhance your life with optimism and forward-thinking, and lasting for about a month, give you plenty of time to take advantage. Bigger and better is Jupiter's way of thinking, and should be yours as well.
Saturn transits, on the other hand, are where we get a major reality check, and if we’re not ready for them, they can be pretty rotten. Of course, if we’re prepared and up to the task, Saturn transits can also bring very well-deserved rewards, too. Saturn transits last a bit longer than Jupiter transits—usually 2 months or so at a time, but with retrograde cycles, you could be looking at the same lessons three times over a 6 month period.
The outer planets, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto last for such a long time that they make long-lasting impacts on our lives. In fact, Neptune and Pluto can last for two to three years! Consider their effects, plan accordingly, and make them part of your life for the better.

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